
25 Arrangement-

It had been 3 days since Jinwoo had returned from the C-rank Gate . Having come home early on a Saturday, Jinah smelled something delicious and quickly threw off her shoes .

"What's this? Oppa, did you order chicken?"

"Yeah, you got here right on time . "


Jinwoo gestured to a seat next to him at the table, and Jinah shuffled towards him with a surprised look .

"But what's the occasion? Did something good happen to my cheapskate oppa?"

"Hey, hey, now . Go put your bags away, you're being too impatient . "

"Ha! I'm good, the bag's not that heavy . "

This was the same girl who complained about the extra weight of an umbrella in her bag . Even as he clicked his tongue, Jinwoo struggled to hide the smile on his face .

'Did something good happen?'

Of course!

The numbers in his bankbook had increased from just 800 thousand to a whopping 180 million and 300 thousand . The 180 million was the income from selling the magic cores, and 500 thousand won was sent to the landlord as rent .

A hundred and eighty million won!

This was the incredible amount he had obtained from a single Raid . He had diligently worked as a Hunter in the past, but this was the first time he truly felt like one . After all, great wealth was associated with being a Hunter, but his past income was not that great . The face of the magic core exchange staff still remained fresh in his mind .

"You, you gathered all of this on your own?"

"Yeah, I managed it somehow . "

"How in the… amazing . "

49 C-rank magic cores . Initial estimates were little over 300 million, but the taxes on the sale took a bulk amount .


"Yes sir . A personal sale has a tax rate of 40% . On the other hand, a Guild sale has a tax rate of 10% . "

"Is there a reason why Guilds get a much better rate?"

"Well unlike a private party, a Guild cannot ignore a mobilization order . "

Now that he thought about it, he recalled that even the great Baekho Guild was pulled into assistance by the Association during the Double Dungeon incident . Because of the many benefits and leniencies they were allowed, Guilds would comply with the orders from the government and the Association . This made Jinwoo stop and think for a second .

'Should I just enter a Guild and wait on selling these magic cores?'

But he quickly waved away the thought . If he became active in a Guild, the Gates he would be entering would be B-rank or A-rank . The income from those Gates would be much larger than the amount obtained from the C-rank Gate . There was no need to miserly count every penny on these C-rank magic cores .

'I can't just thoughtlessly enter a random Guild to save on taxes for just this amount'

"I understand . I'll make the transaction . "

And like that, 180 million won came into his account . As his sister had guessed, the chicken and beer were to celebrate the large windfall .

"Thank you for the food~"

Jinwoo flicked the forehead of Jinah who was coyly reaching for a can of beer .



"This is for you . "

He placed a can of cola in front of her .

"Hiiing… I was just kidding…"

As Jinah rubbed the red spot on her forehead, Jinwoo took a swig of cold refreshing beer . An unexpected sound appeared in his head .


Jinwoo grimaced at the electronic tone .

'A System message?'

A harmful substance has been detected . The effects of the 'Detoxification' buff will be activated . 3, 2, 1… Detoxification complete .

'A harmful substance was detected? Is it talking about the alcohol?'

Jinwoo finished the beer and opened another can .

gulp gulp gulp

A harmful substance has been detected . The effects of the 'Detoxification' buff will be activated . 3, 2, 1… Detoxification complete .

As expected, the same message appeared . Even after chugging two cans of beer back-to-back, Jinwoo did not feel a hint of a buzz . The effect of the buff was clear .

'But when and where did I get a buff?'

Jinwoo tilted his head . He had never met a Hunter would could place buffs on others . Hunters with such special abilities mostly worked for large Guilds . There was no chance of meeting someone like that under the Association .

'Even if someone buffed me without knowing, I should've gotten a System notification . '

That left two possibilities . Either he was buffed while unconscious or he had received the buff before the appearance of the System . Jinwoo's thoughts leaned towards the latter .

"Oppa, what's wrong? Indigestion? Should've ate slower . "

Watching his face deep in thought, Jinah asked with concern .

"No, something just came to mind . You keep eating . "

He went to his room . He ran through his memories, trying to remember if he had missed anything in the past .

