
My New Home

We finally settled into our new home. The walls had cracks and there was a few leaks but at least it has walls and a roof. My room was a good size and had a window to look out on, the street? I don't know it was weird but never mind. My friends text me saying how much they miss me and wish they were there with me. Yeah me too. I really did wish I was there, with them, and not here, in a house that looks like it could literally tip over at any second. "Home sweet home I guess." My mom says as she puts her box in the counter. I looked down at the spots where there was missing floor boards here and there. "Hon, look it might be a fixer upper, but I'm sure that we can fix it up!" Yeah we would need one huge hammer. "Yeah, ok I guess we can." We get a ton of rugs, curtains, (which were supposed to be included with the house. :/ ) and some buckets. We covered up all the floor boards. Put curtains on the windows. And we cleaned everything. Top to bottom full cleaning. Then we used the buckets to catch the dripping water in the bathroom. "Phew, that was a lot of work." I nodded in agreement and stood up. My mom stood up as well and walked to the door then said "Takeout for dinner huh?" I'm guessing she saw how tired I looked. It's was around six thirty. Dad would be home in at least a week I think. I remember when I was younger every time he came home he would bring cinnamon rolls. He always said "Where's my little princess?" And I would come running out from my room. We got into the empty car and took a short drive to a drive thru restaurant. I didn't honestly care what it was if it was food it worked. When we got back to the apartment complex we went up towards our room and I got a glance of our neighbor. Woah. How did I get this lucky? She was gorgeous. Her hair was a medium brown and her eyes were a hazel like color. Almost green to be honest. She looked around my age too! Maybe she also goes to my school! She smiled and waved then disappeared into her house. "Oooh I've seen that face before!" My mom said. I shot my mom a look. I blushed and walked into our empty house.