
Beginning to End of a hellish adventure in another planet

Hmm how should I start this with a hello I suppose… Hi the name is Ace I'm the commander if you can still call me that of the 5th strongest mercenary group in this world I say this world because we are not on our original world when we first got here we had advanced weapons fire-arms to be precise and a tank with us me and my group were all in the army we were 30 in total at the beginning now we are but 5 in total witch is why at the beginning of the diary I say "I'm commander Ace if you can still call me a commander that is" this world it is still stuck in the medieval era but with good reason it is filled with dangerous creatures we call them Desmond for simplicity this world also has magic due to us being summoned ones so we had more than 1 types of magic I had only 2 but they were strong type magic those magic types being gravity and lightning jade has 3 types of magic fire mass heal and wind he is the most well rounded of us all Ray has 2 magic types like me creation and manipulation Elenor and Eli the 2 sisters they each have only one magic type as they had a low compatibility with all magics Elenor has metal control and Eli has spirit calling magic as for everyone else I honestly can't remember it has been more than 5 years sense it is only the 5 five of us the Demons they are ruthless creatures even with our magic they are still hard to beat if there are a lot of them there are 4 levels to them level 1 mob not smart not strong but high in numbers and move in hordes level 2 elites there are a moderate amount per zone we call them zones because this world is one big island separated only by rivers elites move in groups of 5~10 and depending on how many elites there are depend on how big the horde of lvl=level 1 there will be with them the more elites there are the bigger the horde of lvl one's and last but not least lvl 3 Queens and kings there will only be one queen and king per zone the duty of the king is to protect the queen and the queens dure is to produce more soldiers(demons) 4 Infected I can remember clear as day how about 50% of our team died in the first night because to this day I have nightmares of that night we were powerless the amount of demons was incomprehensible killing them is not too hard shoot them enough times or stab them enough and they will die of blood loss but if you want to kill them quick aim for the head it's their week spot for the lites it's the back of the head and for the queens and kings you have to decapitate them the other 10 died on the way to this mission the last mission it is to kill the last remaining queen and king as after the loss of our brothers and sisters in arms we raided queens and kings non stop but wile attacking the last nest with the all the remaining forces that could still fight only the five of us were left but we were betrayed by the other teams left to fight millions of lvl ones 100's of lvl 2 and a enraged king and a queen it was a long battle but alas it is only me and the queen Ray died fighting the enraged king but he went out his own way by crating a gigantic sword that pierced both him and the enraged king a pity he could have become a real monster Ray he had the power of creation the limitation was that you had to know every element of what you were trying to create but with enough time he could have become a monster Eli and Elenor died fighting the lvl ones they distracted them so that I could restrict their movements with my gravity magic and then jade could finish them with his fire magic jade died protecting me and taking with him all the remaining lvl 2's thanks to his ultimate ability annihilation with all that he has he makes a gigantic fire circle witch inside of it it gets as hot as the surface of the sun it is now just me and the queen I won witch is why I am able to finish my diary the fight was long and arduos I was tired and that queen was a better fighter than I thought just wen I managed to get the decapitating blow on her she got me and got me good pierced right through my heart with her tail I lie bleeding to death here in this war zone filled with bodies but I am happy to say we won the enemy is no more or so I thought as I look down to see my wound I find that it has regenerated meaning I have been infected queens can infect someone every 100 years an infected will become a queen and king of sort they without being enraged have the fighting capability of 3 enraged kings when enraged it is 6 enraged kings and they can also reproduce by themselves meaning they don't need a mate but I am happy that I am an infected because I or well at least my body will get to kill those bastards that abandoned us at the beginning of this raid my team has kill and infected before which is why I know how they come to be their worst enemy is tule they only live for a year witch is why the fight for the first half of that year and reproduce for the later half we killed the infected by stalling it and not letting it reproduce for the las 7 days of its life and with that out of the way in perfect timing style I can feel I start to inhale my last few breaths if you also find yourself in this world I hope you find this diary early and get the information in it commander Ace out.