
+*I can keep your secret*+

The survey corps has finally defeated the titans. They could live in peace they go to Freedom Wing Academy to catch up on all the things they have missed out on. Meanwhile, Mikasa and the crew are in high school. But Mikasa had a secret job that only Hanji and Sasha know about. They never got paid at Survey corps and never had a job before. " I need to find a way to take care of everyone..and this is the only way how.." One day Levi walks into the path of interest on Mikasa's secret. What will happen between all of them? Btw this is my first fanfic I am writing. So please read and give me your opinions!

Claire_5450 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

-*Moving In*-

"Wow, the school is huge! It looks like 4 really big mansions all put together..." Mikasa thought.

"C'mon brats the classes start in 15 minutes and we apparently are supposed to have a tour of the school tch." said Levi. "Oh hello everyone, my name is Erwin I am one of the professors at this school. What are your names?"asked Erwin. I already know you are Levi of the scouts but what about you three?". "Hange Zoe", "Sasha blouse", "Mikasa Ackerman" they said as they all introduced themselves. "Nice to meet you all, I'm guessing you all are looking for a tour guide, that would be me. Let's go shall we?" said Professor Erwin. "Oi follow him" commanded Levi. They all went inside the school and they were all amazed, except Levi of course. Our school is very large and extravagant as you can see." said Erwin. "Our private school has a tuition of course and the dorms should be paid for every month. I should also tell you we have three spots available for student council. President and vice president." If your interested I can see you in my office." informed Erwin. They walked up to a series of dorms, " Here are you dorms everyone, now each dorm has room for two people each. You guys can figure out the rooming. I will be back in 1 hour! By then you all should have chosen a room and unpacked..oh yes also our school only allows for students to room with the same sex." But since you all are females except one we will make an exception. Here are the keys all of you, as he handed Mikasa and Hanji a key. Now off you go, again I'll be back in ONE hour." Erwin then nodded and walked away.

"Alright brats so who's rooming with who?" asked Levi. "I'll stick with Mikasa!" said Sasha. "No, I'm not going to be with shitty glasses for the rest of the semester" said Levi in a monotone voice. "Levi!! I need you to help me with experiments!!" exclaimed Hanji. "No" Levi bluntly stated, "*Sigh* it's fine,I'll room with Hanji and you and Mikasa can room together." replied Sasha. "Hey Mikasa it seems like Levi is really interested in rooming with you." whispered Sasha to Mikasa. "Sure" Mikasa sarcastically replied. Mikasa walked down the hallway, apparently her dorm was at the end of the hallway. She put and turned the key and opened the door.

I walked into the room and was a bit shocked by how big the room was I continued walking to the bed nearest to me and I heard Levi shutting the dorm behind us. I set my luggage down and went to explore the room a bit more. I saw that the desks were made with sparkling porcelain and the counter top in the windowsill had a quaint tea set on top of it. I went to check what was behind the door near by what was now Levi's bed. I opened the door and saw a very clean and big bathroom.

There was a bathroom with a marble floor, beautiful white walls, and a shower with walls made of glass and next to the shower were 2 white towels. (Just imagine it UnU) I walked out of the bathroom to see that Levi was checking the room for any dust or a particle of dirt. I decided to unpack my things so I swinged my luggage onto my bed and opened it. I first unpacked my clothes and put them into my new wardrobe. I felt a bit uncomfortable putting my undergarments into the drawers when Levi was still in the area. So I just hoped for the best and since they were already folded it would be quick I thought. So I swiftly ran from my luggage to my wardrobe and tried to cover them as best as I could with my arms..just in case. I shoves them into the cabinets and shut them closed with a loud BANG. Of course Levi heard from across the room and I just looked down and walked quickly over to my luggage. I didn't exactly see it but I can feel his smirk looking down on me. I finished packing about 15 minuted later and so did Levi. We still had about 35 minutes until Erwin would probably show up. Meanwhile, I saw Levi making tea specifically, jasmine tea. I went to my wardrobe to change out of the stupid get-up people called a school uniform. I got a loose red shirt and long black sweatpants, she went to the bathroom and locked the door. I changed into my outfit and opened the door to see Levi waiting right outside the door. It seemed a bit suspicious but I didn't know what motive he could've had. He went into the bathroom and I'm guessing he was going to take a shower since the water form the shower turned on.

