
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 15.

A new chapter for you guys after 1 day of my absence.

Do tell me if you find any mistakes here.

Thanks for the constant support even when I was trying something new in it.


Nowadays Anime fans are so dumb. Any new Anime comes and they would start their rant.

He could defeat Goku and shit. Overcome this you all little shit.

Don't you any profanities in the comment section. I hope you understand as some of you are still using it.


"Do I have to remove it for the technique to work on me?"

Hancock spoke with a small blush on her face while looking at the guy who was sitting on the large bed. She was pointing towards her dress to make sure it's necessary.

"Of course you have to remove it, dear"

Ray spoke with a neutral voice while his eyes were admiring the beauty of her. He was starting to like her personality as it was very cute in his eyes.

Hancock who could sense his gaze, was quite confused as she couldn't sense any kind of lust from him instead all she was feeling was pure admiration for her. It was entirely new for her who always got lecherous looks on her body. It was a new experience for her.

She was thinking about this when she suddenly remembered a painful memory of the past which angered her a lot though she hid it inside.'Hmph! He must be acting as all the men are the same.'

Ray who was enjoying the beauty of her suddenly sensed a cold look directed at him with some Conquer haki mixed in it. He looked into her eyes which looked lost for some moments before she snapped back into reality. The cold look changed into the look of pure hatred.'I wonder if she remembered any bad memories of her past.'

"Your emotions have changed suddenly, dear. Did you perhaps remember something about the past?"

Ray spoke smiling slightly at her as he doesn't want her to lose herself in her the horrible past."Those dragons would be dealt with by me and I would enjoy it for sure.'

"Don't call me dear, you filthy man!"

Hancock shouted angrily as the memories were taking hold of her mind. She was getting the memories in which she was beaten by those dogs so they could impress the celestial dragons.

Ray was surprised by her outburst though he expected it as she had a painful past which was overlooked in the Anime. He was not angry at her instead he stood up from his place and started to walk towards her spot.

Hancock who didn't see any angry expression on his face was surprised as she had crossed her line here. She was about to apologise when she saw him walking towards her place.'He is really like those other men after all.'

There was not much distance between him and her as he has gotten quite close to her position. He took a step forward while she took a step back nervousness. She knew he was strong as he has shown it in the throne room.

He raised his right hand scaring her as she was constantly having those horrible flashbacks. She couldn't even feel her strength as if she was weak.'Even after getting this much stronger, I am still weak in front of a man.'

Hancock closed her eyes in helplessness while her body was trembling in fear. She was anticipating an attack from her however his hand never hit her. The hand was on her head, patting her slowly.

"I told you that I'm different from them. I would never hurt a woman"

Ray spoke soothingly to her while he was patting her gently.'To think she would be scared of men so much.'

Hancock felt her dark thoughts leaving her mind as a light attacked them ruthlessly. She for the first time in her life felt safe and that too in the presence of a man.'What is happening to me?'

After some time of patting her body finally calmed down. She opened her eyes only to see him looking at her with such warmth in his eyes. Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment as she didn't know what to do in such situations.

Ray noticed her flushed cheeks quite easily as she had such beautiful skin. He removed his hand from her head much to her displeasure. Ray had to hold his laughter as it was a serious moment. He spoke again emphasising the last word.

"Are you fine now, DEAR!"

Hancock who heard him became even more embarrassed as she just has called him something bad and yet he was speaking to her with such concern. She mumbled slowly.

"I'm fine now, Ray"

Ray had to hold himself back from hugging her right there ss she was looking so cute in that expression.'She is dangerously cute even without her knowing.'

He didn't reply to her instead he went back to the bed as he still has to prove his statement about removing anything from anyone body. Hancock followed him closely to the bed though she was feeling something very strange with her body.

"Are you gonna remove it now?"

Ray spoke calmly as if he does not care about her naked body. In reality, he was getting eager to see her without her clothes.'I just want to see her near-perfect beauty even though I have seen it many times in pics.'

Hancock nodded with her whole face getting heat up for some reason.'What is happening to my body and what is this strange feeling that I'm feeling right now?' She thought as she was beginning to remove her upper clothes.

For the first time in his life, he felt the time slow down to the lowest point as he saw her removing her upper clothes slowly. He was getting excited for some reason while licking his lower lip unconsciously.

Hancock was not paying attention to him as she was feeling very strange in removing her clothes. Her instincts were telling her to remove the clothes in slow motion as if she would get to see something special.

The blouse finally fell on the ground while her whole face flushed in embarrassment. For the first time, she wanted to show her body to someone without having any intention of hurting the person who saw her.'Why am I even acting like this? I'm an Empress!'

Ray has finally seen the naked body of the most beautiful woman in this world and he has to say the people were not exaggerating the beauty of her.

