
*Re-writing* NARUTO: DUAL KAMUI in a cultivation world

Every century, The cultivation world is caught up in a turmoil when the heavenly crown emerges. Follow the young man wearing a white mask and a purple kimono, Welding gunbai in his left hand and chains on his other, with his sharingan and wood style, he traverse the worlds unrivalled

Rgendamushrooms123 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Susano!

Inside the guest house

Arthur's shadow clone was leaving his room as he makes his way towards the dining hall.

'Just who is this important person who wants to talk with me

Is it Huan li?... seems unlikely... then who might it be? ' Arthur pondered and soon came across the dining hall door.

'Whatever, I am about to meet that person anyway' thinking so he opened the door and saw the maids, cooks and butler serving dinner meanwhile jiang li and feng li were sitting on the dining chair with a stranger in his mid 40s sitting along with them.

Arthur observed that he was a tall individual with medium long black hair, a goatee and sharp facial features.

'Is this the person who wants to meet me? ' Arthur thought.

"Ah master yang! " seeing Arthur enter the dining hall, jiang li happily welcomed him and feng li did so too.

"Won't you introduced your friend to me, nephew? " the man asked playfully.

"Sure uncle! " Feng li smiled happily.

"Uncle, this is my savior and a tiger amongst men. Master yang kai! " feng gestured in a grand manner towards Arthur.

"And master yang, this is my uncle. The Vice head of the Li clan head force. Uncle meng li. A lion amongst men. " feng happily introduced.

"I have heard a lot about you master Li" Arthur courteously bowed his head and of course he has never heard anything about this fella meng li.

"Haha, the pleasures all mine young master yang. This brat feng has always boasted about me so please don't take his words seriously. I am no way that great" the uncle laughed and invited Arthur to join them in lunch.

Arthur didn't refused and sat down next to feng li.

The butler brought out beautiful dishes which Arthur found to be tastier then a 5 star meal.

During the meal, the nephew and the uncle playfully laughed and converse with each other as if they were best friends.

'Looks like they are very close' Arthur observe them in silence which was quickly broken off by the uncle's laughter.

"Hahaha" meng li heart fully laughed.

"is the dishes not up to your liking young master yang? " he asked

"Of course not master meng, they are delicious" Arthur politely replied.

"Hahaha, I have heard quite a lot about you master yang. it looks like you are quite the hidden master. A dragon amongst men! " The uncle complimented.

"It's true uncle! sir yang is a master in lightning arts! " jiang li joined in.

"Is that so...? " The uncle meng li smiled and looked meaningfully towards Arthur.

"May I ask you something master yang? " Meng li asked while smiling a bit mysteriously.

'He is going down to business huh' Arthur thought.

"Please feel free to ask me anything master meng" Arthur politely answered.

"Are you a member of the Heavenly Yang palace? " Meng li ask politely.

'What is he on about? ' Arthur thought in confusion but before he could answer, someone interrupted him.

"What's the heavenly yang palace uncle? " Feng li interrupted

Meng li look towards feng li and answered.

"Since you guys are young and have not taken complete steps into the world of cultivation you may not have heard of it but the Heavenly Yang Palace is one the 3 rulers of our continent. " Meng li harmlessly smiled.

*Gasp* both jiang li and feng li dropped their food as they look at Arthur with shock, awestruck and reverence.

some servants even collapsed on the floor upon hearing such a powerful person was amongst them.

"You can't be more wrong" Arthur replied truthfully and slip out a small smile because he found the whole ordeal too hilarious but to Meng li, that smile meant Something else.

"Of course young master. it's my mistake" Meng li smiled meaningfully and even winked at Arthur as if he was telling him that he understands his situation.

"Hahaha, trust me, I am just a wandering cultivator" Arthur burst out laughing at his antics and pick up the drink.

"Then young master yang must be a true hidden master " Meng li burst out into laughter too as Feng li and jiang li look at their uncle's antics in confusion.

'What's going on? is he really from the yang clan!? ' jiang li thought but soon their curiosity was answered as Meng spoke out something jaw dropping.

"You are a real hidden master indeed young master yang since even I can't get a glimpse of your cultivation stage. " Meng li blurted out those words playfully but feng li's world was turned upside down.

"What!? even you can't guess his cultivation stage uncle! " Feng li blurted out in shock, forgetting his etiquette.

Meng li looked at his nephew who was choking on his food and replied playfully.

"How can I ? Since the young master yang in front of me is just a clone! "


Arthur spat out his drink.


Inside the kamui dimension

The nine tails wounds were quickly regenerating and chakra started spiralling around it's mouth in front of Arthur.

"This is bad" Arthur jumped out of there trying to put up some distance between them.

As the chakra stop spiralling he wondered.

'What's going to be this time? a beast bomb or a chakra beam? '

But contrary to his expectations, a orange glow bathed the surrounding area.

"Fire? "

Arthur was still in mid air when a ocean of flames rush out of the nine tails mouth like a dragon breathing fire.

Seeing the oncoming torrent of flames, he backflipped mid air and quickly started weaving hand seals.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu"

A darkish blue fireball rushed towards the orange flames of the nine tails.

Both the flames collided creating such high temperatures that it almost reached the temperature of the sun's surface.

