
(SFOW) Me myself and I

What would you do if the ability to hate someone was taken from you? Would you be more peaceful, more rational, more reliant on other emotions? And what would you do if all of your emotions where taken and instead there are now some Jiminy crickets inside your head arguing on what you should do? This is what happened to Soray! Follow Soray on his journey to become the savior of humanity and one of the most feared people in the history in this "Story from the Old World" As you will probably notice very quickly I am not a professional writer and English isn't my main language but I hope I still can make an enjoyable story. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Lybosnatel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

(Not so) alone in the dark

'just wait a minute, I will make a camp here'

Green:"But what if someone sees the fire and comes to us?"

'Ether I make a fire or we freeze here, in the middle of nowhere, in the deepest night?'

Green:"Right, sorry."

After Soray put up a small fire with some dry sticks and grass he sat down besides it and put back on his still bloody, but now dry shirt.

'Better than nothing'

'So, talking... You said you are the God of fear?'

Green:"Yes, well no, I am not "the" God but instead I am a part of him. To be precise, I am the part of the God that was concentrated on the calling ceremony. You see, a God isn't just one person, but instead a God is a omnipotent entity working on many things at the same time.

The main entety probably doesn't even know that I am missing for a couple of years. His champion got his calling and now has a free time of some years to grow stronger."

'About your champion...'

Green:"I'm sorry about him, I know what he did to you and all, but I just didn't believe that someone with a mission as important as his could be stupid enough to let personal problems blind him.

But you also don't have to fear him that much, he can't physically harm you and your magical and intellectual power is far stronger than his overall fighting power... At least for the moment."

'So... What is this stuff about my fear you are mentioning permanently. I am not afraid of him, and I also didn't fear the guard. Oh, am I even allowed to just call you or would something like your highness or God stick better with you?'

Green:" Please, at the moment, I am stuck here so don't try to make anything to complicated between us. Just call me Fear.

And to answer the other thing, I just said what I meant, you are afraid of Jonathan, I know it because from the moment I got stuck here I felt some immense fear about everything from somewhere. "

The more fear talked, the smaller and shallower his voice sounded.

Fear:" Throw some more wood into the fire... And don't you think some fortifications where good. Maybe some traps?"

'Could you get back to the point. The fear you feel from somewhere. I don't have any food with me and the fire is burning bright enough to keep most animals away. And if we had monsters or beasts nearby, we would be already dead, so no point in worrying.'

Fear:"Yes, that could be the problem. I feel your fear, but you don't feel any fear at the moment."

' What, that can't be. I am just not afraid because there's no reason to be afraid. It's that simple. '

Fear:" Are you not at all afraid of your surroundings, of the Forrest which you don't even know, of the potential search for you that could lead to a painful Q&A from the torturer?"

' No? '

Fear:"but wouldn't it be logical to be afraid of at least some of these things? You normally should be more on edge in a situation like this, you don't know this Forrest, you don't know what lives here and you don't know where to go tomorrow. It would just be logical to be afraid of some of it, right. "

'Now that you mention it... You are right. I don't feel afraid at all. Not even a small bit... So, you are saying that I lost my fear?'

Fear:" Maybe, or maybe I just occupied all of it, or it might be something else entirely. "

'Let's look for answers tomorrow, I feel like I was hit by a horse, can you keep watch while I rest?'

Fear:"yes, that should be possible. I was also able to sense things around you while you where passed out... Probably because I can feel mana better than you can.

You go rest your body and spirit and I will take over if anything bad happens, OK?"

' OK. "

Soray put some more sticks into the fire and went to sleep besides it.

Soray woke up, klinging to the top of a tree, three Wolfes sleeping beneath him.

Fear: "Finally, you really slept like a rock."

Soray frowned at the thought at what happened to him yesterday.

'What did I miss? And why am I sitting in a tree?'

Fear: "First, let's calm down, you are freaking out again."

'You meant you are freaking out for me, I am as calm as I could be. And I am only freaking out now? With you sitting me on a tree I think I would already have freaked out.'

Fear: "Yeah, right, I am the one freaking out, but but... You are right. Why only now? While you where asleep I really was calm, I thought fast and precise and rational, but now I only feel frightened."

Soray realized that Fear looped back to the situation at hand and tried to keep control over his body, as the frightened Fear was at least subconsciously trying to run away.

'Let me handle that, afterwards we will talk'

Soray pulled out a knife from his shoe and started to slowly climb down the tree. Just before his feet could touch the ground he jumped of the tree on to the head of one sleeping wolf and stabbed the second wolf into the snout.

The first wolf didn't move and Soray probably killed him while the second wolf jumped up in pain and started to run away. The third wolf, waking up from the sound realized he was now without backup and also started running away.

Normal Wolfes where no problems for someone growing up near the Forrest, Soray thought not knowing how dangerous this could have been.

Fear: "Are you insane?"

'Why, they where only Wolfes?'

Fear: "But what if they did not sleep? Or even worse, what if they weren't normal animals but monsters instead? They easily could have overpowered you."

The old world, the planet on which they lived, was an consciousness power, which actively tried to stop the growth of the soulfull. To stop them the world would create so called monsters, beings created out of mana with a linked mind and the purpose to kill all soulfull. For some reason these monsters grew weaker over time and turned into animals or beasts, beings of flesh and blood instead of pure mana.

These not monsters would lose the link to the hive mind and thus would start to act less aggressive and think more about themselves and their survival.

'Well they weren't monsters, and they are gone now, where is the problem?'

Fear: "The problem is, that you stopped planning ahead for worst cases, did you even think of the possibility of them not really sleeping? I think not."

'That's... You could be right. And I thought I would think more rational would be better.'

Fear: "Let's stop thinking about that and instead start looking for some better shelter, or even better, a city."

'Can't you just teleport me somewhere?'

Fear: "Sadly not, the last time I used the mana in the cathedral to teleport you, but without your gear, you don't have nearly enough mana to survive a teleportation spell."

'Great, so you had a one way ticket to nowhere. Do you at least know the way out of the forrest?'

Fear: "I think that you won't like the answer."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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