
* The Chosen Bride *

She was in total horror and terror and it is the first time she wants to argue with her parents. "You will marry Carl after your eightenth birthday", her dad announced during dinner looking in her direction, so she's sure he is talking to no other than her. " Why me? he is Mandy's future husband", soft spoken as usual, she asked her dad then look in her older sister's direction.It is the first time ever she questioned her dad's decision. " It is you he wants to marry", her dad told her with finality. She couldn't stop as her tears fall down her delicate face, as usual she had no courage to argue with her parents decision.

Temari_Bernardo · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: * Lover's Liability *

In university Mira was an instant celebrity because so many admired her good looks and intellect, but she tried to keep a low profile as possible.. Anyway everything she have was owned by her husband which is unknown to evetybody, because she had used her birth certificate and school records from hongkong when she enrolled, she wanted her college diploma to be written in her maiden name . Anyway, she's using her own salary in paying her education without the knowledge of Carli, she assumed Carli won't mind if she used her personal information ,so basically she's single in school , everybody assumed she's single, and nobody ever asked if she's single or married.

Then there is this young man in university who's name is Rob, he is handsome, sending her love notes that she just throw in secret, but he is like a stalker and follow her whereever she goes,but as he doesn't harm her there's no reason for panic she had no idea if he doesn't know she works at Chang's Appliance center for she don't want any complication right now. anyway Carli don't check on her she can freely move around she's glad he trust her.

By the second year of their marriage , the inevitable trial had come to their life. Mira had been busy with her work as the office manager and as well as in her study.

Carli was also busy with his business trips going in and out of the country if needed.

" You know, I pity her, she's so kind, it's a shame that sir Carli and Daina was cheating on her", Mira heard a couple of her office staff whisper to each other in their own dialect.

" Ssshhh! stop it ! she might hear you!", Sunshine, her secretary reprimand the other girl.

" Hhmmp! I'm sure she don't know what we're talking about because she do not understand our dialect ", Jossa the accounting staff was so sure.

Mira is just listening to every words they say, they have no idea that she understand every words they say she never tried to speak the language but she's a linguist she can easily adopt any languages, besides being in the university that everybody speak the native filipino language , so only dumb will not learn, added to it she has friends that teach her how to speak , and she has the ability that can easily learn and talk she just don't talk the dialect because everyone chooses to talk to her in english.

Upon hearing those words she felt that her whole body tremble in fear, anger and desperation, she felt so frustrated and she wanted to cry out loud, but before any of them will notice, she decided to take her bag and walk out of the room and drive home.

She never forgotten the name Daina as previous girlfriend of Carli, she don't know how Daina and Carli cheated on her. But for now, she had to compose herself , she wanted to investigate further to know the truth. Upon hearing the infidility of her husband with his exgirfriend is unbearable torture for her , ,but there's nothing she can do because she's a stranger in this place . Luckily they do not have children yet , all she can do is to wait for her husband's decision to where their relationship will bring them.

Right now her husband is out of the country for some business trips, the thought that he is abroad with his mistress engulfed her whole being with intense jealousy.Her heart been torn into pieces and thrown into an unseen garbage artistically.

" He must have really loved her , because she's the girlfriend he must had courted , maybe he had given her chocolates and flowers, things he never bought for me even after our wedding", Mira thought to herself as she unintentionally punched the table..

" Ma'am? ", the maid serving her dinner ask.

" Oh sorry!, I just remember something thank you! ", she smiled sweetly at Laura and the maid seems please at her.

" Welcome ma'am , please just call me if you need anything" the maid said and go as she nod in agreement.

She know that Carli will arrive today, but she don't have the courage to confront him. Instead she go with her classmate Lila,

they spent the day shopping after coming out of the office. She wanted some fresh air and positivity as the day progress. She goes home late, when she arrive home Carli was already asleep, He must have been very tired,

" Very tired making love to his exgirlfriend", she thought angrily, she decided to sleep at the guest room.The next morning she woke up early and jog at the nearby plaza inside the subdivision she couldn't relax at the betrayal she feel right now, before Carli wake up she prepared early in going to school , she don't want to talk with him right now for sure she will cry so hard as the pain in her heart surge. She pick up her friend Lila at her boarding house , she just waited while she prepared for school and they go to the university early together.

" Do you have a problem? you're too early today", Lila asked.

" I'm okay, don't worry", she told Lila. She decided not to report at the appliance center, for sure Carli will be there today. Again she arrive home late after a stressful window shopping with Lila. Carli hadn't arrive yet when she got home, again she sleeps at the other room and make sure it was locked, and at the same time she woke up the next day and go to school early. she was successful in evading her husband, she don"t know how to confront him right now, she'd rather evade him than hear him confess about his undying love for his mistress.The next day, she decided to go to the office.

" Good morning sunshine, who's in the office ? ", she asked the secretary when she saw her downstairs.

" good morning ma'am,Sir Carli is upstairs , he has a visitor right now",Sunshine inform her.

" Who is his visitor?", Mira asked.

" His friend Miss Daina", sunshine hesitated for a second but spill it out.

