
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

~Chapter 2~ The Sun Kingdom's Tragedy~

The parents put their baby in the room next to theirs. Everything is going great for the tiny family. They felt like they arefloating in happiness. To them, having their son is a dream for the young parents. They loved their son almost too much. It was almost like they knew in their hearts that something terrible would happen to them soon.

For the first five days, mom and son are alone. The reason was that mother and child needed time to bond. The Sun Kingdom's people let them alone for now. They saw their future as bright with the birth of the child. The people are busy as they rejoiced for days on end, trying to check on the child to no avail. Their excitement kept building; they were just so happy.

On the fifth day, the mother resumes her duties as Alexander is cared for by a trustable nanny.If she fails, it will be her life as nothing could happen to their future.

Everyone happily celebrates as they drunkenly try to catch a glimpse of the baby. No one sees the baby as he sleeps peacefully in his gold-colored crib.

In his expensive room, the nanny watches over Alexander. The night feels different to the nanny. As she watches over the sleeping baby, she drinks from her glass of water as she feels parched. Her vision starts to get blurry. She tries to get up to get help. It is too late, as she feels weak and disorientated. Only minutes pass before she passes out on the floor. Her head hits the ground hard. And her head slowly starts to bleed.

While the nanny is out, someone in black sneaks into the room. The baby is gone in a second flash, to an unknown place. The figure makes no sound, almost like they are a ninja.

Dawn and Caliph are sitting in the office room. They feel a sense of dread when the nanny does not get in touch with them as night is upon them. They gaze at each other worriedly. They quickly run into Alexander's large room to notice the nanny out cold and the big windows with the large panels open. They fear the worst. They run to the baby's crib to find Alexander missing within.

The man cries, "Guards, find my son!" He commands them.

The guards fly through the castle at breakneck speed. The guards employ their air magic. They control it with a finger to propel them faster than light. They race to discover the lost baby as quickly as possible, knowing that seconds might be the difference between life and death for the baby.

The man crouches down to check the nanny's pulse. In his wrath, his magic wraps itself around her, almost choking her. He realizes she is not at fault. He believes someone forced her to sleep by an unseen force. He calms down as he realizes this and his magic leaves her.

He sees blood on the ground and, in his panic, he calls out, "I need a doctor now!"

A man quickly appears with a smile. "How may I help you, my lord?" He says this with a pleasant voice.

The man points at the nanny. "She is bleeding from her temple!" He expresses his concern.

The man quickly rushes into action as he carries her into his arms. The doctor sprints out of the room as fast as his legs can take him.

The man sighs in despair as the doctor leaves the room. He can not help his wife as she bawls out in her pain, and he feels like a failure as a husband and father.

All he wants to do is cry out his pain. He brings his wife into his arms and holds her tightly. She lays her head on his shoulder as her fingers grab his cloak tightly. He slams down his own emotions as he tries to help her through her despair.

Their eyes meet, and they know if they cannot find their baby. It means he is gone forever. They both feel fear, heartbreak, and hopelessness. They understand what this could mean for their child and their future.

They could hear the guards coming. His wife bit her lip to stop the tears before they could see. She needs to be strong no matter what happens.

The guards come back all too soon. "We are sorry, my lord, we found nothing but your son's blanket." The guard says as he holds the shiny gold material out to the baby's parents.

She sniffs her baby's scent in the moonlight, and her eyes glisten with more tears.

"Guards leave us alone to mourn." The man says, as his voice becomes choked with emotion. The men soon leave, allowing the devastated parents to grieve in peace.

They know their child is missing since there is no sign of him. They grip their baby's blanket while holding each other. When the sun rises, they are unable to contain their anguish. They fall to the ground, clenching each other as they yell through the french doors. Their sorrow causes the windows to shatter.

All across the Sun Kingdom, you can hear the pain in their voices. Everyone knows they will never see the baby again.

The Sun Kingdom has never been the same since that tragic day when the powers of the sky and earth transformed the Sun Kingdom. The sun never left the sky, making sure everyone remembers the day they lost their son. The dragons disappear as if they were never there. Pain and suffering start with nothing to stop it.

The day the boy disappeared, the knights turned into something different. They turned darker and crueler. It was almost like the planet was punishing them, for the ones who caused it all to happen. The whole kingdom changes because of one baby, who will remake Magzics.

Even though Alexander is missing, many children in the Sun Kingdom bear the name. It made the parents even more upset when they learned that the children named after their son were a constant reminder of what they have lost.

Alexander's fate remains unknown. Everyone realizes that, without the child, they have destroyed the future.