
(SFOW) Me myself and I

What would you do if the ability to hate someone was taken from you? Would you be more peaceful, more rational, more reliant on other emotions? And what would you do if all of your emotions where taken and instead there are now some Jiminy crickets inside your head arguing on what you should do? This is what happened to Soray! Follow Soray on his journey to become the savior of humanity and one of the most feared people in the history in this "Story from the Old World" As you will probably notice very quickly I am not a professional writer and English isn't my main language but I hope I still can make an enjoyable story. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Lybosnatel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The third power

The person that dragged Soray away was a girl not much older looking than Soray. She was half a head smaller, had an average body and had her brown hair braided into a ponny.

Her eyes on the other hand where very confusing to Soray, as one eye was yellow and the other one seemed to shimmer in a metallic white. He hadn't much time before the girl, still grabbing his arm smiled exitedly and cam closer to his face.

Girl: "So you didn't get your gear?"

Soray, absolutely confused by her overall personality and her breaching with every rule of personal space, was pulled into his mind once more and watched Fear take over.

"You probably just heard wrong, not receiving a calling would just be absurd. Oh well, look at the time, I really would like to chat but we have to be somewhere else."

"Well, could you at least tell me if you know what happened at the calling ceremony of the new champion?" The girl asked.

Soray(controlled by Fear) started sweating heavily "How do you know that? Who sent you... I thought we had at least two weeks before someone from town could come here."

The girl grabbed Soray by his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "So you know something, and you don't trust me, am I right so far?"

"No, nonononono... We, I don't know anything... I really should get going now. Was nice chatting with you but we, I have a tight schedule so byby." Fear started panicking and wanted to run away.

"Please stay, I can swear an oath on my life, if you want. Just please, tell me what you know."

Soray watching his body from within didn't know what the girl was talking about, but Fear immediately stopped and turned around to the girl.

Fear:"Wait, do you know of the third power? You would swear to the third power to get this information?"

"If you would tell me what you know then I will swear an oath to not tell anybody about you, in fact I can even help you get into the cathedral." She replied.

Fear: "If you can give us some money for food I would be interested."

Girl:"OK. I help you get into the cathedral and give you food, if you tell me what you know about the champion incident. And you have to introduce me to your partner."

"Which partner? " Fear asked, slowly loosening his grip on the body.

"Well, the 'we' and the 'us' Partner." she explained.

As soon as Soray realized, that Fear was loosening his grip over the body he jumped into the mirror.

Soray, now finally back I control over his body, accepted :"I will gladly tell you about him. Maybe I won't feel as crazy if I do."

Girl:'Oh good, he is crazy...' The girl thought while reaching out her hand to the unknown boy.

Girl:" Deal, I'm Anna. "

"I am Soray, nice to meet you. "

Anna started to condense mana into her palm and created a large pulled out a book. The book was made nicely with golden ornaments and silver engraved writing on it, Soray just couldn't make out what was on the cover. After it was summoned her hair started to glow with a silver shine to it as the book started to levitate between Anna and Soray. Soray had a strange feeling in his gut as a bubble started to expand from the book and engulf him and Anna.

Anna: "Last thing, you are not allowed to talk to anybody about this book."

Fear: 'Jackpot, she is a Notary.'

Soray visually overwhelmed from the situation just stood there and stared at Anna as she put her hand on the book.

Fear: 'Put your hand on the book.'

Soray did so, and was immediately knocked out by a burning pain in his body.

He woke up sitting at a chair in the shelf room. The pain was gone. Next to him sat Fear, also on a chair but sleeping.

Voice:"Greetings to you Soray."

Soray felt a chill run down his spine as he started to hear a voice in his head. It sounded more ancient than the God's at the cathedral.

Voice:"Funny, that you are aware of your soul world.

Most Soulfull don't even know that they have a small space in their soul, while you are able to manifest a body in this world.

Well I am sure that your little parasite is at fault for this" a bony, long, thin finger engulfed in silverfish mist came from behind him into his field of view and pointed at fear.

Voice: "But it is nice to be noticed from time to time."

Soray turned around. Behind him was a roughly 2 1/2 meter tall figure with a cloak that hid most of its body. The cloak itself looked as if it was made out of polished metal, jet it floated ever so lightly over the body of the creature. It had long arms, to long to be human and to thin to be able to hold something. Its head was concealed with a hood and instead of a face it only had one narrow slit from the top to the bottom of its head that seemed to float on something like a gas made of silver.

Voice: "How did the new God's say as they descendent to this world?

Oh, right: 'Do not be afraid'.

You Soulfull don't have the power to see us, how we see ourselves, that's why we more often than not look pretty grotesque for your eyes."

Soray looked at the creature and was for the first time happy to not feel any fear.

Soray asked in a calm voice:" What are you? "

Voice:" Oh, you poor thing. What a cruel joke to rip you from your safety mechanism.

Well I am what you Soulfull would call the third power. Or rather I am a part of him just like that guy is a part of the green God."

Soray felt a unknown anger build up in him and asked in a slightly older voice:"Are you also planning to stay?"

The Third power started laughinginx Sorays head: "Hahaha. No, something like me had can't be bound by only a soul. I am here to embed the contract you just made. A thing that many don't know is, that I am the watcher of rules and contracts, so you better keep the promise you made."

The thing bowed down so it's face was in front of Sorays. The slit in its face started to open like an gigantic sideways eye and revealed a blodshot ticking clock as an iris.

Third power:" Or your soul will leave your body early!"

Soray heared something move behind him, turned around and saw that fear has fallen out of the char, but was still sleeping.

The Third power closed its eye and stood up again:"But don't worry to much, I can't do a thing to you as long as you honor the contract.

My power normally is only for me to know, for the gods to remember, for the world to feel and for you to pass by!'

To make my peaceful duty clear I even cleaned up your soul-lybrary and sorted your books.' The thing said amused.

Soray looked around. Now that the thing mentioned it all the shelf really could be for books. It even put the books that where lying around into the shelfes... And there where also new books there.

The third power pulled a parchment out of its sleeve and pined it to pedestal that definitely was not there a second ago.

Third power:"Well, I will get going now."

With these words the thing disappeared, where he stood now only sits the scroll with the contract on a pedestal.

Fear still was sleeping and Soray blacked out again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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