
.The Dark Stranger.

A Story about Love, Mystery and Death. As well as a serial Killer on the loose...

FangirlWhoStans01 · Horror
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5 Chs


Quinn finds herself standing in a dimly lit room. The air is thick with the smell of blood and decay which makes her gag. With her right hand covering her nose and mouth, she looks around and sees two figures lying on the ground, covered in blood and guts. As she moves closer, she realizes with horror that they are Declan's parents.

Their bodies are mutilated, with deep gashes and wounds covering every inch of their skin. Flies buzz around the room, feasting on the decaying flesh. Quinn feels bile rise in her throat, but she can't tear her eyes away from the gruesome sight. One from a horror movie.

"This is a dream... right?" Her voice laced with regret at watching too many horror movies. "I could write a book." 

Suddenly, she hears a noise behind her. She turns around and notices the steam flowing out of boiler pipes in a distance and lets out a breath of relief. A chill travels down her spine as she realizes that Declan's silhouette appeared. He lurches towards her, covered in blood. His eyes are wild and crazed, and he's holding a knife in his hand.

"Declan, what have you done?" Quinn cries out, but he doesn't seem to hear her. Instead, he advances towards her, the knife glinting in the dim light.

Quinn tries to run, but her legs feel like lead. She stumbles and falls to the ground, feeling Declan's hot breath on her neck. She screams, but no sound comes out.

Suddenly, Declan is jerked away from her. She looks up and sees his parents, miraculously alive and well, holding him back. But as they struggle, Declan's face contorts into something monstrous. His eyes turn yellow, and his teeth grow long and sharp.

Quinn watches in horror as Declan transforms into a creature unlike anything she's ever seen before. He's a werewolf, with thick fur covering his body and razor-sharp claws. He breaks free from his parents' grasp and lunges towards Quinn.

She tries to fight him off, but he's too strong. He pins her to the ground, his claws digging into her skin. She can feel her life force draining away, and she knows that she's about to die.

But just as all hope seems lost, Declan's parents appear again, this time with silver bullets. They shoot Declan, and he howls in pain, stumbling back. But he doesn't die. Instead, he transforms back into his human form, crying and begging for forgiveness.

Quinn wakes up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She looks around the room, disoriented and confused. It was just a nightmare, she tells herself. Just a nightmare.

But as she lays there, trying to catch her breath, she can't shake off the feeling of unease that has settled in her chest. She gets up and goes to the kitchen, still shaken from the nightmare. She tries to shake it off, but the images of Declan and his parents, covered in blood and gore, are still fresh in her mind.

She tries to call out to Declan, but he's not there. She looks around the house, but it's empty. She tries to call him, but it goes straight to voicemail.

Quinn spends the rest of the night in a state of anxiety, unable to shake off the feeling that something is not right. She tries to go back to sleep, but every time she closes her eyes, she sees Declan's crazed face and the bloodied bodies of his parents.

As the morning comes, she's still shaken from the nightmare. She tries to shake it off, but the feeling of unease lingers. She tries to call Declan again, but there's still no answer. The phone gets flung away from her ear and meets her eyes.

Battery. Three percent. 

Quinn can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. She tries to go about her day, but the nightmare has left her feeling on edge. She tries to shake it off, but the feeling of unease lingers.

She tries to call Declan again, but there's still no answer. She tries to shake off the feeling of unease, but it's no use. She can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. A groan escapes her lips while holding her phone tightly and hovers her thumb over the gallery. Tears fill her eyes as she scrolls through the pictures on her phone. The screen blinks twice and becomes dimmer.

Battery life... 10 seconds remaining.

"What is happening, Declan?" She sobs. Feeling drowsy as her eyes drops shut.

"Where are you? Plea-" Quinn drifts off into a slumber as her phones screen dies and darkens the room.


Quinn's screams fill the dark and empty house, echoing off the walls and furniture. She sits up in her bed, drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. The nightmare felt so real, too real. She looks over at Declan's side of the bed, but it's empty. He's not there.

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. It was just a nightmare, she tells herself. Just a nightmare. But the images of Declan and his parents, their bodies mutilated and bloody, are still fresh in her mind. She can't shake them off.

Quinn gets out of bed, still shaking, and makes her way to the bathroom. She turns on the light and looks at herself in the mirror. Her face is pale, her eyes wide with fear. She splashes some water on her face, trying to wash away the remnants of the nightmare.

She makes her way back to the bedroom and sees that Declan still isn't there. She checks her phone, but there are no missed calls or messages. Where could he be? She wonders.

Quinn decides to wait for Declan in the living room, hoping that he'll be back soon. She turns on the TV, but she can't focus on anything. Her mind is still preoccupied with the nightmare.

Hours pass, but there's still no sign of Declan. Quinn tries calling him again, but it goes straight to voicemail. She leaves a message, hoping that he'll call her back soon.

As the night wears on, Quinn becomes more and more worried. She can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. She decides to call Morgan, hoping that she'll answer.

Morgan picks up on the third ring. "Hey, what's up?" she says, her voice filled with sleep.

"Morgan, I had a nightmare," Quinn says, her voice shaking. "It was about Declan and his parents. It felt so real."

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Morgan asks, concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, but Declan's not here. He's not answering his phone, and I don't know where he is," Quinn says, her voice filled with worry.

"I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he just needed some time to clear his head," Morgan says, trying to reassure her.

"But what if he's not? What if the nightmare was a premonition?" Quinn asks, her voice filled with fear.

"Quinn, you can't think like that. It was just a nightmare. Declan will be fine," Morgan says, trying to calm Quinn down.

"I hope you're right," Quinn says, her voice still filled with worry.

They talk for a while longer before hanging up. Quinn decides to wait up for Declan, hoping that he'll come back soon.

As the night wears on, Quinn becomes more and more worried. She can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. She decides to call the police, hoping that they can help her find Declan.

The police arrive a short while later and Quinn explains the situation to them. They tell her that they'll do their best to find Declan and assure her that they'll keep her updated.

Quinn spends the rest of the night in the living room, staring at the blank TV screen. She can't shake off the feeling of unease that has settled in her chest.

As the morning comes, there's still no sign of Declan. Quinn can't help but worry that the nightmare might have been a premonition. She hopes that she's wrong, but the fear and uncertainty are eating away at her.

The doorbell rings, pulling Quinn out of her thoughts. She rushes to the door and opens it, hoping to see Declan standing there. But instead, it's the police.

"Ma'am, we have some news about your husband," one of the officers says, his face serious.

Quinn's heart sinks. She can't shake off the feeling that something terrible has happened to Declan.

"What is it? Is he okay?" Quinn asks, her voice shaking.

The officer hesitates for a moment before speaking. "Ma'am, we found a car matching the description of your husband's a few miles from here. It was involved in an accident."

Quinn's heart races. "Is he okay? Is he alive?"

The officer looks down at the ground before meeting Quinn's gaze.

"Please come with us."