" Okey, if ever he asked, just tell him I have some school works to do", Mira told Sunshine.

" Yes, ma'am", Sunshine replied. She immediately leave the place , she don't want to see them both it's better if she leave it that way a faceless rival in the heart of her husband. Again Lila was surprised of her presence in her boarding house.. She could no longer keep the pain she feel , she share with her friend her problem she pour it out on her and relay her love story since at the beginning, and after of almost a week of secrecy ,the pain in her heart seemed lightened a little bit .

" Please stop crying, Wow! all along you're married? I thought you're single ", fantastically Lila chuckled upon hearing the truth.

" Yes, I was already married even before I entered college", Mira admitted.

" You're very young, that's why everybody thought you're single", Lila said.

" Don't worry I will help you with your problem, anyway you can stay here with me if you want to", Lila added.

" Thanks for your understanding", Mira said in between sobs, she felt so drained and emotionally tired. She lie down on Lila's bed and close her eyes, but unexpectedly she had fallen asleep..

" Someone's calling you" Lila informed Mira when she opened her eyes. She checked her phone and saw it was her husband and he had called for more than ten times already.

" T'was him ", she told Lila.

" Why don't you call him back? he must be worried about you", Lila adviced.

" No! what if he will tell me that our marriage was over, and he wants to be free from me? I'm so scared", Mira said.

" How would you know? if I were you face him bravely, if that's the case it's not the end of the world you know! you're beautiful, and brainy , surely there's other guys out there who will marry you someday like Rob for instance", Lila said.

" Please, I am not ready to see him face to face the thought make me sick, that's why I always feel unwell ", Mira begged.

" Okay, it's up to you, you can stay here for the night if you want to", Lila told her.

" Thanks for being my friend ", Mira said.

At about 2pm the next day Mira was summoned at the guidance councelor's office. Lila just waited for her outside of the office. She was so unsure of what to do when she was led to sit in the seat facing her husband. She can sense the anger at Carli's expression but he didn't say anything.

" Good afternoon Ms. Ong, or shall I'll call you Mrs, Chang?", the guidance councelor's asked.

" Good afternoon ma'am, I prefer to be called Miss Ong, ma'am", she answered respectfully.

" Where did you sleep last night? if I didn't come here in the university and look for you I will never know that you are pretending to be unmarried", Carli angrily told her .

" Please! not now , let's just talk at home tonight", Mira stop him from throwing further insults.

" No,! we must talk now!" Carli retorded.

" Please, after my class we'll talk", Mira promised holding her forehead because a headache suddenly persist..

" What is there to talk about that you don't want others to hear?", Carli asked., By much persuasion , Carli agreed for a talk later then they walk separate ways Carli to the carpark while Mira and Lila to their next subject for the day.

" Miss Ong, have you receive my love letter? can I visit you in your house tonight?", Rob asked her as she and Lila pass by the pathway where Rob was standing with his friends. She just smiled sweetly at the guy , without saying anything. Rob follow her and tried to hold her hand. All of a sudden he was hurl up and punched by Carli at the face.

" Leave my wife alone, you bastard!", Carli's loud voice surprised Mira too. Rob was holding his chin which was punched by Carli. He is very angry and he almost give Rob another punch when stopped by the two guards.

" Please! that's enough!", Mira told Carli., she felt as though she can no longer balanced her movement because of the tension she feel right now , and all of a sudden everything went black.

When Mira woke up she was lying in the hospital bed. Carli was beside her holding her hand.

" How d' you feel ? does your head still ache?", Carli's voice was so tender and obviously worried.

" Still a bit aching", she frankly tell him.

" Who gave you the idea that I'll file a divorce ?", Carli asked her. She look at Lila questioningly who is standing at the back of Carli, she just smiled back at her inquiring look.

" I just assumed when I heard that you still have a relationship with Daina, your ex", it's not the right place to talk about it but they better start explaining to each other even Lila is listening as witness to it.

" No! I'll never do that! I love you very much, you're the only woman I loved this way and I'll move mountain just to have you", Carli said.

" How about Daina?", Mira asked.

" I no longer care about her and she'll getting married before the end of this year to a russian national , please! trust me! specially now that we'll be parents soon", Carli explained, happiness is evident in his voice.

" Really?", disbelief is in her voice as Mira asked, just in time when the doctor show up to check on her.

." Good you've already awaken! don't stress yourself too much you're in your first trimester of pregnancy and in a very delicate condition", the doctor reminded Mira.

" Yes doc", she replied.

" By the way you can bring her home after paying the hospital bil Mr. Chang",, the doctor instructed Carli.

" Thanks doc, " Carli replied, smile was all over his face.

" I'll just pay our bill okay? be ready tonight you deprived me of so many nights of sexcapades hmmm, ", Carli warned her as he whisper in her ears after a warm kiss on her lips.

" Ha,ha,ha, my crazy husband!", Mira's laughed was purely of unexpected delight.

" So all's well that end's well now?", Lila asked her friend that blushes after a sweet whisper from her husband....
