
I'm Toji Zenin, YOU BASTARD!!

"I never knew how the hell I got here,"

1-Toji will not have domains or broken techniques

2-Toji will only use the cursed energy for 3 things

heal himself or other people, empower his body, use the black flash

3-If they believe that the original Touji can face the Dark Devil without cursed energy.🤨 Toji will have immense power to release the seal on his shoulder, but afterward, he will be nerfed.

Thought a 5-year-old boy with black hair and a scar at the corner of his mouth that ran from his lower lip to his upper lip. He was dressed in tattered clothing, consisting of white flip-flops, knee-length blue pants with various scratches and cuts, and a dirty and damaged white t-shirt that displayed his defined but somewhat malnourished body.

If you're wondering why the boy is thinking this, it's quite simple. He was currently in a run-down orphanage that was more like a church, sitting under a tree in the yard with a depressed and devastated look.

"My life, no, no, no, it can't have gone like this. How the hell did I end up here?" thought the boy with visible frustration on his face as he clenched his fists, which were curiously too strong for someone his age.

He pounded the ground and stared at the floor in frustration, wondering how the hell he had ended up here.

"My life was never bad. In fact, I had so much—love, parents, a great home, and a substantial inheritance thanks to my father's company. But it was the death of my parents that devastated me and nearly destroyed me. My parents' best friends, along with their allies, conspired against them and erased them from the map, including me."

As he immersed himself in his thoughts of him, an old and kind voice echoed through the clearing, calling him to dinner.

"Toji, come on, it's time to eat," exclaimed a woman of at least 60 years old, wearing nun's clothing, with a hint of concern in her voice.

Upon hearing his name from her, he got up as if nothing was wrong, although inside, he was dying to know who the hell had reincarnated him in a world like this.

Curiously, his name was Toji Zenin, the name of his favorite character from the anime "Jujutsu Kaisen." But that wasn't important; the important thing was that he also had Toji's appearance and the celestial restriction that came with it, including some strange tattoos on his body from him that, if they were what he thought, would be the stuff of a drug addict's dreams.

Reaching where the matron was, he smiled and spoke to her.

"What are we having today?" he said with a cheeky and confident voice while maintaining politeness to the woman he considered a grandmother.

"Chicken and rice with some juice," the woman replied as she bent down and tousled his hair from her, always unruly and brave, as she knew him.

Deep inside, Touji sighed with relief. 'You know, eating this food might be normal for you, but for someone who has been in an orphanage that serves nothing but lentils and a bit of rice for three days, this is heaven after learning how it's like to live here.'

Walking with the matron and passing through the door leading to the yard, they arrived at a large rectangular table with about 25 boys and girls sitting around, some looking at him with fear and others with mockery.

"Late again, Toji!" exclaimed a boy with black hair with spikes, wearing a torn red jacket and blue shorts.

"Screw off, noisy bastard," Toji said with a cheeky smile as he sat down next to the black-haired boy who had saved him a seat.

"I heard yesterday that you're finally getting adopted, Amori, is that true?" Toji asked with a satisfied smile as he looked at his meal from him.

'The time I've spent here, Amori was the only one who could tolerate my cheeky and somewhat arrogant personality, but that's because Amori was a noisy, prankster bastard. It was what you'd call the perfect friendship.'

Amori, who was enjoying his meal from him, smiled happily but also sadly. "Yes, my new parents are picking me up tomorrow. It sucks because I don't want to be separated from you, my best friend," said Amori with a somewhat depressed smile as he watched Toji eat peacefully.

"It's better than being locked up in a place like this, so you should be happy. But let's forget about that; you'll have time to cry later," said Toji, who had grown fond of the boy in the short time they had been here. He smiled, relieved that his friend of his seemed to be in good spirits.

The conversation between Toji and Amori veered off, and everything continued as usual until the matron arrived with a mysterious girl.

My somewhat refined but advanced senses thanks to my "Celestial Restriction" kicked in as I turned to look at the girl, who was staring at me with intriguing eyes.

The girl had pale reddish hair, yellow ringed eyes that looked at me with intrigue and mystery, although they seemed emotionless, and a soft but somewhat malnourished face. Still, she was beautiful to most of the kids.

The other kids were blushing while looking at the girl, but some were looking at her with mockery and hidden intentions.

"Kids, her name is Makima, and she'll be staying with us for a while," said the matron with her typical friendly smile from her.

However, that did not matter to Makima, who was staring at me intensely, her gaze on her somewhat intense, before sitting down near the end of the table with a black-haired girl.

"What I felt towards her was total indifference, although her aura was horribly dangerous, she seemed defenseless, although she seemed familiar from somewhere, I do not know where, but I did not care." Getting up from my seat, I simply walked away with my noisy friend in tow.

The day passed normally until nightfall when it was time to sleep.

"I need to pee," I thought, getting up from my futon. I walked through the crumbling hallways of the church and passed through the church, where I encountered a rather shocking and curious scene.

Makima was being beaten?! "What the hell?" Looking through the door that led to the courtyard, I found five boys, at least 10 years old, looking at her with a mocking and somewhat lustful gaze.

Without thinking, I ran in front of her, appearing in front of the bullies as if it were a mere blink of an eye.

