
is someone watching me?

a cold breeze whipped around my body as I walked. though I was wearing a quite thick jacket, nothing could keep the cold from sneaking in. my name is Amelia Harrison, I'm 17 year old and... it may sound odd but... I feel as if someone is watching me. or following me I suppose, ha how crazy I must sound, you probobly think I'm some superstitious wacko, well im not... usally. anyways it's just rather odd actually, but well... to explain properly I think I should tell you about what happened, when I was younger first. normal kids were carefree, yet I was always staring at my shadows, thinking they where some beasts, how incredibly stupid I must've seemed, but I dont think anyone really cared. my story really began to unravel about 6 years ago, where my life turned from crazy, to downright impossible.