


Just In





In this game Worm CYOA v3 by EruptingFist00

X-overs & Worm Xover Rated: T, English, Supernatural & Sci-Fi, Skitter, OC, Words: 183k+, Favs: 445, Follows: 500, Published: Jul 23, 2016 Updated: Oct 1, 2019

131Chapter 1: Prologue

A/N: Yeah, this is one of the new stories that I'm now working on. I hope this has a good start at least. Carry on...

Edit (10/10/2018): REDO!


At this moment it was a beautiful day outside, complete with birds singing, and flowers blooming. But it's really just another average day for someone like me, which doesn't consist of anything that's even remotely productive. As it only consists of me screwing around with whatever I feel like doing all day. I can be productive when I feel up to it, but I simply stick with the easier route of not dealing with things until later. Not a wise choice I know, but if you ask me, I think whatever I do is the least of anyone's problems compared to what goes on in the rest of the world.

If you were to come across me in my humble home without my lovable family present, you would have no possible interest in the slightest. As the only thing I'm doing at this moment is simply reading another attempted Worm CYOA in order to observe and possibly learn different types of formats that may inspire me to get creative. It's funny considering how half a year ago I had zero knowledge of even the existence of "Worm", but now it's turned into one of my favorite discussion topics when talking about certain aspects of it.

So it shouldn't come off as a surprise when I gained a major interest in a narrative that's done in a sort of gaming fashion so that it appeals to many others who're interested. This had me reeled in already, and I only read the first version. Yes, I'm aware of how completely busted the entire thing is, but that shouldn't be the main concern here.

Because while I appreciate such a setting when it's fun to read, I felt as if I needed a bit more substance. Which is where we currently stumble into at the moment.

As I'm simply scrolling through the likes of both Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity, I found myself sighing out loud at the current choices I'm viewing from other users.

'Well, some of these look pretty good clever stories. If only the same people who suggested it would be willing to write it.' I thought in contemplation while laying on my bed in a plain white t-shirt and black sweat pants with my laptop in my... well, lap. My room was almost plain in nature if not for the consoles and games currently on a shelf next to the 35 inch TV. So all in all, my room is about the average size of most.

On the screen in front of me now is the revised third version of the Worm CYOA complete with it's rules and conditions.

I simply stared at the screen as I considered the choices available to me, since I'm now filling out my own, but couldn't help but give a confused frown at some I've previously viewed. Mostly when concerning the choice of difficulty in a character's adventure when being thrown into Earth Bet.

I get that it's supposed to make things more... lively, really I do. But when it comes down to what kind of world people are being sent to, do you honestly feel like playing fair just because things get more interesting? Please, the only thing I see is a quick death in skitter mode when said character drops an idiot ball at the worst possible moment. Sure you can argue about how the suspense makes it worth it or how being smart enough would get you by, and it probably does. But even with knowledge of what comes later means shit if you don't really have any means to enforce it yourself.

So, in my personal opinion, just because I chose the easiest difficulty doesn't make it a short story. Well, as long as the version one powers like Kaleidoscope aren't chosen.

With this idea in mind, I began to type up my choices, starting with the difficulty.

God mode, end of story. Because as I said already, if the entire wormverse is already unfair, why would you want to deliberately aim that at yourself if you can't handle it? Even then, others would most likely assume right off the bat that I'm going straight for "World Breaker powers", but I'm not since I plan to spice things up a bit. So with that I started off with ten points.

Since I skipped "World Breaker" as I was not interested at the moment, I simply moved on. I found I wasn't feeling any inspiration from the 'Greater' powers as some I don't understand or don't feel up to. Exalted has NO explanation about it's true capabilities, and while I know of the TYPE-MOON series as a basis, and I don't think I have enough to determine that having a Servant's memories would be the best for me besides their weapons and skill sets. So I skipped this section and moved to the 'Lesser' powers section.

I read through the powers themselves and... whoa, that's a good number of substitutes in place. But the first I reached out to is "Apprentice" powers as they seem reasonable enough for where my guy's headed, and they only cost two to three points each!

'Now let's see... dammit, I hardly know any of these! I know jack and shit about dnd, know next to nothing about 'wand magic' and never got to play Mass effect, so that's a no go.' I thought in minor annoyance. Geez, the only ones I'm actually familiar with is chakra magic, bending, and aura. Guess the only thing to decide is which one holds the most potential.

'Well, while bending is cool and all, only waterbending seems to be the most versatile, but even that's not enough when something like Levi can just "lol, no." my ability outright. Aura itself is pretty limited unless we're going by 'The Games We Play' capabilities, but since that's a fanfic I highly doubt it.' I thought reasonably.

Decision made, I chose ninja magic with the inclusion of a mental archive, which cost me three points which also left me with seven.

Next powers I moved onto were the "Twins" set. Personally I find this to be handy as the 'jailbroken' option completely bends the rules however anyone wishes regarding powers. But one cape comes to mind that they'd be the best if done so properly. With that thought set, I typed in Leets name with the jailbroken option adding the extra point which means I lost another three points. Right after that, I chose Armsmaster without any Jailbroken mods of any kind. Because after what I read, I don't think I need to push it any further than I already have. THAT goes to the next set of powers.

The "Wildcard" set.

Now THIS has more potential than almost all the other ones I've seen. But the twist being that rules themselves didn't truly imply that you had to stick with the first power you get. That's also not to say that I would randomly choose something that would turn the story into a one-shot.

So with that I got to randomizing powers to see what kind I could get away and have fun with.

'Milk manipulation, really?'

