
new house


Y/n - your name

F/c- favorite color

C/c - color of choice

L/n-last name

Italics- thoughts

Underlined bold- author talking (aka me,aka LoveLilWolfie)


3rd person POV

You are (Y/N) (L/N), you resently got a new house and decided to move out of your small apartment. You started packing a while ago but today was the day you move all your stuff to the other house. You've lived in your apartment for a few months because, you used to live with your boyfriend but you broke up.

Your POV

Finally I get to move out of my tiny apartment and have my own home . I thought packing the rest of my stuff into the moving truck.

Time skip to when you get to the house ( ur POV)

When I got to the house I was amazed it looked so much better and bigger then it was online. It was (c\c) and had a garage. I looked around and saw a girl with raven colored hair and amber eyes, she was walking with a girl with pink hair and orange-ish eyes she was a meifwa (is that right??)with black ears and tail with a pink bow on it. They started walking towards me and the raven haird one said " Hi, are you new?" I looked at her, smiled and said " uh yeah I am, do you live around here?"  "kawaii~Chan was wondering what your name was, I'm Kawaii~chan!"she exclaimed. " oh I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you!" I said. " I'm Aphmau but you can call me Aph." Aphmau said "um can we have some of our friend meet you and help you in pack?" She continued. " Yeah that would be great" I said. Then she took me to a house right next to mine and went inside, we went to the kitchen and I saw a girl with powder blue hair " oh hey Aph who's this?"

"This is our new neighbor, (Y/N)" she said

" hi I'm Katelyn it's nice to meet you"

When we left that house we crossed the street and knocked on the door a guy with dark blue hair opened the door and said " hey Aph wacha doing, oh who's this" he said looking at me.

"This is (Y/N) she is our new neighbor"

" well hi (Y/N) I'm Dante, come on in" he said moving to the side so we could come in.

When we came in I saw a guy with light brown hair in the kitchen and a guy with blond hair in the living room. " GUYS GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!"Aphmau yelled. I saw two people run over and heard someone coming from the basement. "Who's the hottie?" I heard someone say from behind me,I turned around and punched him in the gut, he was a guy with white hair and emerald green eyes. "Seriously Travis she just got here!?" Dante yelled at him. " well... now that that's done,every one this is (Y/N) she moved in next to me and I want you to be nice to her *cough* Travis *cough*" Aphmau said to the guys. "H-hi I'm Garroth it's nice to meet you." The guy with blonde hair said." I'm Laurence,and the guy you punches is-" " I'm Travis" the white haired guy finished. "Don't make me punch how you agin because next time I hit you I won't give mercy" I said to Travis. "That wasn't you hardest?!" He yelled. " why,do all girls have to be weak!" I yelled back at him."n-no it's just I get punched every day and that was really hard compared to the other girl that punches me."he explained "oh,ok sorry I have some anger issues and the only way I really control it is to train (as in workout)that and my brother usually helps me but I haven't seen him since high school"

I said " well we have one more person to meet,bye guys!" Aph said walking out the door

Time skip to when you get to the house

Aph knocked on the door and someone familiar answered the door "A-Aaron?" You said holding back tears. He had a mask covering his eyes but I could tell he was about to cry." (Y-y/N)?" I jumped into his arms a hugged him " umm do you guys know each other??" Aphmau asked."this is my brother I was talking about" I said breaking away from othe hug."Wait Aaron is your brother?!. I thought he only had Melissa as an older sister, wait who's older?" aph said " I'm younger by three years"I say to Aph. WE SHOUD HAVE A WELCOME PARTY FOR YOU!!" Aph screamed

" owww, but I'm ok with not having one I need to unpack and every thing!"I said "we could have one tomorrow at 6 so you can get settled in your house" she said "fine but who all will come?" " every one we've met and one more person." She explained. "Ok let's go un pack now" I say to Aph and Aaron

Time skip to when you get home

Every one was already started with unpacking so I went to look around the house their was a master bedroom,master bathroom,weightroom ,basment/theater,kitchen and all the other rooms you need in a house. When I

was done looking around I was amazed at the house and wondered why it wasn't that expensive,I stoped thinking when I felt a had grad my butt, I grabbed the hand and threw the body over me. I realized it was Travis and walked to the truck to unpack all I heard from behind me was a slight groan of pain.

Time skip when your done unpacking

When I was done in packing,everyone left so I ran up stairs to put on my pjs.

I went to the basement and watched a movie,when the movie was done I went to bed.


Hey just wanna say thx for reading will posts every two days if I can but I am going camping this weekend so I don't know if I can hopefully you enjoyed the first chapter bye