
From Tragedy to Peace? The Journey Begins!

"How... Dare you..." Alyx muttered.

Flames billowed all across the Las Vegas strip as buildings were in ruin, dozens of people were injured while hundreds lay dead, one of which was in Leonidus' arms. The person responsible for this destruction was none other than Daniela Leonidus, Alyx Leonidus' own Grandmother. She grinned at Alyx as she floated above him in the sky.

"What's the matter? Was that the girl you loved? That's just too bad, isn't it?"

"Why...? Why hurt so many people? Answer me damn it!"

"It's simple, I've envied your existence the moment you were born, the moment you developed your Quirk. That Violet-Blue aura should've belonged to one of MY children, not that damn Father of yours. I should've killed you the second I got my hands on you. This was all brought upon by your father, Alyx. If you weren't born, Laura Whitson would still be alive right now, so would everyone else. But you couldn't save them."

The hex on Laura's body faded away and she slowly turned to ash in front of Alyx's eyes. A vortex appeared behind Daniela, and she slowly floated backwards.

"Ta-ta, have fun with the cleanup, runt."

Daniela disappeared into the portal, leaving Leonidus by himself, staring at the cracked earth beneath him. His arms fell limp at his side as blood dripped down the left side of his face. The light from his eyes faded away into a dull, ocean blue as he fell to his knees. Pro Heroes began to flood the area after dealing with Daniela's copies just to witness the carnage that had unfolded. Leonidus' Teacher, Number One Pro Hero Star and Stripe, saw Leonidus unmoving several feet away from her.

"Alyx! Alyx, are you okay?" She shouted over to him.

Star and Stripe rushed over to him, she knelt down in front of him and noticed the look of emptiness on his face.

"She's... Dead... I couldn't... I couldn't save her..."

"Oh no... You don't mean..."

She quickly realized who he was talking about and hugged him tightly. As the Pro Heroes cleaned up, they found as many people as they could, hospitals were nearly filled to the brim with those who were injured. Leonidus stared out of his hospital room window, only able to see out of his right eye. His mother rushed into the room which nearly startled Alyx!

"Thank God you're okay!" She let out a sigh of relief.

"No... I'm not really okay."

His mother looked at him and noticed the look of nothingness in his once lively eyes. Within a second, she realized what all had transpired on the Las Vegas Strip. As the days went on, hundreds of citizens were filed as missing, and there wasn't a single trace of Daniela Leonidus' whereabouts anywhere. To make matters worse, people were starting to wonder whether or not they would come home to their families anymore. Revenge and hatred completely filled the mind of Alyx Leonidus. Very rarely did he speak, on the occasions that he did, they were only to his mother in private. But on one particular evening, his father received a particularly interesting call.

"Hello? Who is this?" He answered.

"Hey, Darren, it's been a while. This is Toshinori Yagi, I'm sure you might remember me from-"

"A-All Might?! I never thought I'd hear from you in a million years after we graduated. What can I do for you?"

"It's more about your son, Alyx. I have a bit of a proposal for your family. I'd like to offer you all a chance for your son to be taught at the best hero training school in Japan, U.A. High School. I know your son might be reluctant to leave the country after everything that's happened down there. I've been wanting to recommend your son for quite some time now."

Darren looked up towards Alyx's room, "Hang on, let me ask..."

He set his phone down and made his way up to Alyx's room. Darren walked in to see his son cleaning his room.

"Hey, kiddo. I think I've got something for you, or well, All Might does." He told him.

"All... Might?"

"Yeah, he's wondering if you'd like to attend U.A. High School in Japan. He's wanting to give you a recommendation, but he wanted to make sure that it's okay with you."

"If it'll make me stronger... Then okay."

"Okay, I'll tell him."

Darren left his son's room to tell All Might the good news. He picked his phone back up and heard All Might talking to someone else.

"Hey, All Might, my son said he'd love too!"

"Wonderful news! I'll let everyone else know about it! I'll talk to you soon, Darren!"

All Might hung up the phone and turned towards Midnight, Aizawa, Nezu, and Present Mic.

