
1 Year of Beginning

“Give me one year of your life and I’ll give you the money you need.” Feng Mian is a normal and down to earth modern woman. She just wanted an ordinary life, an ordinary job and find an ordinary man to marry in the future. (Yes, all should be ordinary). But when family matters took a turn for the worst, she faced a huge dilemma called shortage of money. Suddenly, a contract came due to a series of coincidences. Zhang Liang was fed up with his father's (yes, father not mother) matchmaking schemes for him. He wanted to have a peaceful year because this was his chance to expand his business overseas, yet his father didn’t seem to get the message. When an ordinary fresh graduate employee in his company accidentally saw a scene, he decided to take the chance. “Since she has a normal background with nothing remarkable, nothing should go wrong, right?” Browsing through the contract, Feng Mian gritted her teeth. 'Fine. It was just one year of my life anyway. I wouldn't lose a lot.' But was it true? Or would that one year turn out to be a ride full of ups and down for both of them? ... Story set in modern era in fictional country. This story is purely fiction, any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence. Special thanks for CatarinaM2811 for making the cover Word count: 900-1800 words/chapter Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Thorough the Years' Series: 1. 1 Year of Beginning [complete] 2. 2 Years of Restarting [complete] 3. -Work in Progress- 4. -Work in Progress- 5. -Work in Progress- 6. -Work in Progress- 7. -Work in Progress- The series are all STANDALONE, meaning you don't have to read the other series in order to be able to follow this story. You can just read one and you still didn't lose anything. Each of the series have different main leads but they all happen in the same universe (and similar timeline, some are overlapping but mostly not) ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [on going] ... Note for those who read Sorahana's other novels: This novel took a different approach compared to my other novels because it focused heavily on romance and also in main lead's perspective. follow me on IG: @sora100518

Sorahana · Urban
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198 Chs

Who He Choose is not Your Business

Feng Mian walked through the corridor to the bathroom. Her brain was still thinking about the things that Zhang Liang told her not long ago. She was truly interested in them.


After finishing her business in the bathroom, Feng Mian washed her hand. It was then the door opened and Miss Su walked in. The moment their eyes met, Miss Su's body froze. Her eyes gleamed with hatred and dissatisfaction.


"Yes, Miss Su?" Feng Mian answered as calmly as possible. She wiped her hand and looked at Miss Su, who was glaring at her in an expression that showed she didn't understand anything.

Miss Su's face contorted. "Don't play dumb with me! How did you even get close to Zhang Liang? You're nothing more than a dirty employee who happened to watch that scene back then!"

Feng Mian arched her eyebrows. She didn't mind being called ordinary because she knew that her background has always been very ordinary. It was something that people from upper society would never experience as long as they didn't fall from their grace. After all, no one wants to live in a way where they have to pay close attention to how much they spent every single day.

But being called dirty?

That was a completely different story. She still took a bath twice a day and didn't play in the mud like an idiot.

"Pay attention to what you say, Miss Su," Feng Mian replied calmly. "Do you really want everyone to know that you grovel on the ground?"

At that time, she still saw Miss Su try to grab Zhang Liang, but Zhang Liang had walked to move away. He didn't let Miss Su touch him in the slightest bit and immediately rejected her. If word came out, it wouldn't reflect good on Miss Su's reputation.

Miss Su's face contorted in hatred. As she had thought, this was truly that employee back then! She was sure that Feng Mian must haven't know anything about Zhang Liang back then. After all, Feng Mian was very timid in the lift when she saw her back then.

If it was the situation back then, Feng Mian wouldn't dare to even lift her head because of her position.

"You b*tch! What did you threaten Zhang Liang with? Huh! I'll expose you, you witch! #$%^&*(O)P^%$#$%^&*!"

(A/N: You may imagine the words she uttered by yourself)

Hearing the series of profanities that Miss Su uttered, Feng Mian was completely dumbfounded. She had known that Miss Su was a famous model because of the news that they made, but she didn't know that Miss Su would be very vulgar in her words. There were so many words that she didn't even understand the meaning pouring out of Miss Su's mouth.


The sound of the door opening ceased Miss Su's streams of profanities from her mouth. She turned her head to the door and saw Lu Di La stood there with a calm expression on her face.

"Oh, I thought that there's an outside here, but it turns out to be Miss Su. Do you still have the hobby to spout out nonsense? Your family wouldn't be happy if reporters caught news of this again," Lu Di La remarked calmly. She walked towards the sink and turned the tap. Water splashed on her hand.

Miss Su's face contorted. She wanted to scream, but she knew that Lu Di La had started to make her name in the business society. "How can you be so calm when there's a dirty woman getting close to your brother in law?"

