

Monday Evening, January 10th, 2011

Brockton Bay, New Hampshire, Earth Bet

Hebert Residence​

I pushed my plate towards the center of the dining room table, leaning back and clutching my stomach with a groan. It had been good, but maybe I'd overdone it a little.

"You okay there?" Danny asked, eyeing me.

"Yeah, just...well, full. So. That talk," I said.

Danny nodded gravely. "That talk. Who hurt you, Taylor?"

I winced, and realized that my hands were shaking. To whatever degree I was Taylor by absorbing her memories, this...it terrified the instincts from those memories. Her. Or me. Whichever. It terrified us beyond words. But I was not just Taylor or her memories, and I knew as best I could that this needed to be done. So I took a deep breath and firmly commanded my hands to still. It worked, which caught me momentarily by surprise.

I mentally shrugged it off and started talking. I was an adult, and I knew that the best way to do anything difficult is one step at a time.

Besides, I'd had plenty of difficult conversations in my life. With family, in relationships, with clients. I'd delivered bad news and talked about deeply personal things. After being the one who had to tell weeping clients that all their options had been exhausted, I could handle this.

"I...should start the whole story at the beginning. Remember when I went to summer camp, two years ago?"

"It was someone you met there?" Danny asked, lips curving into a frown.

I shook my head. "No, summer camp was great. It was when I got back that things first went wrong. I went to visit Emma, and she said some awful things and turned me away."

Danny tilted his head in disbelief. "Emma? Why would Emma do that?"

I sighed heavily. "Emma had made a new friend while I was gone. Sophia Hess. A juvenile delinquent and mentally disturbed girl who believes that all humans are predators or prey, and that 'prey' who don't fight back deserve whatever the predators do to them. Sophia somehow made an impression on Emma, and sucked her into thinking the way she does. She turned everything I ever shared with her around and has been using it to hurt me for the last two school years. She pulled her popular girl social group in on the act with her to make me the school pariah.

"There's been physical stuff too, although that's more Sophia and occasionally Madison's thing. Stealing or destroying things like my books, my homework, and mom's flute. Shoving me in the hallways, even down stairs. Dumping juice and pencil shavings on me. Hunting me down during lunch when I go somewhere to hide.

"Going to teachers and Principal Blackwell always backfired; they'd use one another for alibis or to support their own reversed version of events, and nothing would happen or I'd be the one punished.

"Then everything culminated in the girls filling my locker with biological waste and Sophia shoving me in while Emma watched, and I nearly died."

Danny's hands, resting on the table, had clenched into progressively tighter fists as I talked. "I need to call Alan, he needs to know what's been going on. I can take care of this, Taylor, I promise."

I reached over and laid a reassuring hand on Danny's closest fist. "He does need to know. Emma's going to need a lot of therapy to help her get past the hateful mess that Sophia has twisted her into. But as soon as Alan gets wind of the allegation that his daughter was involved in the locker incident his first instinct will be to circle the wagons and do everything he can to protect her. And it will probably be very hard for him to believe that his daughter was party to anything like that. So we need to do more than just calling him. We need undeniable proof, and we need to play this smart. There's...more, I haven't told you, that makes this whole thing complicated."

Danny grimaced. "It gets worse?"

I wobbled a hand. "More like just complicated. Some of it we can actually use to our advantage, if we're smart. So...something I couldn't figure out for the longest time was how they kept getting things in or out of my locker. I got the janitor to change the lock a couple times, but it never seemed to make any difference."

I paused.

"Let's switch topics for a minute. You know how it's a crime to reveal the secret identity of a heroic cape?"

Danny's look turned from angry to confused, and then angry again.

"Taylor, where are you going with this?"

"There might be something about Sophia that I can't legally tell you."

"She's a cape?!"

I offer Danny a grim smile. "You said it, not me. And if she were a cape, I definitely couldn't tell you which one, or why I was just talking about how I couldn't figure out how someone got things into my locker without seemingly opening it. Although there is a black Ward Sophia's age in Brockton Bay with the ability to move through solid objects. Anyway, because of the law, neither of us can repeat any suspicions we might have to anyone else."

