

Lein has died from an unfortunate accident. After floating in eternal darkness a light had shone down giving him a new chance at life, but at completely random. Or So he thought.... Taking this new chance, he is reborn into the Dark Elf Subject 0Z(Zero-Zee), known as Oz, and given the ability called True Augmentation, also declines the System he was given. He chooses to start life a new in this New world as a common resident of this world. Learning of Elemental Essence, Cultivation, a Dark History, Technology, and so much more. In the City of Asero. A Scientific/Magic city just starting it's new roots in a new magical world, where cultivation took over. Oz will start his new path in this Dark World of Terra Morte, the land of Greed, Power, Lust, Envy, and death. The Legend begins.... 0Z....

JesterRage · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Prologue 2/4: Finally Conscious

I remember waking up suddenly from a shock to my entire system. The strange liquid that had kept me suspended shifted just ever so slightly, then suddenly a pressure valve released, quickly draining all of the fluids in the incubation chamber. Heavily dropping my body to the floor.

I was barely able to open my eyes, but I could definitely hear some foot steps coming closer. I tried to move my body in any form that I could, I even tried to speak. Nada... But I wasn't about to give up without a fight dammit, if my video game days ever taught me anything, there was always a way!

Truth be told, at this point there was a single thought that did cross my mind. What if... This world is one that is supposedly ruled by the strong? This sent a sharp cold chill throughout my being...

Then with everything I could muster into my body, I slowly pulled my arms in close, and pressed them to the floor, ever so slightly I was pushing myself up. Straining with everything my little arms could.

But I don't think anything could have prepared me for the first words that I had just heard.

"Aww, look at my little man, already so strong, he really is too adorable!!!...".....

I know for a fact, the expression on my face mirrored what I was just thinking right then and there.

"Wh-what?..." Confusion from hell, I couldn't even speak properly god dammit!

After saying my first word, I finally forced my eyes open. Then the woman looked over my way and smiled so innocently as if everything was perfect.

She walked over to me picking me up out of nowhere; appeared as if she was a beautiful goddess. That woman was in fact my mother, a tall and slender woman, with gorgeous light purple hair, that would dropped down to her waist, but was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a smokey-brown tan and the very notable elf ears with violet purple ornate earrings, and her eyes an light amethyst.

She was wearing from my point of view what looked like modern day clothes. A simple but elegant button-up long-sleeved shirt, skin tight blue jeans and a pair of white and black tennis-shoes.

As she started to walk, she said to me ever so sweetly, "Hush now my little Oz, everything will be clear when you wake up. For now, rest." She then touched her forehead to mine, my sight whited out, and I fell asleep....

God Dammit!!! Can I please, please, for the love of my sanity at least stay awake for something?...

Several Hours Later....

After a while I had finally start to wake up again, I slowly blinked my eyes a couple of times. Everything was blurry at first, but after I had rubbed my eyes, and let them focus. I saw my hands, and feet, after briefly looking around. The room I had woken up in was empty. There was a mirror off to the right side of the bed, let's see what I look like now.

My body is still far from being used to moving, but practice makes perfect right? My muscles were a bit tight when I first started moving around, gradually it became easier and easier to move. After making it to the mirror I was caught in awe.

Paying more attention to how I look, the only thing I had on was a pair of underwear, and a T-shirt, well at least it doesn't look like I have any abnormalities on my body, the pointy ears are only because I am an elf..... I look like a perfectly healthy 4 year old, well except for one thing...

I have a Tattoo under my left eye. "0Z" (Zero-Zee) I guess this is the reason why my mother called me Oz. I can live with that.

I have a dark ash gray skin tone, dark obelisk gray irises, with flecks of amethyst purple.

Looking at my hair, it had just recently been cut, I had no idea what it looked like before hand. It was medium spiked black hair that was softly swept back as if it was recently brushed.

If cuteness could kill, I'm afraid I'd already be dead again, heh....

After spending sometime, eye goggling myself in the mirror. I wanted to try to see if I could sense mana, being that half of me is an Elf.

So I closed my eyes, focused my breathing, and focused my entire being into the image in my mind.

Out of nowhere I felt this surge of pure static energy through my body, my eyes shot open,as I stared at myself in the mirror. Only to be astonished, Dark/Purple almost black sparks and electrical arcs danced around my body, straightening the hair on top of my head. Making me look as if I was an electrified porcupine.

Trapped in awe over the electrical current coursing around and through my body, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear happily.

So this is mana?... I honestly could not describe the feeling, it felt as if all my nerves were sparking ever so lightly causing my whole body to tingle. I didn't feel any pain, only comfort..... It feels so natural....

After looking at myself in the mirror, and playing with Lightning. I had suddenly remembered the very first time I was conscious, there was a Status screen! Then I remembered the System...

Yo, System! Status!


Oh, well there it is.


[Name:] Subject 0Z (Oz) [Mana:] 863

[Age:] 8 months

[Race:] Homunculus/ Elf

[Elemental Affinity:] [Lightning] [???]

[Abilities:] [True Augmentation]

I spent a good minute looking at my status, but something felt off. I couldn't figure out exactly what it was that was disturbing me. It dawned on me, this is basically cheating, and I really don't want a computer interfering with my life...

For other beings this world isn't a game, so why give me a handicap, and a leash? I don't want it. I'll accept what I have already been given, but is there anyway to remove this?


A new window popped up, what's this?

[System Message: Would user like to Disable the Status System?... Yes/ No]

[Warning: After Disabling the Status System this cannot be undone, Continue?...]

My answer was simple, the last window to appear before completely vanishing, was only filled with 3 dots.


Wait, was it upset that I didn't want it?