
*Re-writing* NARUTO: DUAL KAMUI in a cultivation world

Every century, The cultivation world is caught up in a turmoil when the heavenly crown emerges. Follow the young man wearing a white mask and a purple kimono, Welding gunbai in his left hand and chains on his other, with his sharingan and wood style, he traverse the worlds unrivalled

Rgendamushrooms123 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Blue wind city

The carriage steadily approach the enormous city walls spanning well over 10 meters in height, the enormous gate was made up of some special metal as Arthur could clearly feel some qi fluctuation from it.

"Halt! " the gatekeeper shouted and approached the carriage to perhaps inspect the identity of the passengers.

It was a problem for Arthur as he doesn't possess any identity so he might not be allowed to go inside the city or worse, detained.

Arthur closed his eyes and prepared to cast a genjutsu on the gatekeeper as soon as he approach him but turns out he was needlessly worrying as the head guard came up to the gatekeeper while showing him a golden token.

The golden token was shinning with a powerful qi and the name Li was inscribed on it showing a bit of majesty.

Seeing the token, the attitude of the gatekeepers took a a complete 180 degree turn as they quickly opened up the gates without any further questions. Some of them even bowed towards the carriage

They soon enter a grand hallway or perhaps it was a tunnel, which was connected with the majestic gates. The tunnel was ladden with numerous precious rocks, gold and beautiful architectures

"Looks like you got quite the influence young master" Arthur nonchalantly commented

"You jest daoist yang, I possess no such influence here, I am just a measly young master from a neighboring county that just so happens to be from the li clan branch family. It is the name of my main clan Li that they fear and respect. I got no such influence" Feng li humbly dispelled the misunderstanding

"Oh, is that so? " Arthur spoke in slight amusement of feng li's tone "Then how do you plan to repay your dept young master, as the dept for saving one's life is quite heavy and I am not quite easy to please either" Arthur joked while slightly probing about feng li's current situation.

Jiang li spoke up with her lovely voice, " We may be not that influential master yang but we surely won't run away from our depts, we will surely satisfy you " Jiang li gently laughed while slightly covering her cherry lips with her snow white hands.

Arthur was slightly caught off gaurd by her laugh, it was as if spring have arrived early and lavenders were blooming, 'Is this the beauty standard for this cultivation world? every celebrity pales in comparison with her' Arthur thought but that was it, he wasn't interested in her one bit, as of Arthur right now, his heart was as steady as an old well which can't be rippled so easily, this was thanks to the system changing his mindset and his previous experiences.

"We are finally here" feng li whispered emotionally and Arthur took his eyes of her and looked ahead

One word came into his mind... beautiful!

It was the city everyone imagined when they thought of the word 'fantasy city', A big and bustling city with swarms of people, carriages and mystical beasts. it had a unique old Chinese architecture and a hill in the middle of the city, on top of the hill stood a majestic castle.

Bustling wide roads, stalls, towering monuments and numerous fancy buildings.

People were pouring out of there like ants, laughing and smiling together.

'It's almost thrice as big as New York! ' Arthur thought slightly dazed by the size of the city.

Perhaps this was what you called an immortal city.

"Your expression is quite lavish for someone who lives here master yang" Jiang li teased with her charming voice. "Although blue wind city is only a medium size city, it's still quite beautiful won't you say master yang? "

'Mid? ' Arthur thought a bit surprised but of course he didn't showed it

"It has been quite some time since I was last here... looks like a lot have changed" Arthur replied with nostalgia which could even fool the court jester himself with his acting skills but Jiang li was taking none of it.

She laughed a little and continued teasing "Is that so? "

Arthur helplessly looked at feng li saying as please control your fiance

Feng li laughed at Arthur's appearance and spoke up "Please don't tease my benefactor, dear"

Jiang li replied "But sir yang rarely shows emotions on his face so i couldn't help myself" she laughed and stop pursuing the matter which eased Arthur's burden a lot since he was starting to get paranoid that maybe his facade was seen through.

The carriage drove through the streets and Arthur could see multiple people ranging from various age groups moving through the bustling road. They all wear beautiful clothes as you would see in a cultivation manhwa and frankly Arthur was sure now that the beauty standards of this world were nothing compared to his previous world, the bar were set up a bit too high but none of them could match Jiang li.

The carriage turned towards a less crowdy corner with beautiful paved roads

Soon they arrived in front of a huge and majestic golden Gate

"Here we are...li clan" Feng li said with emotions as he looked at the grand golden gates of the li clan

Arthur saw a majestic golden tiger sitting on top of the gates, releasing a majestic aura. Even Arthur was a bit awestruck by the grandiose

"We have arrived" Jiang li smiled while looking at Arthur's facial expression which annoyed him a little

Once again the head guard came out to show the token and soon the golden Gate was swung open.

The carriage slowly made it's way through the gate. 'Even gate keepers are foundation establishment realm experts' Arthur mused

The carriage soon made it's way through the Li clan and Arthur had to say, the clan compounds was a grand city in its own rights.

It was huge.

The carriage soon entered a residential area with beautiful Chinese architectural buildings and enormous courtyards, the carriage stopped in front of a little less grandiose house. It was probably the residence of the young master feng.

"We have arrived" Feng li spoke up while climbing out of the carriage with his fiance.

Arthur too followed them from behind and soon entered a beautiful courtyard.

An old man carrying a golden lion embroidered coat came out of the house along with 2 female maids.

Feng li took out his previous coat and wore the new one, "Butler Huan , this is an important guest of mine, master yang, please tend to his needs while I go out"

Saying so, feng li turned towards Arthur and replied apologetically, "Master Yang, sorry I can't accompany you for a while. I need to greet the clan elders and my uncle"

"You don't need to mind me master Feng" Arthur replied nonchalantly.

"Jiang'er can accompany you for a while until I come back" Feng li said

"No need, I require some rest so please don't mind me" Arthur humbly declined their offer as he needed time to organise his thoughts.

"In that case, please take master Yang to the guest house butler Huan" Feng li instructed the Butler and went off in a hurry.

Inside the guest house

Bedroom, Arthur was laying on his bed, feeling the comfort of a bed for the first time in this world.

The sensation was comforting and almost foreign to him, instead of a pillow, he used his arms instead and layed on his bed, staring at his status screen.


Player: Arthur

Skills: MS(all kamui abilities and susano), kamui Raikiri, raikiri, chidori, Lightning flicker (Advance version of thunder breathing and flicker technique), Fire style: Fire ball jutsu(advance), Earth wall, basic 3 jutsu, shadow clones, armament haki, shadow shiruken jutsu.

[Note: The side effects of MS can be negated by spending points but the MS abilities will still require huge amount of chakra.

Tip: Buy sage body or hashirama cell transplant]

Weapon: Tengen Uzui Nichirin Dual Cleavers

Level:Mid kage

Chakra: Kage

Battle strength:Mid kage

Remark: Enemy shakes in fear as you now posses the strength to topple and establish countries


'Topple countries huh.... '

Maybe that was an overstatement since he still required huge amounts of chakra to use his MS abilities.

'Sage body.... '

Arthur checked his system store and the fabled sage body of hashirama required the same amount of pts as an ems.

'it's a hard choice... a sage body gives more chakra than half a kurama to it's user like hashirama stated... ' Feeling confused, he decided to focus on a different matter.

Arthur slowly stretch his hands towards the ceiling and clenched his fist.

'Wu mansion...

It should be situated in this city... '

No one could guess what was going on his head.

[Arthur's character design in the comment section]