She looked very seductive right now with those big boobs coupled with her slim waist. If he had to measure the size of her boobs it would be J-cup. Her pink nipples which full of vigour. They were round and were defying gravity even with their size. They looked delicious to him.

"Sit here"

Ray spoke in a calm voice while motioning her to sit in front of him. Even though he was excited that doesn't mean he would force himself on her.' It's disgusting to even think about though there might be some girls who would enjoy this.'

Without wasting any time on her thoughts she immediately sat in front of him while her boobs were jiggling none stop as she was moving. Even though she was embarrassed about this, she was still not trying to hide her body.

Seeing her strange antiques he chuckled a little much to her confusion before he spoke smiling a little.

"I have to remove your tattoo and it's on your back, dear Empress"

Hancock who was feeling embarrassed about this whole ordeal became even more flushed as she noticed her mistake. With a swift movement, she changed her direction so he could see her back.' I'm doing such silly mistakes.'

Ray did not comment any further on this as his whole attention was on the mark which was engraved on her smooth back. He gently touched her back where the mark was engraved. Hancock who was still blushing suddenly felt a shiver in her body as he touched the mark.

Even though there is no pain now from touching it however the mental and emotional pain would never go away. They had suffered for the enjoyment of those so-called gods of this world.

"This is called the Hoof Of The Soaring Dragon, a slave mark which those bastards give on the back of their slaves."

Hancock spoke in a depressing voice as she remembered the scenes of time when she was one of those slaves along with her sisters.

She continued speaking to him, not caring whether he was even interested in listening to it or not. She just wanted to tell someone about her without holding back anything.

"The people who get this mark are forever treated less than human"

Tears were flowing out of her eyes as she speaking about the horrible thing. The pain she had to endure as an elder sister was immense and it would not go away any time soon.

Ray was silent the whole time with an emotionless face looking at the mark intently. He was quietly listening to her without disturbing her between the dialogue. His left hand which was on the bed was clenching very tightly.

"We were saved by the fisherman Tiger who was freeing every slave from the clutches of the celestial dragon though he died after he freed every slave who was present there"

She was now openly crying as anyone could hear the noises of her crying. If anyone has seen her today they would not believe that this was their Empress. The cold and aloof who did not care about anything except herself.

Ray who finally noticed her crying, hugged her waist while pulling her on his lap. His hands were wrapped around her slim waist while her boobs were touching his hands as they were directly on his hands.

She didn't resist the slightest as she needed someone to hold her like this right now. She was a weak little girl from inside who experienced many things which she should not have experienced. Her mind was getting weak day by day due to the constant nightmares and no one was there to help her overcome them.

She had enough of being strong for everyone so they could hold her shoulders do move forward. Now she needs someone shoulder to hold herself with. She wants to feel what it is like being protected by someone else.

Hancock after thinking about everything finally relaxed her body before she leaned backwards on his chest. Her cheeks were heating due to the bold action she took however she was not going to back down now.

No one spoke anything as she was feeling too embarrassed and he was lost in his thoughts though the atmosphere around them was not awkward as they were enjoying the feel of each other body.

Ray thoughts were getting very darker the more he was thinking about the stuff. Even though he was acting calm outside however inside he was very angry.

'I didn't wish to have fun with those fools this early however things have changed for me. It has become personal to me as she is my future wife and I happens to give my wives some kind of gifts.'

'I would play with them so much that they would forget their selves however I am not gonna leave them this early. They would become personal toys for everyone in this world and I would make sure that.'

Ray cleared his thought after some time of thinking straight without taking any break. He smiled slightly when he saw her leaning on his chest while her whole body was touching his.

"feeling good now, dear"

Ray spoke slowly into her ears while blowing slightly which made her whole body shudder in a strange sensation. Ray chuckled slowly when he saw her nod at him though she still didn't let him go.

"I'm not going anywhere, darling"

Ray spoke with a smile on his face as she was forcing her body on him instead of letting him go so he could remove the damn mark.

"I-I want to stay like this. It's an order of the E-Empress"

Hancock mumbled to him while acting like an Empress. She was not gonna let him go as she feared he might disappear from her world.

"I accept your order, Your Majesty!"

Ray exclaimed loudly while mimicking the people tone when they greet an Empress. She chuckled at his stupid action before putting her hand on his which was wrapped around her waist.

They stayed like this for some time before Ray separated himself from her as he has to remove the mark. Hancock was not letting him go even when they have just literally met today in their entire life.'She is getting very possessive of me and that too in a single day of the meeting. Is this perhaps the side effect of having Conqueror haki?"

"You just want to leave me all alone right?"

Hancock spoke in a timid voice as she let go of his hand reluctantly. Her body was starting to tremble again as dark thoughts assaulted her mind again.