"So, the kid's joining U.A.? I can't say I'm surprised after everything Marie's told you. It sounds like he'll need a break from his home country. I hate to say it, but I already know he's gonna pass that Recommendation Exam without effort. He's got a pretty impressive track record from what it sounds like. Kinda reminds me of you, All Might, well... Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but still!" Present Mic spoke first.

"Even if we give him a free pass, that will go against U.A.'s regulations in its entirety. Just because he has a powerful Quirk, that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve to go through the same thing as everyone else." Aizawa rebutted.

Nezu walked over towards a large window, "If we can help the boy get better, then I'll allow it, just this once. Someone like him needs to be watched after closely and welcomed in with warmth. Especially after everything that transpired in Las Vegas a couple weeks prior. Putting him in a class where he feels relaxed with his peers would be a good option, and I think I know exactly where!"

Nezu looked over towards Aizawa and smiled at him. Aizawa slightly sighed as he shook his head.

"Alright, I'll let him in on one condition, I get to meet him in person before school starts." Aizawa responded.

"A deal is a deal!" Nezu agreed.

Months passed, with Alyx's future at U.A. High set-in stone, all there was left was...

"You've been studying Japanese? Since when?" Sheyenne questioned.

Sheyenne Cortez, Joshua Turner, and Karson Barr, Alyx's childhood friends, were staring at him with eyes of bewilderment. Alyx nodded at them as he stared out of his bedroom window.

"I'm leaving for Japan soon, I'll be attending U.A. High School, so I have no choice but to study Japanese." Alyx informed her.

"Woah... You're leavin' us, man? How come you didn't tell us?" Joshua complained.

"I haven't been talkative as of late, I'm sorry about that. I'm sure you all understand why. In order for me to get stronger, in order for me to get revenge for Laura... I'll do whatever it takes to meet that goal." He lamented.

Karson tilted his head with confusion, "Eh? But you're pretty damn strong! You could've taken that bitch out if she hadn't snuck up on you."

"No, I'm not strong enough yet. Laura would still be here if I was. My Quirks... They're useless." Alyx objected.

"Alyx..." Sheyenne sighed.

Leonidus looked towards Sheyenne and his friends, "I won't change my mind on that, at least not now."

"Just don't do anything stupid, alright? We don't wanna hear that you went up and died too." Joshua replied.

"I'll try, but given what I've seen, I can't promise that one." Alyx gently smiled.

Soon, the day had arrived, the Leonidus Family would be departing to Japan. As they all arrive home, they noticed dozens of people moving things out of their home.

"Um... Did you call a moving company or something, dad?" Annie questioned.

"That I did not... Hey! What's going on?" Darren shouted to them.

A man stopped and handed him something before returning to his work. A small hologram of Nezu lit up from the metallic disk.

"Hello there, Leonidus'! Apologies for the sudden appearance, but I figured you all would like some help moving thing out of your home. We have a house here all ready for you to move in, courtesy of U.A. and the Hero Public Safety Commission! Eraser Head will be meeting you once you land at the Musutafu Regional Airport! I'll see you soon!" Nezu explained.

The hologram disappeared, Darren slipped the disk in his pocket, then he looked at Marie.

"Well, I guess that's one less thing we've gotta worry about. Alright everyone, let's get going!" Darren announced.

[25 Minutes Later...]

The Leonidus family arrived at the airport, while they boarded their plane, someone stood atop a nearby building. He looked down at the plane with a devious smirk on his face.

"Leaving so soon, idiot? I ain't forgettin' my promise you wanted me to make you." The boy grinned.

The plane took off and the boy followed behind it. Alyx stared out of the window as his younger sister, Liz, stared at him.

"Aly... Alllllyyyy..." Liz whispered.

"Hm? What's up?"

"I'm not comfy... Can I sit on your lap? I wanna go nap."

"Alright, come here."

Liz lifted her arms up and Alyx set her on his lap. As she rested her small head on his chest, Alyx looked back out towards the window.

"𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳? 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦... 𝘖𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳... 𝘐'𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶." Alyx thought.

