
Chapter 1: No!

Ever have that feeling when you seriously want to kick someone in the shin and then laugh maniacally at their pain?

Yea..that's exactly how I felt right now.

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

But she wouldn't even look at me.

She just kept on stirring the ladle in the pot in which God knows what was being cooked from the past three hours. One hand on her waist and she looked like a professional chef.

Sometimes being the youngest really sucks. Why? Because of no one... And I mean it no one takes you seriously. They think that the tantrums you throw are 'childish' and 'illogical'. When in reality, they don't really know how many undisclosed truths lie behind them.

I huffed out in total frustration and folded my arms across my chest.

I felt so helpless. And I hated it. It made me feel so small. Which I indeed was. But there was no way, I was gonna accept it at the moment.


I pointed an accusing finger at my brother. Not really ready to give up just yet. Pure anger coursing through my veins.

"How dare you?!"

I hissed, almost at the edge of blowing up.

"Chill you lil' rat," a blue-haired giant entered the kitchen, ruffled my hair as if I was a kid, and grabbed a soda from the fridge. "It was just a slice of pizza. Like jeez, sister. The world ain't bout' to end."

I glared at him. As if it could convey to him how much that slice of pizza meant to me.

He just stood there without breaking eye contact. Popped open the can of soda and took an exaggerated long drink. After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled it away from his mouth with a satisfied smile, wiped his face with his shirt's sleeve, and then came walking like an old grandpa, straight in my direction.

He stopped abruptly just a few centimeters away from me.

I eyed him cautiously and my body tensed. Because when it comes to him and my brother, anything and everything can be expected.

He seemed like he was feeling something. Like maybe trying to remember something?

Then he motioned for me to come close. And I stupidly did, thinking that maybe he'd say that they had saved the pizza slice for me and that they were just joking. And I was ready to throw my arms at him and pull him into a hug after he said that.

Completely oblivious of his intentions, I was thrown off guard when I heard a loud


And thundering laughter right afterward.

This nasty jerk, I swear to God!

That was all it took for me to finally blow up.

"Argh! Yeonjun seriously?!"

My brother out of nowhere joined his blue-haired friend in the uncontrollable laughing.

And they both hee-hawed like no tomorrow.

"Why don't you say anything to them, mom? Why are there etiquettes for only me? Huh?!"

I seriously wanted to murder someone now.

"All I wanted was to eat the last slice of pizza. Was it too much to ask? Am I adopted, mom?!" This just seemed to make the two laugh even more. Ugh!

Finally mom turned around from whatever she was cooking in that lookalike-cauldron-thingy and eyed me.

She shook her head disappointedly and sighed as if 'i' was the problem.

"Come on." I cried out in utter torment whose amount their teasing giggles were elevating. "Scold them!" I whined. "They're making fun of me!"

Now, the two were on the floor rolling with giggles and I felt like tearing the walls of the house apart. They liked teasing me cause apparently, they found my attitude funny. Ha.

I felt so humiliated.

But I was never the one to go down that easily.

Fine. I thought. I'll take revenge myself, bitches.

My mother narrowed her eyes at me through her square-framed glasses. Maybe she noticed the slight excitement dance in my eyes that were filled with a different emotion a second ago. Or maybe it was the way my lips curved upwards from one side due to mischief.

"Listen Y/n... I don't know what's going on in that evil brain of yours. But the thing is, we'll be having guests today," she began in that stern voice of hers, emphasizing the word 'guests', "so behave. And don't do anything unladylike. You're a grown up-"

"And so are they!" I pointed to the blob of boys sprawled on the ground near my feet who had seemingly calmed down from their fits of chuckles but were still laughing every now and then.

They didn't seem very attentive and were in their own world.

Mom gave me a nasty eye for cutting her off mid-sentence and then continued, "As I was saying, you're a grown-up now so please refrain from doing anything stupid. These guests are very close friends to your father and I and we will be meeting them after a very long time, thus, I want you all to be at your best manners," she completed.

"Hey...Psst, hey," Yeonjun whispered to my brother from the floor, loud enough for mom and me to hear," hey Jim...Did you just fart? Because you blew me away!" And then they both burst into laughter again but quietly this time as mom was standing on head.

Mom viewed them disgustedly. And was about to speak when-

In between their moment, someone spoke again. It was Jimin this time.

"Hey Jun, what do you call a person who never farts in front of other people?"


"A fart tooter. Bwahahaha..." and they both half laughed, half tried their best to hide it because of mom.

The audacity of these two... Wow, like really.. WOW!

Yeonjun spoke up again. "Yo, why should you never fart on an elevator?"


"Because it's wrong on so many levels!"

I swear-

If they both were trying to hide their bellowing laughter before, now they were literally chaos.

Mom had had enough and I could see that she was not just done with my whines but also with their puny jokes.

"Boys!" mom had finally grabbed their attention. They both tried to sit and straighten themselves but in the attempt, they accidentally bumped their heads and were now losing their shit at how funny it was that they bumped their heads.

Even I managed to let a giggle escape at how stupid it was. But hurriedly regained myself as soon as I made eye contact with mom.

"You two!" Mom said, a little more strict this time.

"What mom? Are we 'too much to handle?'" That was it, Jimin had done it.

"Enough!" Mom bellowed.

The said giants quietened a bit and slowly tried their best to be calm and regain their composure and hopefully 'not' let out another laugh at what Jimin had just said.

Jimin sat up and Yeonjun leaned his head against his BFF's shoulder. Foolish smiles printed on their faces as they both tried to conceal them by biting their lower lip in front of mom.

They looked so flushed and spoiled, which they absolutely were. Because dad loved them so much.

They never let anything serious remain serious in this household.

"Act like your age and no funny business at dinner." Mom finally said.

"Not even fart jokes?" Jimin asked like the cutest little boy on Earth.


"Well...how bout' 'silent but deadly' jokes?"

Mom raised her brows.

"Isn't that literally the same thing?" I asked yeonfused.. I mean confused.

"So no?"

"No." Mom replied.

"Well how bout'-"

"No Jimin. NO!"

Both poor creatures pouted and I could've sworn my heart melted for a moment there. But I instantly reminded myself that I, Park Y/n, have to take my revenge on these jerks.

"And the same goes for you too, Y/n. No funny business."

"How bout' some other business then-"

"Shut it, Yeonjun."

"Okay, mom."

Yeah..that's another thing. He calls our mom 'his mom' and Jim and I call his mom 'our mom'. It's like he's our fourth family member.

"Everyone got it?"

The whole kitchen echoed with small 'yeas' and 'oks'.

Better watch out your backs for dinner bitches, I thought and smirked.

Unbeknownst to me, the apparently cute-but-evil-duo exchanged looks and smirked too.

Ooh baby~

It was gonna be a whole damn-assed-dinner, alright...

A whole damn-assed-dinner...

Next chapter