
The Car Ride Home

"Oh sorry about that. Just a lot of things are in my head right now." Said JinHai

"I left for Korea because I had a good opportunity to do so... and I was right... I met my husband there and had my kid there. He loves it there and so do I. The only bad thing is now he has to do Korea's mandatory military service." Said Min-Ju jokingly

"Oh your husband, I heard a lot about him. Does he look like Yong-Sun? He doesn't look like you"

"No, he looks like her father doesn't he?"

JinHai was gripping the stirring wheel hard

"He kinda reminds of me JinHai" said LiQiu jokingly

"WATCH OUT!" Min-Ju warned

Making JinHai suddenly stop almost crashed into another car

"What wrong with you today... Did you....?"

"No, I didn.t. So, don't worry...its...just a lot of things are in my head right now."

while he was driving he looked at Min-Ju then to Yong-Sun through the rearview mirror and thought

'Is that my son?' He questioned

'He kinda does look like me. But it couldn't be true, because it just wouldn't make sense. She would have told me. Wouldn't she? She wouldn't have left without telling me'

Min-Ju changed the topic and asked LiQiu

"How did you meet JinHai?"

"Oh it's a long story for later cause we are already here..... are you sure this is the place"

"Yeah, it says on the GPS."

"It's massive"

"I know right it's pretty and big. It's bigger than our house in Korea. Appa* bought it for Umma* for her birthday." Yong-Sun said excitedly

"Yeah, this is our house you want to come in for a drink?"

"No, it's fine," LiQui replied before JinHai had a chance to reply

"Say thank you to the agassi* and ahjeossi*"

"gamsahabnida*" Yong-Sun said while bowing

"It's Thank You in Korean... Thank You again" said Min-Ju said while bowing

It's been seven years it's been a force of habit as it's polite in Korea

They watched both Min-Ju and Yong-Sun walk into the big massive house and closing the door

"Wow, her husband must be loaded.... she must be so lucky." Said LiQiu

"Yeah, she must be lucky she deserves it" replied JinHai

He started driving the car looking at the massive house in the rearview mirror

Thinking to himself is she really happy? She didn't sound happy when they were dancing.

3 Hours Later...

Min-Ju just finished tucking Yong-Sun into bed

She went downstairs wearing a white sweater and black skirt and poured herself a well-deserved glass of wine

She took a large gulp

When suddenly...

"DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG" The doorbell kept ringing

She thought who would come at this late hour

She went to see it was on the screen but it was covered by a mystery person

She decided to let it go as the ringing stopped

But then...


There was more ringing

Min-Ju was getting annoying and opened the door

"Who are..."

Standing at the door was JinHai

A drunk JinHai

*ahjeossi 아저씨=Man/Sir(Formal)

*agassi 아가씨=Woman/Lady(Formal)

*gamsahabnida 감사합니다= Thank You

*Umma 엄마=Mom

*Appa 아빠=Dad