The flame vaporized the ground and burned the air into nothingness.

With the colossal nine tails shooting fire from the ground and Arthur shooting blue flames from the sky.

It looked like the battle of the ancient dragons.

Arthur was still in the air due to the thrust provided by the fireball but alas, the blue flame couldn't contend with the orange flames for long as Arthur was quickly running out of chakra.

Even though the blue flames were much more potent then the orange, the sheer amount of the orange flames were suppressing his more potent flames.

Arthur's fireball was slowly being pushed back towards him and now it was just 5 meters away from him.

Feeling the frightening heat, he decided to risk it all and activated his Mangekyo.

'If that's what you want then I will just blow all of the flames away! '


[Host wait! ] the system interrupted him.

'What?! ' Arthur shouted in his mind.

[If you teleport it inside the kamui dimension then the flames will be teleported in the outside world! or in your room to be more precise! ]

'Shit' Arthur cursed in his mind.

[You should kamui yourself out of here host! ]

the system adviced while panicking.

'Not necessary' Arthur quickly came up with a different plan.

He quickly used 1/3 of his remaining chakra into his fireball.

The blue fireball erupted in a new vigor as it pushed the orange flames away towards the nine tails but it only lasted for a while before the orange flames pushed it right back towards Arthur.

But Arthur had already achieved what he wanted as the opposite force of the fireball propelled him high up in the air.

The orange flames also rose up towards the sky trying to chase Arthur.

"Explode! " Arthur calculated as the blue fireball which was being pushed back exploded and disrupted the force of the flames for a while. Granting him a few precious seconds.

"System I want to buy 3 jutsus! "


The nine tails continued spewing it's orange flames towards the sky right after a few seconds of the fire ball explosion.

The flames quickly rose up to the sky and were just a few meters away from reaching Arthur.

Arthur closed his eyes and quickly weaved some new hand seals.

"Fire style: Majestic destroyer flames"

A frightening sea of flames spanning 100s of meters rushed out of Arthur's mouth and collided with the orange flames of the nine tails.

Arthur had used another 1/3 of his chakra in this jutsu and could only mantain it for 2 seconds but this was enough to easily blow away the flames of the nine tails.

The collision of the flames painted the sky in a fiery yellow as flame fell from the sky like a meteor shower. It was as if a true Phoenix was descending from the sky.

Even the nine tails was awestruck by the grandiose of the scenery and stopped attacking for a few moments.

'Now's my chance' Arthur quickly weaved another set of hand seals.

'Fire style: hiding in ash jutsu'

Smoke and ashes rush out of Arthur and covered an entire area of over 100 meters.

Surrounding both Arthur and the kyubi in the fiery clouds.

The kyubi could no longer see or sense Arthur's position as if the smoke was hindering it's sensing abilities.

Frustrated, the nine tails thrashed all of it's tails towards the ground creating such strong winds that it cleared up both the jutsu and the ground below.


The wind blew the jutsu clouds away and revealed a barren ground with no life in sight.

The nine tails was confused since Arthur was nowhere to be seen as if he vanished out of existence and started frantically searching for him.



[It was wise of you to dig through and hide underground but the nine tails will soon find your position thanks to his senses. ] the system advised.

"I know and that's why I bought that jutsu to end this fight quickly" Arthur solemnly replied.

The system contemplated in silence.

"I want to buy 3 training potions. "

[Affirmative, may you be victorious. ]


Meanwhile the nine tails had sniffed out the scent of Arthur coming from the ground.

*Khe* the kyubi smiled with his sharp teeths, bended his knees a little and jumped high up in the sky.


The ground shook violently as if an earth quake had occured and the effects could be felt far below the surface where Arthur was hiding.

[The nine tails has jumped high up into the sky! I wonder what it wants to do] the system said while scanning the nine tails.

"If my guess isn't wrong, it wants to blow the entire ground away in order to find me. " Arthur replied while chugging down a training potion. He could feel his chakra and health being replenish.

[What! If that's the case then-] the system scanned the nine tails again which was still flying high up in the sky, charging up an unreal amount of dense chakra in its mouth.

[A biju dama barrage! ] the system shouted in shock.

"Indeed" Arthur replied solemnly as he chug down the last training potion.





The nine tails releases a barrage of biju damas from the sky like a death star. Destroying the very land itself for hundreds of kilometers.

If one asked what will be the end of the world look like? Tell them it will be a fantastical mixture of art and flames but sadly no one will be alive to see it.

After half an hour, the explosion stopped and revealed the destroyed ground with only bed rocks as remains for hundreds of kilometers.

Dust, debris and fire raged across the destroyed battlefield as the heat from the explosions churned the sky and created artificial clouds which rain down upon the battlefield as thunderstorm.

Trying to put out the flames of war.

It was among this scenery that the nine tails descended from the heavens.

But it wasn't happy, in fact, it was angry, very angry as it could see from the corner of it's eyes. Amongst the raging flames, the clouds of dust and debris, amongst the thunder, The silhouette of a cyan coloured humanoid giant.

[To think that it would push you this far...

You must have been truly desperate but here it finally emerges...

The Susano! ]

the system narrated as the nine tails descended on the battlefield, standing face to face against the susano as the fire raged and the thunder roared.