'Ah . '

A realization flashed across his mind .

'All the quests have had a reward so far, even the penalty quest . But there was one quest that I haven't verified the reward for . '

He quickly opened his message box . At the time, he did not know anything about the System or its rewards, so he had put the message aside, but that message definitely had mentioned a reward as well .

His heartbeat quickened .

Jinwoo scrolled to the last message on the list .

Welcome to becoming a [Player] . (Read)

He spoke with a shaky voice,

"Open . "


This System will help with the growth of the "Player" . Non-compliance with this System's instructions may result in a penalty . Your reward has been received .

As he thought . It had mentioned a reward . He thought back on the first time he heard the voice in his head, back in the underground temple .

[You have fulfilled all conditions of the 'Secret Quest: The Weak One's Courage' . ]

A secret quest was a quest like any other, but Jinwoo had never checked its reward . All that was on his mind at the time was his impending death . Jinwoo scrolled down on the message,

. . . Non-compliance with this System's instructions may result in a penalty . Your reward has been received . Would you like to verify? (Y/N)

'Yes . '


'Secret Quest: The Weak One's Courage', Received Reward The Great Sorcerer Kandiaru's Blessing One-time effect, 'Will to be Reborn' applied on blessing . Continuous effect, 'Longevity' applied on blessing . 'Will to be Reborn': All damaged parts of the body are restored . 'Longevity': Become immune to all diseases, poisons and ailments . Sleeping will explosively increase your regeneration ability . Awed by your great courage, the Great Sorcerer Kandiaru has blessed you with a special gift . Blessed by the Great Kandiaru, you will live a long and healthy life "A bright future awaits the challenger . "

Everything fell into place .

'So that's why my leg was healed…'

The severed leg that was reattached was due to this quest's reward . Same with the fact that he could not get drunk off the beer just now .

'Wait, immunity to all poisons?'

Jinwoo suddenly became alert . Perhaps even that would be…?

Jinwoo took out an item from his inventory .

Casaka's Venom Gland Rarity: A Type: Elixir Buff 'Casaka's Armored Scales' applied on consumption . Debuff 'Weakened Muscles' applied on consumption . 'Casaka's Armored Scales': Physical Damage Reduction +20% 'Weakened Muscles': Strength -35 A pouch containing the refined venom of Casaka . Drinking will give you a permanently toughened skin, but the venom will also permanently damage your muscles .

'If the muscle debuff was due to the venom, maybe the detoxification buff will block it . '

Only one way to find out . Jinwoo closed his eyes and drank the substance from the pouch .

gulp gulp

The thick liquid went down his throat . He ignored the bitter taste and finished the whole pouch .

'Bleh, and they say medicine is bitter…'

As the pouch became empty, a message appeared .

A harmful substance has been detected . The effects of the 'Detoxification' buff will be activated . 3, 2, 1… Detoxification complete . The debuff, 'Weakened Muscles', has been removed .

"It worked!"

Jinwoo raised his fist in the air in triumph and checked his status screen .

'Stat . '

Stats Strength: 53 Constitution: 30 Agility: 53 Intelligence: 30 Sense: 36 (Available stat points: 0) Physical Damage Reduction: 20%

As expected, there was no reduction in strength . It remained at 53 points, but a new attribute of physical damage reduction had appeared . An amazing power to reduce all physical damage taken by 20% .


As he celebrated his new stat, Jinah called to him from the living room .

"Oppa, do you know someone named Yoo Jinwoo? An Yoo Jinwoo is looking for you . "

"I don't think his name is Yoo Jinwoo…"

He went over to the living room and took the receiver from his sister .

"Hello . "

-"Hyungnim, it's me, Yoo Jinho . "

Of course .

"…How did you get this number?"

-"I know someone in the Association . You weren't answering your cell phone, so I decided to reach you through your home phone . "

"Make it short . "

-"Ah! I apologize, hyungnim . But there's something I really want to discuss with you . It's hard to explain over the phone, can we meet up somewhere?"

Jinwoo tilted his head .

'After all that, you still want to meet with me?'

-"It's really important, hyungnim . "

He was a really strange fellow .