"Dirty?" Lu Di La repeated with a sneer on her face. It was a completely different expression than what Feng Mian saw most of the days. After all, Lu Di La always wore polite and refined expressions. Even when she was annoyed because of Zhang Xue, she would not show that kind of expression.

"Are you sure you're not talking about yourself? From what I know, your record is already washed by your family for who knows how many times. Compared to you, my little sister is pure."

Lu Di La closed the tap and took the tissue to wipe her hand. She looked at Miss Su coldly. "Don't you try to spout out lies."

"I'm not lying! She's a b*tch who was seducing…"

"Do you have any proof?"

This time, the one who spoke was not Lu Di La but Feng Mian. Even though Feng Mian had to admit that she was at loss when Miss Su began to speak profanities, she calmed down after a while.

Miss Su's mouth twitched. Of course, she didn't have any proof. She was only saying it because she had seen Feng Mian appearance when she had just finished work and was very tired.

"Your appearance! When I meet you back then, you're in unkempt clothes and… and… you're…"

Feng Mian rolled her eyes. "When you meet me, I have just finished worked overtime at 10 PM at night. Do you really think that working in Zhang's Sweet Company is easy?"

"But your attitude…."

"Miss Su, are you saying that you're defaming me simply because you see me as an ordinary employee?" Feng Mian asked as she walked closer. This time, Miss Su instinctively moved back. Even though Feng Mian was smaller and shorter than her, her presence just gave her a scare. It was merely a brief moment, but she felt as if there was a killing intent directed at her.

"Then let me tell you, I'm indeed an ordinary employee who used to work tirelessly in the company. It's only a coincidence that I bumped into Brother Liang and we grew close to one another. You want to insult me because I'm ordinary, so be it. I acknowledged that I didn't come from any big families and didn't have powerful people supporting me from behind.

However, I won't let you defame my name on a groundless basis. If you dislike me because I'm a nobody but I can get close to Zhang Liang, you should ask him directly why he picked me."

Feng Mian looked at Miss Su with flames in her eyes. "If you really think of yourself as someone who's smart and great, you should know that you can't force people's feelings. Who Zhang Liang chose as his wife is never your business!"



Hey everyone, Thank you for reading up until now and I'm really grateful for all the support you have shown me thro the comments, the votes, and the gifts all this times. \(^_^)/

It has been more or less two to three months ever since the novel first published until now. I'm a bit nervous because this was, after all, my first romance novel (that truly focused on romance). I didn't expect that there would be a lot of readers who liked the story. The comment and the constant support shown to this novel keeps me going on because I know there are readers out there waiting for new update of the novel.

Don't worry, I'm not making an announcement to end the novel (There are still a lot of chapters that I want to write and share). I'm making this announcement to tell you that 1YOB will be premium, which meant that the chapters will be locked.

I know that many of you didn't like the premium, but I have spent hours, days, and weeks working to create this novel. As some of you might have known (from the author's note regarding exams before), I'm still a student and writing is my hobby plus side work, so I also wish to gain some income from it.

I do hope that you can continue to support me in this journey with the characters. Still, if you choose to drop the novel because it becomes premium, I respect your choice since I know that many of you have other novels you would prefer to spend your coins. It has been a pleasure to spend all these times with you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for supporting me all this time. After all, I can't get this far without all of your support no matter how insignificant you thought they were.

(As for the price of the coins (I really want to write spirit stones, but *sigh*), it'll depend on the word count. 200 words is 1 coin. With the amount of words that I usually write, the price should be around 6-8 coins per chapter, sometimes might be more or sometimes lesser, but it shouldn't stray too far)

(Also, you can use Fast Pass if you can't afford to pay. Though, I'll appreciate it greatly if you can support me.)

This time, the mass release is before the premium chapter. Next chapter (chapter 92 will be part of premium chapter). I can't give you the exact date, yet, but it won't take too long.

Hope you will enjoy them~ (And don't worry, I will keep my usual chapter release of one chapter each day--oh, right. From next chapter, I'll upload the chapters daily at 8 AM GMT+8). You don't need to give me gifts if you can't, just use them to unlock the chapter after this if you still choose to continue reading.

Thank you!

With Love <3,< p>



P.S: Just to make it clear, I won't lock any of the previously free chapters. The locked chapter will start from the next chapter, which is chapter 92 and onwards.

For the reader of my other novel (FBFB, UTVN, or POTL), I admit that I copy some parts of my previous announcement that I make months ago, but there are adjustment to match my current condition and the novel. (>_<)


Also, if you wish to talk more with me and the other readers, feel free to join the discord:




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