

DragonEyesBlue · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Mrs. Midoriya...?

Aizawa didn't know what time it was or how many days they were trapped in this villain lair, no villain dared annoy them and they all seemed to ignore them except Eri and the six leaders making him find it strange

He hoped that the younger villains would at least mock them as they looked out the window, but they all treated them as if they were invisible, Tsuyu had explained that someone is protecting them, or more accurately, Eri had explained that a certain leader would be angry if someone messed with them

- the professional hero does not understand why leaders would be angry, but perhaps... just maybe... are part of the plan, as a hostage perhaps

Aizawa sighed as he watched the six leaders chat with the younger villains, he doesn't know what they're planning, but for the cheerful and smiling little villains, he knew the plan was going well for them

Time runs and the possibility of escaping approaches, its peculiarity might be useful in individual battles, but it is useless among multiple opponents, especially now that his scarf is nowhere

Mr. Aizawa, you are leaving," Tsuyu said, pointing to the leaders who are now standing in front of a metal door, the frog girl looked pale and weak, seeing her friends become enemies –

As soon as they're gone, we'll wait a while before we act – I explain Aizawa –

The leaders spoke for a moment before the bandaged man opened the door, finally came out, the professional hero was nervous, it's the first time he's done this kind of thing, he felt anxious, as if at any moment something went wrong and it would be the end for them

The villains disappeared, it's time to go – Aizawa announcement –

Aizawa walked down the aisle where he stood the door facing the open grounds, opened the door and looked out, Tsuyu is behind him,there are only a few villains around, some are busytalking or training, others just watched, Aizawa drink, his peculiarity is useless now, so he can only rely on his strength and strategy when something went wrong

He just walks normally, remembers not running – he said and Tsuyu nodded, his green eyes looking around him – they finally pushed the door completely open, no one looked up at them – so far everything was fine – he whispered, they sneaked through the crowd of villains, navigating carefully to avoid bumping into someone –

Tsuyu felt terrible to see the training up close, there are children who do their best, as she does, the way they train is exhausting and painful, she swam a grimace when she saw someone accidentally burn their own skin

Because they're trying so hard to be stronger – she whispered –

Aizawa thought of that too, it is strange that these villains are like domesticated animals, he had observed them for so long that even he is being affected, he began to think that this place is like the AU, the professional hero sometimes watched as Izuku teaches them every day, they are showing respect and acting as if he were a superior, the question is, why, they are obviously stronger than Izuku

Finally they reached the end of the training camps, Aizawa and Tsuyu slipped towards the exit of the far left where the metal hatch is located, right next to where the six leaders had left

Now, it's time to grab someone for questioning," Aizawa said.


Another big mistake...

What are you two doing here

They both froze, that voice is clearly someone they heard before

Ma'am, Midoriya – Tsuyu asked –

Both even with their backs towards the red-haired woman, heard a click instead causing them both to be surprised to recognize that sound

Put your hands where you can see them, Mr. Hero, Tsuyu chan , she said in a very cold voice –

Tsuyu felt like crying, could not imagine Inko like this and yet, there he was, holding a gun pointing at their heads, a flash of Ochako's image smiling as he killed people hit his head, slowly raised his hands in the air in the same way as Aizawa's

Mrs. Midoriya... please – I try the professional hero when they finally faced the woman –

-Inko looked calm, as if holding a gun was normal – Sorry Mr. Aizawa, but I will do this for my son – said his self full of determination, he already knew that nothing could influence her –

Behind Inko, all the villains were now looking at them, their unreadable eyes, this time Aizawa knew they had failed, their last chance to escape now turned to ashes

Mrs. Midoriya, I know it's hard for you, but your son is... -- he said, until an explosive sound was heard –

The shot resumed over the entire underground lair, silencing everyone and stopping every move of all, the roso bullet the cheek of the professional hero freezing it

Don't you dare say absolutely nothing about my son again, I had enough to hear how wrong and irresponsible I am for raising a child like that, I raised him well enough – she said, her voice was now much colder and more serious than ever, everyone felt a slight movement because of the psychic peculiarity of it, although it was only a second –

Tsuyu held his tears, his head now bent down in fear, Aizawa just bit his lip and kept listening

For years I raised Izuku on my own, I cried a lot when I was on his own missions, every time he disappeared for days, when he came home bathed in his own blood or the blood of his enemies, only to attain his own righteousness. it's hard to see your son grow up in a way that everyone sees strange and wrong, while to me, he's completely normal – Inko said, his eyes shone coldly like his son's as they were overshadowed, tears stained his cheeks, but he never changed his deadly gaze –

But whatever happens – I announce her – I'll never... ever leave my son! AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THOSE WHO CAUSED SO MUCH HARM!

The professional hero finally clicked on the puzzle pieces, remembering the countless deaths, so many that gave terror and only someone with so much anger, hatred and revenge could do

're... the real green mower," he said, taking a step back –

- Inko's expression finally cleared, she smiled and nodded as she wiped tears with her sleeves, the gun still pointing at them – I'm afraid you two need to go back to their rooms, I'm so sorry Mr. Aizawa, especially you, little Tsuyu chan, please don't be afraid that as long as you don't try to escape again, nothing bad will happen