
Part 1

Day one... This was just another start to my life, a new journey. Another time I failed to keep a secret that changed the lives of everyone around me. So again, just like all the other times, I was sent somewhere new. This meant a new mansion, a new school, a new community, and another opportunity. But the only thing that would stay the same is the challenges I'll face along the way...

"Hey, are you the new girl?" a voice said to me. I had completely zone out. Making me oblivious to the world around me. "Yes. Yes I am." That question is something I've heard so many times in life. There was always one person that noticed something was wrong. Or rather, out of place. "I'm Sofia. I heard there was going to be a new kid here so I was excited to have another friend here.

Friend?...I thought to myself. We just met and she's already talking about being friends. But even if we got to know each other and genuinely enjoyed each others company, we'd never be able to become friends. I can't have another friendship. Last time I tried that it'd didn't end up well... But this would be a good way to blend in. I'm already suspicious since I'm 'the new kid', so I'll have to try and keep a low profile from now on.

"That would be nice, I was so worried making friends here would be hard, but apparently someone here has good taste." I playfully winked. "Well you'll probably make friends here in no time! But...there's a certain crowd here you should avoid..." I cocked my head to the side in confusion. As if she could read my mind, she quickly added, "It's for the best. They have a way of destroying everything around them." When she said that, I instantly became uncomfortable. Destroying everything around them....Sounds like the reason I don't need friends. I took a deep breath and quickly tried to regain composure. Even though I had a bad feeling about this group, I was curious. If they're as bad as Sofie makes them out to be, I should stay on my toes.

"Tell me more. But skip the part where you tell me about their 'mean girl' status, and how manipulative they are." "You...you don't understand! These girls are like people out of your worst nightmare. They'll bully you even if you've never said a word to them or anyone else! They can make up the craziest stories about you, and you'll be the biggest joke ever! Once, Someone go sent to jail because Harlan felt like they where a threat to her popularity. She's the worst one..." I was intrigued. I've never heard of people like this, but everyone I've encountered, I've always managed to put them in their place. This time won't be any different.

"Speak of the devil..." Sofie muttered as she discreetly looked away. I turned on my heel and almost immediately knew they were the ones. "So you're the one everyone's talking about? Trying to steal my throne already new girl?" Throne? Who does she think she is? A queen? I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. That's when I realized I was shaking. I didn't know why I was so afraid of her. I felt like I had a feeling that she was bad news, and the wrong move would send me back to square one. The bottom of the pit. I'd tried so hard to climb my way up, and I wasn't about to restart.

"That's what I thought. Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." Harlan had a self-satisfied smirk the whole time. She obviously thought she was on the top of the world, and everyone had to bow down. I wasn't about to start a fight, but I needed to set the record straight. That's when I heard Sofie mutter, "We all know you're just going to make her life miserable. You literally don't need an excuse to be mean, you just do it because you can't---"

Before Sofie could finish her sentence, Harlan swiftly grabbed Sofie by her collar, and held her up so her feet wasn't touching the ground. "Say that one more time and I'll make sure to make up a good story for you." Sofie was trembling and Harlan seemed happy to see the look of fear on someone's face. A few seconds later, Harlan dropped Sofie, dusted off her hands, and left with her friends, laughing away.

I felt horrible I just stood there and let if all happen. I was the strongest person i knew. I could have easily taken her out with a kick, or maybe even a punch. It's not like anyone would miss her. But I had to stay low. The reason I'm here is because I deiced to pick a fight instead of taking the highroad. Never again... I repeated to myself as I helped Sofie up. The poor girl was in tears, and by how hard she was crying, it made it clear this didn't happen often.