
*DISCONTINUED*Ancient Tree Spirit [BL]

His whole life, Leo was made fun of. For his feminine appearance and big green eyes. Leo was always considered to be a weird kid. He would often talk to birds and rabbits in the forest. When he was young, he lived in a cabin in the forest with his grandpa and he would often play there after school. He lived there alone with his grandpa. Leo was found as a baby and the old hunter took him in and raised him, so Leo never meet his biological parents. Nevertheless, he loved his grandpa with all his heart. He taught Leo many survival skills and how to live off the land. Leo was taught how to determine if something was poisonous, what to and not to eat, and how to track animals. Even though his grandfather was a hunter, Leo absolutely hated it when he would hunt since he was friends with the creatures of the forest. Leo would cry and beg his grandpa to not hunt the animals, so eventually the man gave in and stopped hunting. He eventually took up wood working and carpentry and made a living off of it. Leo loved the forest and all it's creatures and everyday he would go into the forest to his special place. There was a patch of forest where there weren't any trees and there was a rock that sat in the middle of the circle. He would sit on the rock and all the animals including deers, rabbits, and birds would all go to him. Later on, he found that he was able to understand what they would say. He would always talk to them, but soon, that happiness was all ruined. When Leo turned eleven, his grandfather got very sick and without enough money to buy medicine, he eventually died. Leo cried at his grandfather's grave for many days. Eventually he was put into the care of Sarah and Dave who gladly adopted the boy. They took him in as their own and Leo lived a happy life, but after the death of his grandfather, he couldn't face himself to go back into the forest. In result, there old cabin was deserted and the forest was deemed haunted by the old hunter. Leo lived his life like any ordinary kid, but still was bullied from his peers. They would tease him and call him cursed. They said mean things to him everyday at school. He would often be called cursed, a freak, or a monster when he would talk to the animals so he never did it again for he wad afraid. The animals eventually stopped gathering around him and he never talked to them again. Later on he became the personal assistant of a man named Mr.Coleman who was the CEO of a major company. Who knows what's in store for Leo and his new boss. Hopefully love will unfold.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Special Job 2


"So you want to have Leo be a manager for him," Coleman asked for clarification.

Ms.Amber nodded, "Yes, I feel like Leo would be the perfect manager."

Coleman groaned.

She put he hands together a pleaded, "Please James. Leo would be perfect, he is very organized and has the right qualifications."

"Why don't you use someone else from a different department."

"We are really short on staff, some are already doing two people jobs by themselves."

What she said was true. Many people had quit their jobs since they couldn't take the chaos of the company or simply wanted a different job.

Coleman groaned, "Fine, he can." He turned to Leo, "Do you wish to?"

Leo's head was in turmoil. He put his finger on his chin and thought, 'Well, if I become the manager, then Ill have even less free time, but I guess that would be a good way to take my mind off things. But I won't get to see Mr.Coleman....wait! What am I doing, thinking about him!? I need to clear my head on this and see what's for the best.'

After a moment of thinking Leo finally said, "Sure I'll do it."

Ms.Amber smiled brightly and walked happily to Leo, while Coleman looked less than unhappy. He frowned as he kept his eyes on his papers. He told himself, 'Calm down and don't lose your cool.'

"Well then it's settled. You're duties as my personal assistant will be on hold for a while and your new job shall be a manager for Mr.Perez." Coleman said calmly.

"Oh yeah, Ms.Amber, when will I start working?"

"Since we are so short on staff, I was hoping you could start as soon as possible."

"Mr.Coleman," Leo said as he looked towards him, he asked nervously, "Would it be fine if I start tomorrow?"

Coleman only crossed his arms and nodded, looking displeased. But Leo didn't notice and said happily, "Thank you Mr.Coleman!"

"Oh that's wonderful! Well, here is his file, I want you to look it over and tomorrow morning at 7:00am, go to the address labeled here," she pointed to a spot on the paper. She asked, "Do you have a driving license?"