"Taylor...are you sure?" Danny asked.

I drummed my fingers on the table, hesitating. Here was the next big step.

There were risks. So many risks. But even impaired by depression Danny was a good man, and he loved Taylor, and I wanted to trust him. If it went badly, well...there were still things I could do, if I had to. I could 'join' the PRT and probably evade their oversight to do my real work.

The ideas I had for that would be a pain to set up and would slow me down, and there would always be a risk they'd notice, but as fallback positions went it wasn't unworkable. And if all else failed I could load up whatever skills I needed to just vanish and take Danny with me.

But the best world was the one where I didn't need to hide everything from Danny and he supported what I would be doing.

"Yes. Firstly because it explains everything. Did you know the schools with Wards get a big payout from the Protectorate? Blackwell would have a strong incentive not to report anything that could get a Ward pulled out of her school, or the Wards program. That would explain why all my complaints went nowhere, even the times I had a teacher backing me up. Blackwell was stonewalling because she has a financial interest in making complaints against a certain person disappear. And there's only one person in the city that can move through solid objects."

I could tell Danny's fury was building again, so I waved a hand to focus his attention back on me. "But that's not how I really know, just a plausible way I could have figured it out. And it's not a perfect theory; Blackwell could just be incompetent, one of the bullies could just be good at picking locks. The real reason I know beyond any doubt is that I'm a cape now, too."

Danny paused for a long moment, and in that brief eternity I wondered if I'd just screwed up everything.

Then he stood and took me close in a long hug. "Oh little owl, I am so, so sorry. I should have noticed something was wrong, I should have stopped this a long time ago."

I returned his hug. "I was doing my best to hide it from you. Because I was being an idiot who didn't want to burden you, but still. And I don't blame you for being caught up in your own head the past two years. Although that is something else we should talk about, after all this. We're both part of why this got as far as it did. And we're going to fix it together."

Danny let me go and sat again, giving me a look that was difficult to decipher. A mixture of pain and pride, perhaps. "When did you grow up so much?" he asked.

I wince. That was a little too on the nose, and I needed to deal with it. Just...tell the truth, but not the whole truth.

"My power, it...it's basically knowledge and experience, and it's given me a lot of maturity all at once, I think. I know I'm talking differently, thinking differently. I'm sort of like an experienced adult version of myself, grown up all at once."

A lie, but only half a lie. And kinder than the full truth. Danny's face still twisted in pain. I never had children, but I could imagine the thought of having your child robbed of their innocence because you failed to protect them would hurt deeply.

I felt guilt, then. From myself and Taylor's memories both. Had I said too much just because I wanted to create a cover for my changed personality?

There was no sense in worrying over it now. It was done and I needed to keep going.

"When I...triggered, I got a rush of knowledge about stuff that was going on, like about Sophia, or what had happened to Emma. Lots of important stuff. But that seems to have been a one time thing. My main power is giving myself expertise in any areas I want. Lifetimes of knowledge and experience, potentially going far beyond the state of the art into the sorts of stuff that tinkers can do.

"You remember when I started talking about glycogen in the car? I gave myself a few pulses of medical knowledge in the hospital so that I could understand what the doctors had written on my chart. Now I've got more medical knowledge than any doctor on the planet."

I knocked on the side of my skull. "I've got instructions in my head for making medicines that can cure cancer, or Alzheimer's, or even old age. And I think I can keep conjuring up more each day.

"I know you aren't a cape geek, but it's hard to overstate how big of a deal that is. Powers don't normally grow like that. Dauntless is a huge deal in the Protectorate because his power effectively grows very slowly over time. I can make myself better than anyone in the world at any subject I like every day. Hero was Triumvirate-tier because his specialty was so broad he could do almost anything. My power is even stronger than his, if anything. If I can stay safe and off everyone's radar for long enough, I'll be one of the strongest capes in the world. The good I can do by creating things that help people is immeasurable."