As Annie sat alone, her phone vibrated, she looked and saw a text message from an unknown number. Alongside an address, it read: "Tokyo, tonight. Don't be late." Annie narrowed her eyes at the message she received.

"The fuck?" She muttered.

After several hours of flying, the plane landed down in the bustling city of Musutafu! The Leonidus' departed from their plane and saw a darkly dressed man waiting for them with their name on a sign. He tossed the sign in a trashcan as they approached him.

"Darren, the name's Shota Aizawa, good to see you. Come on, we shouldn't waste our time here." He greeted them.

They walked alongside Shota as they left the airport, "This is Musutafu, one of the largest cities in Japan. If you can't tell already, Pro Heroes are rather popular around here, they're praised much more than anywhere else on the planet. Don't be surprised that All Might is a theme, hell, they even have a statue of him. Your house isn't too far from the city square, we're just about there."

"Woah... Mama, look!" Liz giggled.

Liz pointed up towards a flying dragon woman in the sky. Aizawa looked over towards Alyx, who seemed to be unenthusiastic about what he was seeing, judging by his blank face and empty eyes. Aizawa remembered the picture All Might showed him of Alyx, who looked completely different than the boy that stood before him. They arrived at the house, to their amazement, the house was already furnished with their possessions! Liz's eyes sparkled with joy as she saw a giant stuffed giraffe sitting on the living room couch.

"Beans!" She exclaimed.

Liz darted over and tackled the stuffed animal. Alyx walked up to his room without saying a word. Shota looked over at Marie, Annie and Darren, he nodded at them and walked up to Alyx's room. He knocked on the door before walking in. Alyx looked back from the window to see Aizawa standing in his room.

"You know, from the picture I saw, I figured you'd be livelier." Aizawa noted.

Alyx didn't respond to him, Shota sat down on one of his chairs, Leonidus looked intrigued as to why he would be in here.

"Listen, Alyx, I don't normally reach out to people like this. But you're going to be my student, so I shouldn't have you suffering mentally like this. You can tell me what's on your mind."

Alyx remained silent before sighing, "Everything that happened in America, it's all my fault, I could've stopped her to some extent. But... But my Quirks... They weren't good enough. I trained with the best hero in America for God's sake, so why... Why wasn't I good enough to save the only person I truly loved... My best friend... If my Quirks weren't so useless, she wouldn't have needed to protect me from my grandmother, she wouldn't even be dead right now."

"I see... So, we both have something in common then."

Leonidus lowered one of his eyebrows, allowing Aizawa to continue, Shota leaned forward and clasped his hands.

"When I was training to become a Pro Hero, just like you are, my best friend was killed by a villain. It happened during my Second Year at U.A., I was feeling exactly like you are now. I never thought in a million years that I'd ever care for someone as much as I did him, but I gradually learned how to heal that pain, although it never truly goes away fully. For a kid like you to go from happy go lucky to this... It's tragic to see. But that's enough from me, I'm certain you've heard this over and over in the past, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, Mr. Aizawa!"

Shota stopped in his tracks before he left Alyx's room, he turned around and saw a sad, small smile on Leonidus' face.

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." He smiled.

Shota nodded at him before turning and leaving the room. Annie was leaning against her bedroom door as Shota closed the door.

"So, talk some sense into him?" Annie wondered.

"No, I didn't do that. What sense is there to talk into someone who's grieving? The only thing I can do is hope that whomever he's classmates with understand his situation. All I ask is that you all make sure he's okay. I've gone through something similar, it's not something I recommend anyone goes through alone."

"Got it, you already know I won't let that happen, Eraser Head."

Shota walked away from her, Annie narrowed her eyes, expecting that he would've responded to her with at least a nod. Aizawa waved at Darren & Marie before leaving the house. Aizawa hailed a taxi and entered the car, the man looked behind him with amazement.

"A-Aren't you... E-Eraser Head?"

"Yeah? And?"

The taxi driver slowly turned around, trying not to fanboy out, Shota pulled his phone out and called Present Mic.

"So, w-where do you want to go?"