Seeing the girl's injured and worn-out figure, I spoke with indifference and coldness. "You're too big to be doing this, you little pieces of trash," I said in a cold and indifferent tone, leaving the boys somewhat bewildered.

"The boys in front of me were the typical bullies you find everywhere. Their names were Rei, Takegawa, Miyoshi, and the other two, I don't even remember their names; to me, they were just trash extras." Getting out of his thoughts, Toji saw one of the boys, the one called Miyoshi, simply smile mockingly.

"Trash,bastard, get lost, this is none of your business," Miyoshi said with a mocking smile as he took a step forward, and the other four who followed him laughed stupidly, trying to appear intimidating because there were more of them than me. .

Chuckling mockingly and confidently, I looked at each one of them and spoke with a cold gaze. "Eat my dick bro," Toji said confidently, preparing to fight.

Makima, who watched this from behind the boy she recognized as the one she had been observing, as she couldn't sense any energy or presence from him, was surprised to see him defend her. Her heart began to beat for the first time since she had seen her parents die and learned that she was a demon. So far, he was the only one who had shown her kindness from her.

Takegawa quickly approached Toji from his left and threw a punch at his face.

But what he did not think was that Toji would casually dodge his punch from him and strike him in the stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs and leaving him completely out of the fight.

Seeing this, the others who were about to attack were paralyzed with a surprised look on their faces.

Toji simply smiled, placing his foot on Takegawa's head, leaving him on the ground while wearing a challenging smile.

"I'm TOJI ZENIN!! YOU BASTARDS!!" Toji shouted his name as loudly as he could.

His goal was to get the attention of the matron and the orphanage kids to get out of this with as few victims as possible, obviously on their part.

One minute after his shout from him which left the bullies stunned, the matron arrived with a scared and worried look. But upon seeing Toji stepping on Takegawa's head and Makima behind him, injured, and realizing that the older boys were in an attacking position towards Toji, she knew what was going on.

"Stop this now!" exclaimed the matron while looking at the boys in front of her with anger and disappointment.

The mini-bullies stopped and turned to face the matron with fearful looks, knowing they wouldn't have a chance to escape or justify themselves.

(2 days later)

In those two days, interesting things had happened. Makima had grown attached to me, enjoying being by my side, and as I didn't mind, I let her. I simply saw her as a little sister who needed care and head pats, something quite unusual for me. But seeing her relax, I let her be. There was also the fact that I had bid farewell to Amori, who cried as if he were a bottomless pit after our parting. The last thing was that some men in suits had come and wanted to adopt Makima.

She, being a good little sister, didn't want to be separated from me, but in the end, they adopted her, which I didn't mind.

Arriving at the bathroom, I looked at my three tattoos on my body in front of a mirror and sighed.

One was of a strange worm-like creature located on my left shoulder, coiled as if it were a whirlpool. Clearly, it was Toji's Inventory Curse.

The rest I couldn't understand since they were Kanji characters that said 'Heaven' and the other said 'Cursed Energy.' I understood this one because I had clearly seen it in the Jujutsu Kaisen series, but still, Toji didn't have Cursed Energy, and what he possessed was his "Celestial Restriction," which gave him his inhuman qualities.

"Sigh," I sighed to myself after taking a leak and headed to the yard, sitting under a tree to lazily go to sleep.

But suddenly, I felt someone hug me like a koala and sit on my lap, which irritated me. However, knowing who it was, I simply sighed.

Makima wasn't someone of many words, but she knew she cared about this boy. He protected her without asking for anything in return and was always kind to her because she knew he cared for her.

They seemed like real siblings, even though it seemed unbelievable that they had only known each other for two days.

Sighing again, Toji simply stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

The matron, who watched them from the dining room window, smiled. She knew that these two were inseparable, even though she didn't know why, but she felt that something bad was going to happen between them.

The orphanage door was repeatedly knocked on. The matron opened the door, and blue gas was sprayed everywhere as men in gas masks entered and headed for the yard.

The blue gas quickly reached the area. Toji woke up from his slumber but was surprised to see a white glow from a door and blue gas flooding the place.

Makima, who was in his lap, breathed in some of the gas that reached them and was knocked out in an instant.

Toji stood up with an unconscious Makima in his arms.

But he was surprised to see, through the smoke, the matron unconscious and men entering the place.

In a split second, what he didn't expect was to be shot in the chest and neck before he knelt with a shocked look on his face.

"What the hell?" was what he thought before Makima was taken from his arms, and he was kicked against the tree while watching them take his new sister away from him.

Before closing his eyes, what he saw was the matron being shot and multiple gunshot sounds in all the place.



In his mind, he was standing in a kind of empty, dark place where the sound of pulses, along with chilling cold, dominated.

"Where am I?" Toji spoke aloud, his caution at its maximum.

Receiving no response, he sighed to himself and began to walk when a burst of blue energy flashed from his body and enveloped him completely.

Strange chains that weren't there before bound his body and shattered completely as the rebellious blue energy destroyed them and spread throughout the area furiously, like a full-blown tornado, while the ground cracked.

"Cursed Energy." It was the only thing he thought before a pain in his body hit him, and he fell unconscious.

End Of Ch.

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