I looked Danny squarely in the eyes. "And that is why absolutely no one can know. Until I'm ready I'll be very, very vulnerable, and if people find out what I can do they'll stop at nothing to have me under their control. I'm going to do my best to hide, I'm going to learn, and I'm going to get ready until I'm strong enough to protect us both. I'm never going to do anything stupid like build a ray gun and go out and fight crime. I want to be a hero, but I don't want to punch bad guys in the face. I want to be a hero like Dragon. I'll make the world a better place through technology and science, and if I ever need to fight anyone I'll do it with robots from thousands of miles away or something."

"I'm really glad you don't want to do anything foolish, kiddo, but what about the protection of the PRT? I know the Ward issue is a problem, but maybe we could get you in Boston, or…" Danny said.

I held up a hand. "I've got ideas for making sure Sophia is brought to justice, but that isn't the main issue. Those flashes of knowledge I got when I triggered? It was pretty clear that the PRT is badly infiltrated by the gangs. They bribe or threaten employees to get information, and some even have electronic infiltration going on. Seeing through their security cameras and stuff. It's a big part of how villains escape from custody so often.

"Any information the PRT gets on me is likely to get out, and my powers getting out would make me - and you, because of me - the most valuable kidnapping targets around. Eventually I'll have technology and resources that will make that very difficult, but for now I think our safety hinges on absolute secrecy."

I leaned forward and laid a hand on Danny's arm while I looked directly at him. "In telling you all this I'm hoping you'll agree to not go to the PRT for now as long as I agree not to do anything that endangers myself."

I offered Danny a hopeful smile. "So Dad, what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

Danny offered me a long look. "You're going to keep me in the loop. Whatever cape stuff you're up to, I want to know."

I stop to think. There will be some things I'll have to omit just to keep him safe. I can't tell him about Cauldron because of Contessa's paths, and telling him about Scion probably wouldn't be a good idea. And there will probably be things about my full capabilities that are so terrifying I won't want to risk anyone knowing. Should I be honest and tell him there's knowledge it's just plain dangerous to even have?

I agonized over it. If I'm honest and he pushes for full disclosure, which he probably would, that would leave me in a difficult position. If I agree after objecting and him making clear he wants everything, that would make him suspect I wasn't being completely honest.

"Okay. I'll keep you in the loop," I lied. Damn it. I hate it, but I think it's the best I can do. I resolve to keep the promise as best I can, but not to a degree that it's unsafe for either of us to do so.

"Alright then," Danny said. "So what are you planning?"

I sigh and stand to start pacing. "For Sophia and Emma, there's a lot of options. I could ignore them, switch to homeschooling, and drop a very thoroughly anonymized note in the Regional Director's inbox detailing what Sophia has gotten up to in her off hours to thoroughly violate her probation. When they check her phone they'll find plenty of proof. They'll probably quietly send her to juvie or a punishment detail at a containment zone somewhere. Without Sophia to be a bad influence, Emma might eventually put her head back together. Or maybe not. When the school district offers you a small settlement to cover the medical bills you take it and don't pursue anything more. It's low benefit, low risk."

Danny nodded. "And?"

"If I want a chance to get Emma proper help by forcing Alan to recognize what's happened, I'll need more proof. I can get that in two ways. The contents of her phone, or by wearing a wire and getting her to say incriminating things when I go back to school."

"How would you get the contents of her phone?" Danny asked.

I shrug. "I could make myself the world's best computer hacker if I want, and cover my tracks. That's the fastest and surest way. I don't like the idea of breaking the law, even to recover evidence of a crime, but it's an option."

"I don't really like it."

"Me neither," I said. "Low risk, but not zero risk. Wearing a wire would be emotionally difficult, but legally safer."

"I don't really like the idea of you allowing them to torment you, either."

I wince. "Yes. But it would be for the last time."

Danny sighed, and I could see how he felt conflicted.

I pause for a moment to recollect my thoughts before continuing. "If I get solid evidence on Sophia and Emma, I can use it to get Sophia sent where she can't hurt anyone, get Emma professional help despite Alan's impulse to protect her, and set us up for lawsuits that will never actually get filed. Blackwell and anyone else associated with the coverup get fired and replaced with people who can maybe turn the school around, and the school's insurer offers us a fat enough settlement to keep a case with a very sympathetic victim out of the courts. A nearly dead bullied child is not something you want a jury assigning a damage figure to."