"U.A. High School, please."

After a couple seconds of waiting, Present Mic finally picked up the phone.

"Yo, Sho! Wassup?" Mic exulted.

"I'm heading back now, the boy isn't what I thought he'd be like, but I can understand why. From everything that's been shown to me, he has the potential to be a fantastic student, but in his state of mind right now... That might not be the case for now with him. The kid thinks his Quirks are useless."

"Damn, he's gotten that bad, eh? I shouldn't have thought otherwise! I think I've got something that'll cheer him up though. Don't you worry, Shota, the Hero Trio's got this!"

"If it's that annoying pep rally speech you prepare for most of our depressed students, don't include me in it again."

[A Few Hours Later...]

As night came, Annie snuck out of the house and flew towards the location that was sent to her prior in the day. She landed down onto a rooftop then waited for someone to show up. She stood there for several minutes but nobody came.

"Come on, where the fuck are you? Don't just text me and pull a no show." Annie angrily muttered.

Annie then heard someone land down behind her, "Phew... Sorry I'm late! A little birdie told me that you were coming here, Fourth Gear."

She turned around and found herself standing in front of a man with large red wings accompanied by a smug grin.

"Was that meant to be a pun or something?" Annie replied.

"Nah, but it was pretty good, huh? Name's Hawks, Number Three Pro Hero of this country. Pleasure to meet a fellow 3rd placer, although I guess you aren't anymore."

"Soooo... How exactly did you get my number? I don't really hand it out to men like most women do."

"I've got my resources, that's all I can say. I wanted to talk to you about something that's been brewing around here. I... We've been speculating some kind of Villain uprising as of late. The air around this place is getting eerily calm and I can't say I'm a fan of eerily calm things."

Annie shook her head, "I'm assuming you're wanting my help with trying to figure things out? I haven't even set up shop here and I'm already being assigned something... Listen, how about we discuss this in the morning? I'm not really up for long conversations at almost midnight while still going through jet lag."

Hawks floated up into the air, "Alright, if that's what you'd like, then sure. I've already got your number, so I'll give you a call in the morning. Ciao!"

Hawks took off into the air, Annie rolled her eyes and huffed out of annoyance.

"Good grief... Just when I thought I'd have a relaxing time for once..." She grumbled.

[The Next Morning...]

Alyx Leonidus arrived at U.A. High School; he looked up at the building as dozens of students entered the building. He looked down at his phone to recall what class he was in.

"𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 1-𝘈? 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?" He thought.

Alyx put his phone in his pocket and walked inside the school building. He found the classroom with a big red "1-A" on the door. He slid the door open and was met by the gazes of his classmates.

"Ah! You must be the last classmate! Some of us were just discussing if we would be one person short!" A boy with glasses announced.

Alyx blankly stared at him before walking away, leaving the boy standing there almost stunned at his reaction.

"𝘚𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯...! 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘵..." He thought to himself.

Leonidus sat down next to a girl with a ponytail. She looked over at him and smiled.

"Hello! I was worried that we weren't going to have a full class! I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, what's your name?" She greeted.

"I'm... Alyx Leonidus."

"Leonidus...? Question, you wouldn't happen to be related to a Pro Hero by the name of 'Overdrive', would you?"

A boy with green hair slightly perked up as he heard their conversation. He looks behind him and his eyes light up with excitement.

"Wait, you are! I can't believe you're in this class, let alone U.A.! I've seen and heard so much about you, Alyx! I've been keeping up with a lot of things in America for the most part, I kinda stopped after a while though. I'd imagine you have your dad's Quirk, right?" The boy smiled.

"They're useless... But I do."

Yaoyorozu and the boy looked a bit concerned as Alyx's blank expression didn't change. Before anything else could be said, Shota Aizawa walked into the room.

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Let's skip the pleasantries and get started, I have your P.E. clothes ready, I want all of you to change and meet me at the P.E. Grounds." He introduced himself.

Everyone stood up and Aizawa guided them to their respective changing rooms. As Alyx changed into his P.E. clothes, the green haired boy walked up to him.

