


Vail_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

(1) Deadpool leaves Wolverine

"Ha.. Haha... HAHAHHAHA!"

A deranged laughter echoes inside a secret underground lab under New York City. The interior of the lab was spacious, full of different kinds of equipment and weapons made by scientists.

One of the head scientists there or the administrator of the facility, was able to breakthrough and create something that no one has ever achieved in this world.

A lot of people all around the world would kill to have his invention.

On his hand was small commonly seen metal watch. one might say it was ordinary; but in truth, it was a weapon that is capable of something impossible.

The head scientist stood up from his chair and says

"With this power... I could travel across all of the galaxies; Across the multiverse if I so want to and no one would be able to stop me! Even those called heroes by the citizens, The Avengers!"

His voice full of pride and happiness as he was able to create something that even people with the smartest intellect was never be able to do.

The power of the multiverse, in the palm of his hand.


When suddenly, the lights inside the room he was in turns from white to blaring red lights. It was the warning and indicator that someone has broken in or that there was an emergency happening in the facility.

"What the- Who is it!"

He softly grumbles. His laboratory was camouflaged and no one knew where it was, not even the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters was able to detect his facility, so who could it be?


He didn't need to wait as the metallic door behind him makes a faint sound of ringing.

The head scientist turns around and saw that the door behind him slowly opens revealing who the intruder was.

"Did anyone order pizza or was it French Fries? Well, I don't really care but you have got something I really want and when I say want, I mean want WANT."

A quirky voice came out from the door that just opened.

The intruder wore a red and black full body skin tight suit, on his belt was a range of weapons ranging from grenades to knives. Two katanas were strapped on his back with their sheathes.

Blood dripped down his hand, he was carrying a severed hand.

"W-Who are you!?"

The scientist in panic, falls to his back and was slowly slog backwards. Then he gradually realized who it was as the red lights hit the figure.

He was frightened. No, he was terrified. The man in front of him was the most wanted man in New York and that man was standing in front of him with a severed hand.

It was Deadpool.

"You have to be kidding me, You don't know who I am? Does my sexy body not give any hints to who I am?''

He says as he sways his hips back and forth repeatedly confusing the scientist.

Taking this chance, the head scientist grabbed a gun that was on the table beside him, a desert eagle to be exact.

He aims the gun at the merc with a mouth with trembling hands but eventually pulls the trigger, firing a bullet through Deadpool's head.

Deadpool's body falls to the floor as the scientist breathed heavily while holding his left chest.

"I killed him. The most wanted man, with a single bullet. Ha. Ha-"

The scientist's small seconds of delight was soon turned into horror as he saw the body that was on the ground slowly rise up as if nothing happened.

Deadpool stands up with a bullet hole on his head, he was used to this and soon his regenerative capabilities kicked in and regenerated the hole as if nothing happened only leaving a hole on his mask.

"I-Impossible, how can you be alive? I clearly shot you in the head!"

The scientist's voice was starting to tremble because of the scene that unfolded in front of him.

Deadpool shakes his head in disappointment.

"You know who I am but don't know what my powers are? Poor, poor you. You sound just like a villain that thought the protagonist was dead but soon realized that the protagonist was alive with a massive power boost."

The scientist was dumbfounded, he didn't understand a single thing Deadpool said but he still had one thing left. He points at the metallic watch on his right hand and says

"You think you can stop me? With this, not even you will be able to stop me."

"N-No, impossible; How can this be!"

"Yes. Even you ca-"


Deadpool looks at his hands, then his arms, his chest, and his toes. He can clearly see his body squeaky and clean so what was he talking about? He looks at the you the reader, through the screen and complains

"You know what I'm talking about author; Why the hell am I words in the alphabet!? I got my own anime, my own manga, but now I have my own novel... Wait, this is a fanfic."

"Anyways you got my point, how can the readers see my ultra sexy heavy hitting body?"

The readers couldn't see him exactly but they could imagine how he looks like by how he is described.

Seeing a chance at escape, the scientist looks at his newly invented multiverse watch and fiddles with it. It was the only was he was getting out of it, now that Deadpool was distracted.


Just then, a gunshot could be heard inside the room and a bullet pierces through his head killing him. The scientist falls lifelessly on the floor and Deadpool walks over to him.

He sighs softly because of the previous situation but didn't let it get to him.

Deadpool grabs the watch from the dead body and places it onto his. He had gained a new hobby that he was addicted to, last year. It was watching anime and reading manga in his spare time.

He gained this new hobby of his after talking with the dark suited spider man, Miles Morales. Apparently he was a fan of anime and convinced Deadpool to watch some in his spare time, He gave him recommendations while fighting each other between alleyways of New York.

Deadpool tried the one's Miles recommended like Naruto, Bleach, Dragonball, so on and so forth. From then on, he watched a ton more. There was even a time he fought heroes and villains using moves he watched from an anime.

"So this thingamajig can hippity hoppity from multiverse to multiverse? Sweet, that means I could go to a universe made of chimichangas!"

Deadpool looks at his newly found gadget and presses a button on it's side. A small screen appears on his wrist but before he was able to read its contents, a rough voice shouts at Deadpool.

"Stop what you are doing before you endanger the whole world Wayde."

Deadpool looks at the door he entered from and saw Wolverine with his back against the wall. He looks back at the yellow suited individual and back to his watch.


"You dumbass-"

"You know, I'm something of a Ben Tennyson myself."

And with that Deadpool places his hand on the watches' top where a screen had the word "Naruto" written on it. A blue bright light engulfs the whole room blinding Wolverine making him cover his eyes.

When the light started to dim, Wolverine looks back at Deadpool only to find that he was nowhere to be found, not even a trace of him remaining.
