
(The Flowing Red-Bloom Cultivation) {BL series}

This story is about a Cultivator Prince called Ài hóng and a Demon King by the name Yāo wàng. They meet one day on a mountain, They end up making friends, Yāo wàng seems to be hiding something from Ài hóng, He wants to talk with him about it. But unfortunately, there are some things or someone who doesn’t want Ài hóng to remember anything. Now they have to fight for their happy ending, what will happen? Will they get their happy ending, or will it turn out a little bit more difficult then they want..? Find out by reading!

Xiyue_WebNovels · Fantasy
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6 Chs

(3) Carrot. (P1)

Ái hóng woke up, lying down. His mind was fuzzy he could barley remembered what happened.

That's when he noticed a red ball of fluff on his chest.

He made a slight "Hm?" noise while looking at the fluffy red ball.

He slowly got up carefully making sure to check his surroundings.

"What a strange dream.. I could've sworn I met someone last night?.."

Before he could finish the red fluff ball moved, causing Ài hóng to flinch.

"H-huh?! Wait.. No way that… the dream couldn't possibly-"

Just like before, he couldnt even comprehend what was happening, before the red fluff ball emerged from Ài hóng's arms.

"You're finally awake." The Red fluffy bunny spoke in a soft tone.

That's when Ài hóng realized that last night wasn't all a dream. He really did meet the demon king, and they both slept together.

"Y-Yāo wàng..?" Ài hóng stuttered a bit, he was clearly flustered. He had never 'slept' with someone before, especially not a Demon king.

"Yes. It is still me."

Ài hóng lifted Yāo wàng from his arms, placing him on his lap.

"oh.. Good- Good morning!"

Did I just stutter in front of The Demon King?! Whats wrong with me?!

Yāo wàng climbed off Ài hóng's lap. He nuzzled his hand, causing Ài hóng to get up and grab Yāo wàng.

He looked over to check his supplies, he had grabbed everything.

But food.

He sighed, gently holding Yāo wàng, he spoke in a soft tone.

"We should head into a village, there's not one far from here. If we have enough money I can grab us some bread and apples."

Although him and Yāo wàng had just met, they already felt like best friends.

Maybe it was fate.

Sooner or later they ended up in the village, it was a small village in housing but very large in people.

Ài hóng walked along the pathway of the village, looking around for any goods. He spotted a small black and yellowish stall full of apples, watermelon, and carrots.

As he approached the stall, the lady standing there was amazed. She had never seen a man so beautiful before.

A man standing before her, draped in a white rope, with pattens of flowers. His hair was long, black and full of volume. The lady gasped, she noticed he had a earring that resembled the Huángdì* sect leaders.

"M-mister, perhaps could you be.."

She looked closer at Ài hóng, he backed away from discomfort.

"Yes.. but please keep me being here a secret, between us alright?"

He smiled, slightly gripping Yāo wàng tighter. It was clear he was nervous but had to keep a strong front.

"Yes yes of course dear pri- I mean.. yes sir!"

"Well.. May I please have a basket of Apples?"


The lady grabbed a basket and filled it almost to the brim, Ài hóng began worrying it would cost more, surprisingly the lady only charged him by one more coin.

"You are a very important costumer! It would be shame on my family business and name to charge you extra."

Ài hóng bowed in thanks, the lady handed him the basket. Before he headed off she added.

"I see you have a pet rabbit! Would it care for a carrot?"


Ài hóng had no idea if the King of Demons would like to be treated like a pet. When he went to check if Yāo wàng was about to kill the lady for such disgrace, he saw him look up at Ài hóng, nodding for the carrot.

"Yes I'd greatly appreciate that."

He smiled, the lady then put two carrots in the basket, stuffing them inside so they didn't slip out.

Ài hóng bowed again for thanks, then handed the women two extra coins as a tip.

"But sir I couldn't possibly-.."

Before she could refuse he had already been at the other side of the village.

"I didn't know you liked carrots Yāo wàng.. Are they tasty?"

Ài hóng walked down a path into a trail, holding the basket and Yāo wàng.

"Yes, why the question? Have you never had carrots before?"

Yāo wàng asked in a very curious tone. He had no idea if humans ate foods he did, he had never met any before.

"Well, no, mainly because my father says I must eat more meat to gain more weight on me, he says I'm 'too skinny for a 16 year old.'.. it's alright though. I've never been able to really grow all muscular like the other boys in our Sect."

He walked up the mountain to their campsite.

"I think you're fine the way you are.. You might not be the most muscular boy, but at least your not just skin and bones. You eat healthy, plus you have protein in your diet.."

Ài hóng came to a stop, Yāo wàng flinched a bit. Wondering if he said the wrong thing.


He suddenly began to tear up. Yāo wàng felt a slight cold to check on his nose, it was Ài hóng's tear.

"I'm sorry, I must have said the wrong-"

Before he could finish, Ài hóng quickly let out a soft tone of words.

"Thank you.. Thats the first time someone has ever.. ever complemented me for being.. well me."

Ài hóng smiled, he then finally continued up the mountain.

Yāo wàng had never blushed harder in his life. For some reason seeing Ài hóng happy made him feel, safe. But also pleased. He shook his head to clear his mind, Ài hóng only brushed it off as him trying to act as a real rabbit, so he didn't think much of it.

They then arrived at their campsite, setting everything down and starting a fire up, Ài hóng grabbed out a pot from his Bāo*

"I'll start making dinner."


Bāo: Bāo* means bag.

Huángdì: Huángdì* means Emperor. Basically giving him a status next to a Demi-God.

(I forgot to mention all my updates are on Thursday and Wednesdays, sadly today I missed my deadline, I pray you all forgive me! Part 2 will be longer tomorrow!)