Jinwoo allowed Yoo Jinho exactly 1 hour of his time . They met at a French café near Jinwoo's house . Even on a weekday afternoon, the café was packed with people .

"Hyungnim, over here!"

Yoo Jinho greeted him happily . Jinwoo had expanded his senses when he entered but did not notice any other Hunters . At the very least, this was not going to be an ambush for some retaliation . Well, Jinwoo didn't exactly recall anything to be retaliated for .

He sat down opposite from Yoo Jinho . In front of him was half-eaten ice cream in a bowl .

"I didn't think I'd see you again . "

Yoo Jinho stood up and asked,

"Did you order anything? Shall I go grab some coffee?"

"No, it's okay . "

With a disappointed face, Yoo Jinho sat back down .

Jinwoo opened his mouth to speak,

"So what's this all about-"

But he was interrupted by a group of students a table over .

"I'm telling you it's true! You should've seen it, it was crazy!"

There were three strong looking boys wearing athletic-club uniforms talking with three girls . Jinwoo tried to focus on the conversation on hand,

"So what's this all-"

"What are you talking about! Look at this fucker make up shit in front of girls again!"


"I'm telling you! Holy shit, you want me to show you the pictures? I got the proof right here!"

The male students' voices were loud, but just as annoying was the giggling female students .


Unable to talk through the loud conversation next to them, Jinwoo got up and quietly walked over to the other table . The three boys' faces turned to Jinwoo in unison .

"Could you please quiet down a little? There are other people here . "

One of the boys mockingly bowed his head .

"Yes sir, yes sir . We'll be quiet . Sowwy~"

The girls laughed at his apology .


Jinwoo just stared at them, then turned around . Suddenly, something soft hit the back of his head . A rolled-up napkin fell on to the floor .



"Stop it! Haha, stop it!"

The male students laughed out loud, while the female students pretended to stop them and laugh . Yoo Jinho's face that was watching the scene started to freeze .


Jinwoo grabbed a spoon from Yoo Jinho's ice cream bowl and went over to the counter .

"Look at that him, he's going to tell on us . "

"Waah- mommy, there's some people being loud, waah . Hahaha"

Even as he walked, the students continued their mocking . Jinwoo asked the nervous looking shop employee,

"This spoon . How much is it?"

"I'm sorry customer, we don't really sell those spoons . . . "

"It's less than ten thousand, right?"

"Sir? Ah, well… probably…"

Jinwoo placed a ten thousand won bill on the counter and turned around .

"Customer? S-sir?"

Jinwoo ignored the woman's voice and walked towards the students' table . Seeing him approach with a serious expression, the male students rose up from their seats .

"What, you wanna go?"

Every eye in the shop was focused on the scene that was unfolding .

Jinwoo held out the spoon that he was holding to the boys .



As they looked at him with confusion, Jinwoo slowly closed his fist around the spoon . The metallic spoon crumpled into an unrecognizable mess in his hand .

The boys' faces began to turn white .


roll roll roll

The thing that rolled across the table could no longer be called a spoon . It was a piece of metal crushed into a ball shape .


Each of the boys gulped .

'That's not an ordinary human's strength . '

'H-he's a Hunter . '

As they cast glances at each other, the boy who had thrown the paper napkin was the first to lower his head .

"I'm… I'm sorry . "

The other two quickly followed .


"We made a mistake . Sorry…"

After repeatedly bowing their heads, the boys quickly ran out of the café with the girls in tow .


The other customers, also bothered by the students' loud rambling, sent a silent gratitude toward Jinwoo . He returned to his seat . Yoo Jinho exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes,

"As expected of hyungnim!"

"Enough . "

Jinwoo steered the conversation back to the start,

"So . What . Is . This . About?"

"Well… hyungnim . I gave it a lot of thought . Like, I really really thought about it hard . And there's something I want to ask you . "

Jinwoo tilted his head,


"Hyungnim, the truth is…"

Yoo Jinho's face turned red with embarrassment . He gathered the courage to finish his sentence .

"…I'm trying to create a private raiding party-"

It didn't even take Jinwoo one second to think about it .

"I refuse . "