"No, I'm not leaving you anywhere so just listen to me. Okay!"

Ray spoke patting her head to calm her down as it was quite sad for him to see his future wife like this.'I would make up to you by offering you some dragons to torture.'

"Your sisters would be worrying about you considering the time we have taken inside the room"

Ray spoke smiling while his hand was starting to play with her hair while his other hand was drawing circles on her belly.'This is so smooth.'


Hancock released a moan as the hand was working so good on her hand. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and her breathing was erratic.'His hand feels so good on my body.'

Ray stopped both hands before pulling them back to their place. Hancock's eyes opened suddenly as she felt his hands going back. She did not say anything though her face looked quite alluring because of her erotic breathing and flushed face which could make anyone hard instantly.

She sat straight on the bed so he could see the whole back. She was hoping that the mark would be removed from her body. Only then she would be able to leave her past behind to take a step forward in her bright future.

Ray noticed the design of the mark as he didn't notice the shape before because of his anger. The mark was quite simple yet it held so much power behind it. It had a circle with 3 triangles on top of it and one triangle was in opposite directions to those 3 triangles. (A/N- here is the photo of the mark).

He put his palm on the mark while gently rubbing the whole back to clean it from her gorgeous body. Hancock who was starting to get nervous again suddenly felt his delicate touch on her back. She felt that he was giving her assurance that nothing bad would happen again.

Was it necessary to rub her whole back? No, it was not. He was rubbing her whole to give her confidence to overcome this whole ordeal. He was doing his duty as a loving husband of her who would be with her in any situation.

'How did we get so close this easily? We were just fighting when we met for the first time.' Ray thought smiling as he looked at the women, no girl who was trying to lean on his body even when he was helping her to overcome her past.

"I would never let you go away from me, Ray"

Hancock mumbled slowly as she pushed her body towards him with more force than before. She had a determined look while her eyes were burning with flames.

Ray who heard her words just shook his head as even he does not understand her personality now. She seems to be getting a lot clingy to him and does not want him to leave her. 'Well, I am not gonna leave her anyway. It would be a waste to leave here and she is my future wife.


FLASHBACK- He is thinking about the meeting.


Ray was walking down the path which would eventually take him to the throne room. He has his hands in his pockets while a small smile was on his face and a carefree look on his face even when he was visiting her for the first time in his entire life.

"Those guards were super cute"

Ray muttered slowly as he remembered about the previous meeting he had with the guards when he was entering the Palace. He was stopped by them as he was very different looking from a woman.

He acted like a gentle which he is and made them all feel special. Just like the citizens, it was also their first time seeing a man. Their eyes contained curiosity and excitement for meeting a man for the first time.

He enjoyed their company as they were like children full of innocence and that too without any malicious intent. They were asking him strange question though he answered them happily which made them even happier.

He was talking with a guard when another guard who has not talked with him came to tell him that the Empress has called him inside the throne room.

Instead of going towards the throne room, he stayed there to talk with them a little more much to the happiness of all of them as he was giving them more priority than the Empress herself.

After some more talking with his gentle kisses on their cheeks he finally started to move towards the throne room. The guards were now calling him with the same respect as the Empress as he was giving them more respect than the Majesty herself.

After walking for some more time he finally could see the door of the throne room which was massive in his eyes as it was just a waste of products.'Why do people like to make things in such a massive size.'

A smile formed on his face as he thought about meeting her personally. Instead of knocking on the massive door, he opened it directly. 'Let's see how would this gonna play out!'

He walked into the throne room slowly as he was looking at the surrounding more than the people who were present in the room. The throne was quite beautiful as it was decorated with photos however they were all about snakes. There were some lamps here which were not working good as the light produced by them was quite small.

"Are you done now"

He heard a voice which was full of hate and he immediately knew to whom it belonged. He was looking at the ground so one saw his face however they could say that he was a handsome man more than the ones whom they have met in the past.

He lifted his face to see the most beautiful woman in this world along with her sisters and a shirt old woman. The women were completely speechless as it was their first time seeing a man who was this handsome. The charm he was emitting was on par with their Empress which was shocking as she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world.

Before they could comment on him, a huge shadow flew towards him with an astonishing speed. Everyone was worried about him getting killed as he still needs to show them whether he wrote the truth or not. Hancock reaction was however different from the rest as she had a smile.

'Let's see if you are capable of solving this issue without damaging anything of mine. If you could do without any damage then it would mean you are capable of being here otherwise if you are not then you would die here.'

Ray was smiling the whole time as if he already knew about this though he was not mad at her because she didn't order it personally as it was coming towards him on his own. He was not feeling any kind of malice from it so he let it come towards him.

