
1. Ch. Strangers

The boat sailed forward slowly in fear. Fear of what the waters bore in its misty air. Everything unknown to her. She laid silent, eyes closed. Regaining her consciousness.

''This can't be.I had jumped of the golden...Where am I? 'Lure asked herself in a wispier as she woke up grunting. Feeling weak, lifeless but so weightless. Taking a good look around her, she saw. Gray waters so cold. Almost dead winds carrying the old boat to nowhere. There was the burble of water to be heard. As the boat passed by clusters of black lilies. Lure bent and touched the waters. The river as an infinite mirror reflected a girl. Skin tanned to a tone of tea. Black lustrous hair. Lure looked at it thinking of something. She made a crown out of the lilies. And said as she placed it on her forehead 'Dreamland I think. 'Her thoughts starting to venture away. The boat suddenly turned upside down by a gush of wind. Into the water she fell. Frightened lure started to swim to the surface but she couldn't. Sinking to the river basin she saw people in veils floating around her. Their ghostly eyes and piercing stare made the waters less cold.

Everything blacked out until the blackness started to outcast as with every heartbeat of lures the light spread wider. Restoring her strength. Not quite afloat in the white void she seemed to be in. Lure walked towards a smog of colors. A shiny object had caught her attention. Inside the colorful cloud she went following the object which now at a close distance looked like a golden deer. It vanished in front of a window. 'Oh! My Goldilocks where did you vanish…Wow look at you, huge window. Just standing here in the middle of nowhere like me.Mum said not to wander in strange places. But there's no other way. To be sensible its la la land. Nobody's gonna get hurt. So. Let's go! ''. Lure said hastily as she opened the window.

The stained glass opened to a country with outstretched grasslands. Lure ran down the little hill chasing her Goldilocks as though flying in the air. The chase ended in front of an old house with many trees around. At the porch sat a women sowing. Lure can hear someone playing the saxophone in the backyard. While a little girl was laughing in the swing tied to a tree near the porch. The Bentley's smelt of pie and wood and lavender. A tear trickled down Lure cheeks as she said' 'Home with Mum and Dad and Little Cover. Just as it was until…. I messed up. 'There was a short lived sorrow 'but then this is my family, my home nobody can be angry or sad too long'thougt Lure as she sat beside her mother, who was engrossed in her dainty embroidery. 'I'm sorry Mum dear; I should...should have not run away like that. Maybe you were right. ' choked Lure. 'Ash! For god sake you're in a game. Our Family can't see or hear you. It's just a memory you're living again. All true this is a mental stimulation. Your conscious and subconscious mind is here but your body is in the assuage strobe stimulation at goblin house. 'Answered the little girl on the swing,her blue tea dress flowing. Everything seemed to chain up and make sense.

Lure astonished by the answer as well as the girl,opened her mouth to ask something. Cover spoke again' 'No time for questions now. If you wish to look around, you can.But make it fast the sirens are coming. Pack some bags with supplies. It's a long journey. 'So doing what she was to do. Lure went in her childhood room. Dragged three trunks in the living room. She was looking out at his father when Cover came in saying. 'We have no time now. Have you finished packing? 'Nodding her head she pointed towards three trunks. Lure began' 'Green one is for food, yellow with cloths and extras, the red one is for tools and stuff…''

Cover interrupted' 'Explain me later. Go say goodbye to everybody. Till then I'll see for the transport.'' The transport looked a bit funky. Sitting in near the trunks that were stuffed in.Lure implied' 'Your taste is vintage like mine but yours is historically vintage. With this horse carriage it seems like were going to a ball. I could already hear the opera '.

They rood alongside a canal.The way was straight. Voices could be heard lingering behind as mourning ghosts. Soft at first but increasing every second until it was hard to ignore it.Winds gushed inside through the carriage window.Making the flesh tremble. 'It's the sirens.Do not answer their whistle. Don't tell them your name and do not thank them. 'Cover warned in a low wiser. Lure peeped out of the window.' They are the people I saw at the ocean. The same grin and piercing stare fading in the folds of the veil. But how are their veils stained? 'Blood stains. They eat the insides of humans. Now sit quite. 'Cover muttered in a dangerous tone.