'Eye color change!? The fuck am I going to do with that!?'

'Omnipotence? Not even much of a one shot unless it's specifically a Crack-fic or another kind of humor.'

Suffice to say, I was struggling for powers that would fit me, and by extension my character. But I continued to hope for powers that were not only handy, but fun to mess around with.

'Incubus Physiology? Nope! I'm not touching that, not that kind of story I plan on writing. '

Until finally, I found something that fits the criteria exactly how I wanted.

'Video Game Physics? Lets see... whoa, damn. There's a lot of shit I can do with this, hell, it sounds even stronger than the version one set and it's only taking one point! Now to get a good roll.' I thought in anticipation.

I quickly pulled up a dice roller online and set the sides to ten before I clicked the roll button.

'C'mon, don't fail me now!' I thought in hope before I see the dice land on a ten which causes me to give a fist pump.

"YES!" I shout in my room with both my arms raised in high spirits, before I stop myself and palmed my face in embarrassment. I was relieved that I'm the only one in the house at the moment as my brother and family left to go to his football practice today. That would've been annoying having to answer questions of what I'm excited about if they had heard me shout that.

Moving on, I once again proceeded to get weird or useless powers until I found other gems in a chest of thousands of coins.

'Object repairing. Huh, actually that sounds pretty handy, considering I also chose a tinker ability. And I roll... seven, okay I can do that.'

'Music Empowerment. Well, if it lets me use soundtracks from games into a fitting situation, then I'm all for it. I roll a... five? Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine.'

'Tactile Telekinesis? I guess it can be something to fall back on if needed. Rolled a... ten again!? Sweet.'

Okay, one more should do...

'Zap? Man, this sounds weak. But maybe If I roll a ten it'd be the ultimate dakka! And I roll a... three!? Oh, fuck you dice roller...'

All of these powers together cost five points, which has now brought me to a total of negative three. But I'll get to my perks before I get to my 'downfalls'.

The first perk I chose was 'Charles Atlas Superpowers' as I wanted my guy to get a handle on his powers quickly, next was the 'Man of Mystery' because fuck being micromanaged by high level thinkers and precogs, 'Special Snowflake' so that the SI won't be screwed if anything like that happened. Last is 'Comic Book Pretty'... because well, I'm fabulous.

Next was 'For want of a nail', because I feel like something should be done to make some things easier outside of powers.

For the first, I made triggers a regular occurrence on Earth Bet. Second, I made Scion die alongside Eden so that neither will be able to accomplish their genocide of the Universe. Lastly, I prevented the existence of Uber and Leet. Because while they are the only ones to give a positive impression on me, I feel as if most other stories use them more than necessary. Don't get me wrong, they're fun, but for once I think I can go without them.

Plus, if they had learned about how my characters strongest power, I wouldn't be able to simply ignore those two for long.

Each of those plus the perks brought my points all the way to negative ten. This is as far as I'm able to stretch my advantages, now it's time for my guys disadvantages.

Reading through each of them, some seem to be fair, while others such as the 'Enemy' option immediately has me wanting to shout hell no in rejection. So to share the fair with the somewhat challenging, I began the first option with 'Case 53' for one point as I didn't want nothing out of it, and I didn't want any physical backlash of any kind. Although the next option gave me pause when I looked at its description.

If you had asked me if I'd gone with reincarnation before you get a straight 'no' as my answer. Honestly it seemed pointless when choosing this option, only to have whoever you turn out to be is in control. Making the characters more OC than self insert. But looking at it now, it seems to good to pass up. Because along with 'What's a Wildbow?', it has more potential for surprises and such for the newcomer.

It still counts as a Self Insert even if their knowledge of canon was wiped away. It's mainly an OC if the character primarily has the others set of memories of their life on earth bet with them in control. All of that on top of choosing to lose knowledge of canon.

So with a decision in mind, I went towards the highest risk with choosing to replace Taylor Hebert as the new reincarnation, without her memories which granted me three points. Then I selected 'What's a Wildbow?' to go along with it for two extra points. I then chose the 'Wanted' option for three points again, and chose the three gangs of Brockton Bay to go after the guy turned girl. Lastly, for weeding out that extra point, I simply chose a 'Geas' in which the person won't remember his original name. While that sounds like a weak disadvantage, it's annoying enough when you can't remember who you are, even with the memories. I see that each of what I chose has left me a total of zero points, so I'm all good.

I laid back on my comfortable bed looking at the now complete character sheet. With that being finally done, I look towards the time to see that it's at least seven-thirty in the afternoon.

And I've been on the computer since four-thirty...

'Well, I better go get something to eat before my family gets back. Guess I'll eat some of the leftovers.' I thought in satisfaction at the idea. So I saved the sheet I created onto Notepad, and closed the laptop to go and feed myself some delicious leftovers.

Pizza is still pizza, no matter if it's fresh or leftover. Same goes for shrimp fried rice.

With a yawn I headed back to my room and shut off the laptop on my nightstand. I simply put on my night attire as I was too tired to do anything else before going to bed. Times like these were rare when I slept early, but I wasn't up for caring at the moment as sleep was my desire for the time being. My family can complain in the morning about the dishes, so that's all good.

Clad in a plain white t-shirt, and Mario pajamas, I then drifted off to sleep with no worries on my mind.

A/N: Like I said, the beginning. Now for this I hope that I'll be able to keep this going just like the other story of mine that needs editing. But hopefully I won't need to do too much of that for this story and the stuff that's planned later.

Edit: Just really had the urge to start redoing some of these, don't know when I'll stop.