Danny gave me a funny look.

"I may have stuck a lawyer's education into my head too," I clarified, avoiding a lie by dirty technicality. I was pulling the knowledge from my prior life instead of having spent a charge on it, but I was confident in it. I'd handled plenty of civil cases.

"We could, on top of that, quietly go after the PRT for more money. I can plausibly explain how I know her identity by claiming to have seen Sophia using her powers to stick things in my locker, even though that's a lie. They won't be able to disprove it, since the conclusion is accurate. Even if they can keep the details of the case away from the media they'll want to avoid that whole circus and the enormous PR hit it would mean for them that any Ward anywhere was caught doing awful things in their off time, and the PRT was negligent in preventing it when they were supposed to be watching someone in probation."

Danny looked worried. "What if they suspect you're a cape? You said drawing any attention is a bad idea."

I nodded. "It is. But I'm...not a normal cape."

Danny gave me a formidable parental look. "What do you mean?"

"The PRT's scientists believe that everyone with superpowers has a certain structure in the brain that I don't have. I can wave the MRI results at them if they get suspicious. Still, better not to have to, because if they get suspicious enough they might decide the MRI is wrong for some reason. And I have options for making money without exposing myself."

"That's convenient."

I nodded. "Yes. Still, it's a last line of defense. Best not to rely on it if we don't have to. I'm thinking we probably shouldn't deliberately poke the PRT bear that far. Ideally, let them think we don't know who Sophia is."

"Stay under the radar," Danny said, understanding.


"Okay," Danny said with a heavy sigh. "What about all the stuff you're no doubt planning that isn't related to Emma and Sophia?"

I stopped pacing and took a seat. "Well, that's tricky. I need to build my knowledge, which is just a matter of time, but also my resources. There are some classic ways that people - gangs and the PRT - catch tinkers. Odd purchases of industrial supplies, sudden changes in power usage, going into fugues when they're in public, going through junkyards for salvage, that sort of thing. I don't...know if I get the classic tinker fugue thing or not. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. But I definitely need to avoid buying tinker-ey supplies in any sort of traceable way or building an autofactory and chemistry lab in the basement or whatever else. Or even worse, in some random warehouse that anybody could happen across. So, all that rules out most physical technology for now."

"What will you do, then?"

I smile. "I've got a computer. I grabbed some knowledge on computer programming, and I can use it to build software. I can make tools that will be useful later, and to keep me hidden now. Once my digital security is up to snuff, I can also raise money by making software with legitimate uses and just sell it. As a last resort, if it does get tracked back to me it's not like making software is impossible for regular people. I've always been good in computer class, and I can lie about how long I've been working on stuff. Lone wolf developers are unusual these days because software is bigger than it used to be, but there are still some around."

I was strategically leaving out the part about creating an unshackled strong AI. I would, ah, see how that project went first.

Danny nodded. "Keeps the risks low. And I like that you won't be working with any dangerous equipment or chemicals."

I smirk. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on taking up chainsaw juggling until next month."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Taylor. I mean it though, I'd rather you not work with anything dangerous without someone else around in case something happens. I've seen too many workplace accidents in my life."

I didn't realize it before, but one of Danny's worst fears must have been losing Taylor to some stupid sudden accident, the same way he lost his wife.

I nodded, serious. "Okay, we can figure something out so I stay safe. If nobody's around to keep watch I can always do design work or programming, something safe. It's not like I'll be wasting time."

Danny sighed. "Good, that's a load off my mind, Taylor. So...what of the options do you want to do?"

I drummed my fingers on the table. "How long until school expects me back?"

"Considering what happened I can probably put them off for a week or two before they start wondering," Danny said.

"I'll decide in a day or two, then. Give me time to think it through and add some more knowledge. Want to get this food put away and go fix the step together?"

Danny smiled. "Sure thing."

Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for the outpouring of support, feedback, and speculation. I'm touched.

Two more chapters of buildup, and then we get to the action.Last e