
The Chosen One

"Time is powerful enough to create and destroy everything.

If you mess with time, it will strike back at you twice as hard."

(In an Unknown Timeline)

The world was shrouded in darkness, and terror reigned everywhere. Many sky-high towers had crumbled to dust, leaving only the monuments of their former existence. The world was almost destroyed, and there was a wretched darkness everywhere.

The odour of blood and oil was everywhere. From the ground to the sky, the dangerous and unsettling roar of gears and engines were echoing in all directions. Death in metallic colours was hovering here and there, doing its cleanup work. Humanity was on the brink of extinction in this apocalyptic world.

While some survivors were cowering in fear beneath the rubble of their wrecked houses, accepting the darkness as their life to escape the mecha messengers of death, there were some, hiding in the depths of an abandoned ruin and carrying out their secret activities there.


In the depths of this abandoned ruin, there was a secret room where some dimly lit torches were lightning, not escaping out of the room but illuminating enough light to make the surroundings clearly visible.

In this dimly lit, enclosed room, some suspicious people in black cloaks, covering their faces behind black face masks, were standing and looking at someone ahead.

In front of them standing was a mysterious man wearing the same black cloak. Seeing the attention he was getting from the others, it seemed like this person was their leader. He looked at the small group of cloaked people standing in front of him and addressed them,

"My brothers and sisters present here today; we have all come together for an important purpose. As you all know, many years ago the whole world had to face doomsday because of a mistake made by some scientists."

"Evil machines took away our families and our friends. First all the Pokémons and now humanity is on the brink of extinction and only a few of us are left. All of us present here are humanity's last hope and we must make one last attempt to save humanity."

"Many years ago, Lord Arceus predicted a cataclysm and also showed a way to avoid it. Now is the time to put that solution into action. One of us will use the powers of Dialga, the God of Time and Palkia, the God of Space, to summon the chosen hero to our world who will stop this cataclysm and save this world and humanity."

"But master, who will take on this task?" Asked one of the followers.

"Do not worry, brother. It has already been decided. The person who will bring the Chosen One from the other world to this world is... Hana," said the leader, looking to his left where another cloaked person with a curvy feminine body was standing.

Hearing their leader's decision, they all looked in the same direction and unanimously agreed with his decision. The cloaked lady was standing there without saying anything. Then the leader of that group said in his heavy voice,

"Hana, you have been chosen by Lord Arceus for this great task. Now the future of this world depends on you. Do not disappoint us."

Hearing this from her leader, the cloaked lady said nothing, but merely bowed her head and obeyed his command. Then she waved her black cloak in the air dramatically and disappeared somewhere in the shadows.


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