

DragonEyesBlue · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Together We...

Mimic, also one of the AU students who could copy whimsy for about 5 seconds, now with Izuku training for almost 3 years, could now use a copied peculiarity for almost an hour, in a day, can copy anyone's peculiarity, but not without the time limit reaching zero, meaning that , you can only copy another peculiarity after an hour

The same imitator, was next to his other 5 fellow banes leaders, his blond hair waving in the wind while watching the heroes' lair, under a mountain, Neito Monoma, who no one would believe that someone like him could become a villain, he himself could not believe it, but the truth is simply harsh, the incident that occurred years ago , still remained in his mind, hidden in his deepest darkest memories, did not hate heroes, but certainly did not love them at all, but the fact that a villain saved him, is just a painful memory

Monoma looked at the lair of heroes hidden behind the tall trees, locked inside, this his true hero, Izuku Midoriya, a genius he admired no matter how weak, he will always be the leader and brain of the Banes, nothing can change that fact, every Bane in the whole world, is loyal to the master, as he gave them hope, gave them power and gave them a home, this next chaos, the fall of the age of the hero, is just the desire of the Banes

A desire for Izuku himself todo everything to make it a reality

Not his will, but the will of each and every member of the Banes of equality

We are indebted to the master once again... not so – Monoma asked, using the binoculars to look towards the eastern part of the forest –

I think we'll always be in debt, paying for it would only mean a sacrifice," Hitoshi replied as he dried his clothes soaked –

I really wonder what happened 10 years ago, everyone in the lair is very loyal to the master – Ochako muttering –

What happened 10 years ago is something we shouldn't think too much about, what's more, we could ask Izuku himself, " replied Monoma –

That said, I'm very curious about that myself," Perseus said.

Speak for yourself, mermaid – Grumpy Kana, pointing your clothes before looking back on your cell phone where I cut the base –

Perseus only smiled, even mocking more of the blue-haired girl

You think you can locate Izuku – Hitoshi asked –

The radar is almost a meter away from the base, thanks to the peculiarity of Tooru... I bet you can come in without even activating the alarm – Ochako murmur, obviously proud of your friend –

That won't do, there are 5 shield sensors that protect the entire base, we will only manage to hack 2 of them, as we enter further down the lair, the remaining 3 sensors will point to our location, invisible or not – I explain Kana writing faster than usual on her cell phone –

- I chase even closer your gaze to Kana's cell phone – as something so small can hack the base of heroes, it's crazy – I comment and Kana smiled –

This cell phone is made by Hatsume herself, our own crazy pro in mechanical engineering and programmer, this is one of her smallest babies she has out there – I explain by smiling Kana –

So, among all of us we are something like... Izuku, a crazy genius, Hatsume, a crazy engineer, Kana a crazy human computer, Shinsou an angry Hitler 2.0, Ochako a defiant of the laws of crazy physics, Monoma a crazy Xerox machine, Tooru a head of crazy hyperactivity, Eri a crazy time machine, Kirita a crazy cook and I a demigod son of the god Poseidon – Perseus already had his 10 fingers raised when counting them – that's amazing – I feel a smile –

That's how you see me, like a Hitler... grosser," Shinsou said, smiling

I'm not a Xerox machine! I'd rather call myself mimic! – exclaim Monoma –

However, a defiant who defies the laws of physics is a great name, I love it! – I point out Ochako contenta –

Human computer my ass! and why would you use the word crazy and crazy every time except for you, and cut with your god complex even if you are – I exclaim angryly pointing it out –

Then we should call him, the crazy fish god! – Ochako exclaimed by hitting the pride of Perseus –

Rather, like mudfish," Tooru added and they all laughed –

Hey, I'm surprised you even know the word physics and Hitler, so you know some science and basic history – Kana sc bureaud –

What! Of course! I'm not an idiot, " I exclaim Perseus –

Monoma smiled, watching his team fight and laugh, can't say he would ever regret joining his second family, he owed too much to the Banes

He is always tough on the students of the hero course, they mock them and point out their weaknesses, but for him, it's the way to motivate them even more

Because soon, those young heroes will be forced to fight, as Izuku said before... if there are villains, there are heroes, but sometimes, we don't even know who the real villains and heroes are, Monoma understood it very well... those heroes would become or for him, they will become his allies

Minutes later

Tooru leaned on the wall of the enemy base, saw several heroes coming in and out, but no one seemed to notice it

"why do I have to do this" – she thought, thanks to Hatsume, she had a suit that suited her peculiarity by becoming invisible along with her so as not to undress whenever she wanted to do espionage and things like that, the little radar that was connected wirelessly to the cell phone, was stored safely in her pocket –

She embraced her knees as she looked up at the sky as she waited

These lost girl – the sudden voice startled her –

Tooru got up as fast as he could and looked around, there was his director Nezu

Her small, bright eyes stared at her, there was no mistake, she had seen her, no... had smelled it with his developed smell

Em... hello director – greeting foolishly and nervously –

Looks like I found a lost girl, come follow me," Nezu said, turning his way –

Quickly, Tooru pulled the radar out of his pocket and threw it as far as he could, fortunately, the little metal radar made no sound

"you can catch me, but without the radar, you can't track others, " she thought quietly –

Interrogation room

The cold handcuffs grazed her wrists, Tooru sat inside the interrogation room, in front of her, was the famous Detective Nakamura

You'd mind explaining to us what you were doing here, Hagakure Tooru – I'm serious about the detective –