Leo shook his head embarrassed.

"That's okay. We'll have a personal driver who will pick you up at your apartment tomorrow morning at 6:15am. Don't be late."

"And Leo? Can you make me a coffee please," she asked nicely.

Leo nodded and obediently walked towards the break room to make the coffee. Once he left the room, Ms.Amber giggled while slightly hunched over.

"What's so funny?"

"You two are just hilarious. You obviously looked displeased with this new job, are you by any chance.....jealous?" she said this with a sly grin across her face.

Coleman glared, "I'm not jealous."

"Ya sure...."

"Yes I'm sure."

Ms.Amber gave up. She knew that whenever Coleman said something so seriously, he wouldn't budge. She groaned then turned, "Anyway I'm gonna go. I'll ya later."

When she went to the door, Leo opened it first and walked in, "Oh hey Ms.Amber, I made your coffee and I put it in a to go cup since I thought you wouldn't stay long."

Ms.Amber gladly took the fresh coffee, "Thank you Leo, I'll see you later, bye."


Before she left, she turned and mouthed to Coleman, 'He's a keeper.'

Coleman sighed and tapped a pen on the desk.

Leo sat down at his table and asked, "So what did you two talk about?"

"Oh um, just about what's going on in her department."

"Okay, is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, nothing at the moment."

The two sat in silence while both worked and looked at their computers.

Coleman glanced at Leo. He got curious. He wanted to ask Leo some more questions. Anything, he wanted to know more about the boy. He asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Oh yeah, what is it?"

"I wanted to ask you about your college days."

"Well, there really isn't much to it."

"I still wish to know. Whenever I find someone in my liking, which is rare, I make it a point to know about them."

Leo's face turned a bit pink, which caught Coleman by surprised, but also pleased him.

"In college I wasn't really special. I was always the quiet and smart kid I guess. I didn't have any friends so I didn't go to parties or anything outrageous. I just went through college and pushed myself to get the best grades as possible. By the end, I graduated at top of my class and went on with my life."

"Hm, do you wish you did something different?"

Leo chuckled lightly, "Not really. Though I did wish I had a friend to help me when times were tough."

The room got tense and bit awkward. It was dead silent which didn't help at all.

Leo checked his watch, "Oh it's already so late. I should be going if there is nothing to do."

Coleman smiled slightly at him, "You may go. You don't have any more work to do."

"Alright, bye then Mr.Coleman."

"Bye Leo."

Leo left the room. Once he left, the room became silent again. He thought to himself, 'Well, I guess I was at least able to get to know more about him.'


Leo woke up the next morning, ready for the big day today. He made sure to wake up extra early so he could look over the file he received. He opened the folder and read through it. There was a photo in the top right corner. It showed a basic photo, but the man was simply dashing.

He had bronze skin with icy white hair, and pale grey eyes. He was smiling in the photo which exposed his pearly white and perfectly straight teeth. He looked very handsome and even made Leo gasp a little when he saw the picture.

Next to the photo, had all the basic information, it stated his height, age, weight, and some other basic information.

Leo read through it, "Let's see, so his name is Antonio Perez, 25 years old, 190cm tall, and weighs about 162lbs."

Underneath the basic information, had some more detailed things. His likes, preferences, dislikes, basic schedule, address, and much more.

Leo read through the file and got ready to leave his apartment. Just as promised, once he left his apartment, he saw a car with a chauffeur waiting for him. He thanked the driver and hopped in the back seat. Not soon later, they arrived at a penthouse.

They waited for about a few moments and he came out of the building. Antonio strutted out of his penthouse with a lady who appeared to be his assistant. He said something to her then got in the car.

As he got in, he looked at Leo. He closed the door then turned to him. Antonio grabbed Leo's chin in between his index finger and thumb. He smiled brightly and seductively while getting close to Leo's face, "Oh, and who is this cutie?"


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed

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