Sinking in her seat Lure fell asleep. The frizzy winds had relaxed and chilled her. 'A group of students walking down the hallway.. Lure tried in vain to lose them. At last she finds shelter in one of the bathroom stalls... Lure had lost them at least she hoped so. Footsteps could be heard from nearby. They had found her. Pounding at her door, saying nasty things. 'Just kidding but no offence…Lorry girl comes from the lost lands and she wants be a fairy.You ugly go and die. Haaahaahaaa...'

''Ahhhh shut up. Shut up. 'Lure screamed. It's a dream she realized. Laying down eyes closed. Not wanting to get up Lure calmed herself.

''Only some bullies from the past, girl. No need to be scared. 'Said the girl sitting up.

There was neither Cover nor any of the horses. At the foot of a rocky mountain was abandoned the little carriage. Its mistress climbing down. Set about finding Cover. Nearby were some caves at sight. A bubbly sound of water to be heard and a low a strange noise. ''Sounds like someone's singing, a human. Or a siren. 'Lure followed the voice. It was a bewitching voice. Comforting yet terrifying at the same time. Leaded to a dark cave with fireflies enlightening its the dark secrets. Lure peeped in.Legs crossed sitting on the ground was a Lady with a child. Only faces visible as they merged into the shadows. The singing continued. Lost in the song Lure let her guard down. 'Alas you're here. We have been expecting you. 'Said the voice. The shadows vanish. Shaken by what she saw Lure stood frozen on the ground as the lady gestured to sit down. Recovering from the shock and scared what these strangers might do.Lure sat down near the pair.

'Hi, I am Aura second stage. That's Ivy she's with Me.'the lady said. She wore her puffy hair with strings of clouded beads as the little child in her lap. Aura had a pointy face and slender body whereas Ivy was plump and round. Lure didn't trust the rough and hard Lady though something about Ivy's kind eyes made her believe in the strangers. 'I'm Lure.A beginner... I guess . What were you singing? I think I've heard it before. 'Inquired Lure. 'The song of the sirens as an inventum spell. To find help.The universe has sent you. 'Aura answered. Reading the curiosity on Lure's face she continued. 'The spells and codes are in the ancient scripts of our tribe. A tribe in the African states. The knowledge of the scripts is passed down from generations. But it is fading now. So is our community.''

Footsteps were heard and out of nowhere. Time slowed and Lure found her body freeze. Not knowing what do someone else saved the day. Aura leapt to her feet when the intruder was almost in the cave. Pulling a dagger for her muddy boots. Aura had the intruder on the ground in seconds. 'No stop! It's Cover. Don't kill her. 'Finding her senses lure screamed.

''I think they are not to be trusted. Listen to me.I am your little sister and they...well they are just strangers! What do you know about them? 'Hissed Cover under the dark velvet sky that shone the late summers moonlight. Aura cooked a hot meal. The food was served in the cave. By the fire sat round everybody eating quiet and sober. 'Look here you lure girl. I will get this straight to you. I can read your thoughts and they are no pleasant ones let me tell that. I am not blaming you to not trust us, I wouldn't either. But you have to there is war going on not just in the game but in real life too. I don't want anybody getting killed. You have to help me keep Aura safe in return I will provide you with all I have. Aura is the last of my family that I know of is alive. Because my tribe my family is at war. We are here to find security and aid. That's the only way to help. I cannot go back home or fight alongside my people. Just stuck here in this stupid game. 'erupted Aura.

Silence dawned upon the cave as the fire raged alongside.

''We trust you. 'Lure squeaked. She saw the rough face break into a smile with streaming tears. Cover giggled as she thought this 'so emotional that it's funny. 'But they never got to know how much peace those words brought Aura. 'We trust you' were the last words in her [Aura] mind as she fell asleep holding ivy tight.


Just an Idea that keeps me up all night.Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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