I just went around him and walked away, it was 8:37 and I felt bored. It was a Thursday morning and classes actually started next week Monday. I got up and went to the teapot sitting on the counter. The tea smelled delicious so I got a porcelain teacup and and poured the tea in. I was pouring it in when someone burst into the room and I spilled some of the tea onto my finger. "Ah!" I quickly brought my hand to my mouth and tried to lessen the pain. I turned around to seen Hanji and Sasha there at the door. "Yes?" I asked, "Hey Mikasa!! Where's Levi?" asked Hanji. "Showering" I briefly answered. I got a teaspoon and mixed in a tea spoonful of sugar into my tea. I could hear their quiet footsteps approaching me. Hanji looked over my shoulder, "Soooo anything from the captain yet?" she slyly asked. "Tsk why do you keep asking my your stupid questions, and for your information no there wasn't why would there be anything in the first place." I said as I rolled my eyes. I shook her off my shoulder. I noticed that Sasha and Hanji were looking at each other weirdly. I took a small sip of my tea and raised my brow." "So are you gonna answer me or not?" I asked boldly. "Well.." Sasha started, "WE SHIP YOU WITH CAPTAIN LEVI!" they said in unison. My eyes widened and I noticed I dropped my tea cup. "W-what?" I stuttered, Sasha had a smug expression on her face "Well I mean you can't tell us how it was a sign when he carried you down to Survey Corps when you leg was injured from that titan.". Hanji started giggling, I even took a few pictures of it" she brought out her phone and opened her gallery. She showed me a few pictures of Levi carrying me bridal-style through the forest to Survey Corps. "My little Levi is growing up!" she exclaimed. At that moment the shower turned off and then came Levi with a slightly wet black shirt and black sweatpants. She briefly looked at Levi and turned her head away from him knowing she was getting flustered. (H e h e, I know, I'm so cruel aren't I? Jk worse is to come dear readers UvU). "Tch you spilled your tea and you didn't bother to clean it up brat", he sighed and turned his head to Hanji who had quickly put her phone away. "Oi what are you two doing here?", "Oh nothing" said Hanji with a slight melodic tone to her voice. Sasha nodded in agreement, Mikasa finally spoke and said "I'm sorry sir that I made a mess, but excuse me." as she sprinted to the bathroom and locked the door. Levi saw the blush brushed upon her cheeks and wondered what caused her to get flustered. He heard something about a ship? But he just ignored it, he had to admit it was cute that Mikasa got flustered over the smallest things. "What is wrong with me?!" Mikasa thought. *sigh* well I need to clean the floor" I thought as I sprayed water on my face." I dried my face with a towel and checked the mirror once more to see that I was looking presentable. I walked out of the bathroom looking a bit down to see Levi cleaning the floor and Hanji and Sasha gone. "Oi Ackerman, clean the floor damn it, I cleaned it 15 minutes ago" he said as he glared at me". "Right away corporal" I said as I saluted, "At ease Ackerman" he replied as walked away. I got the towel he was using to wipe the floor and cleaned the floor, and the stain wasn't coming out. I scrubbed harder and it was barely rubbing off. I felt hands behind me that was wrapping around me and on the towel. It was Levi..I smelled mint and fresh laundry. "This is how you do it brat tch" he slowly dragged my hands up and down in a rhythm and I slowly followed along. The stain quickly came off and Levi stood up, "Get up brat" as he lent his hand down, I just nodded and took his offer. He pulled me up and I stood up quickly and walked over to my bed and laid down.

Levi's POV

She took my hand and I pulled her arm, she quickly walked over to her bed and laid down. I heard a quiet "thank you" coming from her when I pulled her up. "Tch" she can really be a brat sometimes. I sighed and got a cup of tea, I laid on my bed and read a book. I checked the time and it was 8:54. I continued reading my book, I glanced over at Mikasa and she was listening to music apparently. I quickly turned my head back to my book when her head turned to my direction. Hopefully, she didn't see me staring at her..

Mikasa's POV

I turned my head away from my phone when I felt eyes watching me I turned to see nobody looking at me. It was a bit suspicious but then again, a lot of things happened today. I suddenly heard a knock on the door and thought that is must've been professor Erwin. I got up from my bed as Levi stood up and walked over to the door as well. The door opened with a click and I of course Professor Erwin was standing there. "Hello professor" I said, "Hello Mikasa and Levi, I wanted to tell you that the curfew here is 10:00 on weekdays and 12:00 on weekends."replied Erwin. "Tch are you Cinderella's fairy godmother?" I thought. "Oh ok, is that all professor?" I asked. "Oh yes,are you properly unpacked and ready for classes next week?" he asked. "Oh yeah we're both ready." I answered. "Alright well then I'll be happy to see you both in my class next week." he said as he walked away.