"S-Sorry, I should've introduced myself earlier, my name's Izuku Midoriya. If you don't mind me asking, why'd you call your Quirks useless?" Izuku wondered.

Images of the Las Vegas incident flashed in Leonidus' mind. He grits his teeth as he slightly clenched his fist.

"I-It's... It's nothing! Please, just don't worry about it, alright?" Leonidus sharply responded.

He quickly put on his shirt and left the locker room. The boys in the locker room all looked towards Izuku.

"Woah, what'd you say to him, bro?" A spiky, red-haired boy questioned.

"N-N-Nothing! A-All I asked was why he called his Quirks useless and..."

Izuku looked over towards his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, who was looking over at the doorway. Even though it wasn't on his face, Izuku could tell that there was some form of concern on it. The students all made their way onto the P.E. Grounds were Shota waited for them. He held a ball in one hand and a clipboard in the other.

"Being that you all weren't able to use your Quirks during middle school, none of you were able to get the best scores on your physical exams. For example, Bakugo, you only threw 64 meters back then. How about you try out your Quirk?" Aizawa announced.

Bakugo smirked as he walked up to Aizawa and took the ball from him. He chucked it into the sky using his Explosion Quirk. Shota turned a device to the other students with Bakugo's results.

"See that? 705.2 meters using his Quirk. Impressive is it not? That's one of the things we'll be doing today during your Quirk Apprehension Test. Now, allow me to tell you all this, if a single one of you fails this test... I'll expel you myself." Aizawa continued.

"W-What?! That's not fair! We're just starting, so how do you expect any of us to not fail?"

"Uraraka, life isn't fair, that's the challenge you have to face when you become a Pro Hero. If you aren't giving this your all, then you don't deserve to be here."

The fear of failure rose into the air, Aizawa looked at the students who all had faces of frightful determination on their faces. The Quirk Apprehension Test began with a 50-Meter Dash. Leonidus passed the first test with a quick 1.03 Seconds using Gear Two of his Overdrive Quirk, his speed stunned his classmate, Tenya Iida!

"Incredible! You're awfully fast, I figured I was the only one with quickness in the class, it's a pleasure to see another fast runner!" Iida complimented.

Alyx looked up at Iida as he stretched his legs, "Thanks..."

Bakugo watched Alyx as his expression still was unchanged. He looked at Leonidus' serious and emotionless eyes. The next test was Grip Strength, the students were all given devices to gauge how strong their grip force was. Alyx held the device in his hand, the device actually started smoking! Shota glanced over towards him and lowered his eyebrows before sighing. Alyx's grip strength, before the device was ruined, came in at an impressive 785.0kg. The next set of tests, Standing Long Jump, Repeated Side Steps, and basic physical examinations were all tests that Alyx passed without problem.

"Alright, here's the last test, the Ball Throw. Being that Bakugo went at the start of the exam, he gets a pass. Now, let's get this over with, finally..." Aizawa announced.

Each student used their Quirks to chuck the ball as far as they could. Last up was Alyx Leonidus, Shota made sure to have him come up last. Leonidus took the ball from Aizawa and stood silently a few feet away from him. A Violet-Blue aura ignited around him; he took a deep breath in then back out before throwing the ball as hard as he could. Shota looked at the device as it kept ticking and ticking until it finally stopped.

"1,520.08 meters." He read.

Steam came off of Alyx's hand as the others stood there, awestruck at the distance he threw the ball.

"Useless? How in the world is a Quirk like yours useless, Alyx?" Yaoyorozu thought to herself.

Shota Aizawa gathered the students around and moved onto the test results.

"Congrats, you all pass." He informed them.


Mina Ashido puffed her cheeks out, "But you said that if one of us got last, we'd fail! That's not nice at all, scaring us like that, seriously?!"

"But it did bring out the best in all of you, did it not? It was a logical ruse."

Everyone's tension was finally relieved, Shota dismissed his class to change back to their uniforms, and to head to lunch.

If you'd like to support me, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting about the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

LeoLyonWritingcreators' thoughts