
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 24~Axx And The Fight Of A Lifetime

I was lazing about the day when I look out to see 50 men marching in a line coming closer to the castle. "Dragon!" I yell loudly.

It is not even dark out. "This is not good at all." I think in panic as people are out and could get hurt.

"Calm thoughts." I think as my flames grab all the people and gently put them in the nearest shop. When the people are all inside, my flames quickly lock all the doors. The people go to the windows to see what is happening.

The bad guys slowly march I can see they have a hard time walking fast. I shake my head, "No wonder they are not good bad guys. They are wearing armour that is weighting them down. Who the hell trained these guys?" I wonder as it will take them hours to get near the gate.

I grab my cloak and slowly put it on, hoping they will be by the gate soon. Once my cloak is on, I look at the army, yet they seem to have not moved. I sigh as I know this is going to take forever.

I blink and "Boom! sounds through the silent day.

I quickly open my eyes as I see the men are coming through the gate. "How the dragon did they get here so fast?" I wonder to myself.

With nothing to do. I sigh as I feel my flames readying for an attack. I feel them wanting to burst through my skin as my body burns with flames, getting as hot as an erupted volcano. I can feel it as I start to sweat. Yet it does nothing to the flames that are curling and uncurling around me, almost like a wip.

The men are running to the castle. I can see them all smirking in almost victory. I can see it in their eyes. They expect victory. "Too bad for them!" I think as my bow and arrows appear in my hands. It feels almost natural to me now.

They seem to glow bigger than I have ever seen them before. I grab an arrow and watch as the bad guys run. I put the arrow in the arrow rest as I count. 50 ft... 40 ft... 30 ft... 20 ft...I let the arrow fly into the sky. "Bang!" I quickly shot more arrows into the air. "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" The noise travels through all of magzics making all the people shiver in fear.

Yet for the bad guys, all I can hear is them scream in despair as I hear their friends' bodies drop to the ground. They close their eyes as a result of what they have just saw.

I see them grind their teeth and I can see their eyes glowing in anger. I can hear them growl out, "You will be ours, Knight!" The leader spats out as I watch the 20 men come running towards the princess. I can see it in their eyes. They will hurt her.

I growl out, "They will not get her on my watch." I bare my teeth. My bow and arrows vanish, and I grab my dragger, which has become tangled around my ankle. In my hands, it glows brightly.

Without thinking, I run towards the men. With feral grins on their faces, I dodge left and right as I slash my dagger into their necks. I feel wet hot blood all over me as each body falls to the ground.I feel my body shake as the blood hits everywhere.

All I can smell is the metallic smell of the blood hitting my nose. I gag. With a shake of my head, I clear what I am feeling as it feels almost too much.

In the one second that I am distracted, the 10 men that are left surround me. I growl furiously, as I can see the greed in their eyes as they glance towards the tower. I stab five men quickly in and out. I hit major blood vessels, making the men instantly die.

"With only 5 men left, I have a feeling this will not be easy!" I think as I look towards the very powerful men circling me.

A finger points and a whistle sounds and the men smirk as before I can do anything, they stab my left hand. "Owwwwwww." I scream loudly as I drop my dagger.

I look at my hand. Big mistake. I feel sick at the sight of the big hole in my hand. The pain becomes too much and I feel dizzy as the blood flows down onto the ground, making a puddle of red liquid forms below me.

I sway from the loss of blood as I hear one man pick up the dagger laying innocently on the ground. As soon as the man grabs the dagger, magic wips around the air as the man screams as he slowly burns to death before our eyes.

The last four men look at each other quickly. Their eyes seem to glow in anger. "Oh, look! We have an injured knight." The man sneers at me. They act like wolves as they circle me. I feel my heartbeat jump in fear at the anger and hopelessness I fell.

"Look men, the man who killed our friends in combat is right here in front of us." The man chuckles evilly as his grin makes me nervous as I can see his teeth.

"Well, let us show him the hospitality he has shown us. With him injured, we can take the Princess because he can not do a dang thing about it. Come on men, let us march!" They march up to the castle.

I can not believe what has happened. I can barely think as I am swaying from blood loss. "I promised myself I would never let her be harmed. And I will not!" I think as my brain is cloudy. "I know I will have to fight!" I think as I quickly grab the blade in my right hand. It feels clumsy, but I will do anything for the Princess.

With pain clouding my judgment, I run after the men. I am more fit than they are, so I quickly catch up to them.

They must have heard my feet hammering on the ground as I ran. As soon as. I catch up to them. They turn around with a fierce expression on their faces. I know this will be a fierce battle. "I just hope I survive it!" I think in fear as I can only think of my princess.

"This is for the love of my life!" I scream as I fight against the last 3 men. I feel one stab me. It just makes me angrier as I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I slash at the guy's throat. As he collapses dead, I feel blood squirt on my face. I grind my teeth as one of them stabs me in the leg. I throw the dagger and I watch in satisfaction as the man goes down with a scream.

"Then their was one." I said with relief.

The guy did not seem to like what I said. As he slams his sword towards me, I quickly make a flame as I am too weak to slash the dagger again. The ball quickly gains in size, yet I pay no mind to it. With the man slamming his sword roughly down on me, all I can do is roll out of the way. We are both tired as his sword comes down closer. I want this to end. I do the only thing I can do. I jump on the guy as I quickly slash his throat. Blood qurits onto my face and neck. He falls to the ground dead.

I walk towards the tower and slump down. I can not think I feel numb at what I had to do. Tears stream down my face as the ball of flame hits the sky with a "Boooom!" "Now the people will know they are safe." I think as I feel my eyes startto close. My flames quickly unlock the people. I can hear faint cheering and clapping.

I shake my head in an attempt to stay awake. "If fire can recreate the world, maybe it can heal!" I think sluggishly as the adrenaline wears off. Pain is slamming into my body. I wrap my hand around the gash in my leg. I "hiss" as the wound throbs in pain with my hand on it. A flame quickly licks at the wound in my leg and hand. "Ahhhhhhhh" I scream as it slowly knits the wounds closed. I stop screaming. I look at my hand and leg to see everything closed and not even a scar is left behind.

I vaguely recall the Prince claiming what I did just before collapsing, bloody and all.