The huge shadow which was going towards him didn't attack instead it wrapped itself around the body of Ray without using too much force on the body. After wrapping itself completely around him, she started to rub his face with her in happiness.

Everyone in the room had a shocked expression except Ray who was busy patting it affectionately. The sisters of the Empress were feeling something wrong with their body while elder Nyon was looking intently at the duo.

Hancock couldn't believe her eyes as her loyal partner was showing affection to a man. She was sure that her partner hated men as much as she does however now it's all changed.'What is wrong with her? Is he perhaps using some kind of power to do this?'

"Haha! Little girl, you are so cute"

Ray spoke laughing as he was playing with the snake while rubbing her chin. She was chirping happily while rubbing her face in his palms.

"Salome, come back here"

Hancock shouted angrily at her betraying partner. The sisters wanted to speak however their bodies were making it difficult. Elder Nyon was interested in the drama so she didn't interfere either.

Salome is a large white snake with large pink spots running down her body. The underside of her body is pale yellow, with thin horizontal black lines across it. She wears a horned skull with a couple of cracks on top of her head, has blue hair jutting out from the back of the skull.

Salome looked at her partner before she looked back at Ray who just smiled at her. After some moment of consideration, she finally decided to stay like this for some more time. Hancock's face showed extreme anger before she hid it completely to calm herself.

"My name is Ray Morningstar"

Ray spoke loudly while sitting on the body of Salome who has made a throne by her body. She was rubbing herself constantly while chirping happily as Ray's hands were rubbing her body affectionately.

"My name is Boa Hancock, the Empress of Amazon island"

Hancock spoke arrogantly to him while showing off her beauty even more. She wanted to see his lustful reaction though she didn't get anything out of him.

"My name is Boa Sandersonia and she is Boa Marigold while she is Elder Nyon"

Sandersonia spoke in a strangely calm voice while introducing the other 2 people which were present with them.'What is happening to me?'

"Are you the one who sent me the letter?"

Hancock spoke calmly as she has still use of him before she could kill him.'He must have some ulterior motive as well to come here by himself.'

"Yes, I'm the one"

Ray replied with a charming smile while his eyes were looking towards the two other sisters in amusement. 'Let's see how much time are you gonna stop yourselves.'

"How did you know about the mark?"

Hancock shouted as she doesn't want many people to know that horrible past of theirs. No one interrupted them in their meeting.

"A fisherman told me this when I was in East Blue"

Ray spoke calmly with a serious expression on his face. 'I'm using your name Arlong and thanks for your help.'

"I see so where are they now?"

Hancock spoke coldly as she wanted to get rid of them as they were speaking the truth about her. She did it even think whether he was speaking the truth or not.

"I killed them all though one of them was able to run from my grasp"

Ray spoke disappointingly as if he was mad at himself for not killing the fish who was escaping from him.'I needed him in the future that's why he was able to escape from his death.'

Suddenly a huge wave of pressure was felt across the room. It was getting heavier and heavier and the main target of the pressure was Ray who was calmly sitting without any worries on his face. Hancock shouted angrily while increasing the pressure.

"How dare you leave him, you nasty man"

Ray who heard the words felt disappointment in her before he released a tiny bit of his Conqueror haki on her. His haki completely obliterated her before she started to breathe heavily. He stopped his haki as Salome was pleading to him with watery eyes. He spoke warmly to Salome who had some tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry I would not do anything to her okay baby girl!"

"I came here to do my work, not to listen to your rants about something"

Ray spoke calmly while looking into Hancock's eyes with a serious expression.

Everyone was shocked at the display of Conquerer haki from him as it is very rare for someone to have it. He seems to be trained in it as well because they could feel him bonding back himself.

"I understand though are you doing this for free?"

Hancock asked confusingly as he didn't tell her anything which he wanted to get one's he would complete his side If deal.

"I would tell you after removing those marks as you might not believe it right now"

Ray spoke smiling again while playing with a little girl who has finally stooped her tears. She was very cute in his eyes because of her antiques.

"Very well let us go to my room"

Hancock spoke calmly though she was embarrassed about taking him to her room. It was her first time bringing a man there as she doesn't even talk to one. 'It's not like he would do something there anyway after all with his strength he could kill the entire population of ours.'

"Sister what are you saying? You should let him remove it here"

Sandersonia spoke worriedly towards her sister as she might get into another fight these. She has seen how strong he was and he could kill anyone here with ease. Though she knows that he would not do it but same could not be said about her elder sister who might attack him.

Hancock shook her head negatively before she spoke in warmth voice to her little sisters who were worrying about her.

"As an elder sister, I must check it before you all as I don't want you to get your hopes high"

They nodded at her words though elder Nyon was looking at her intently as if she was trying to find something. Ray was also looking at her with amusement in his eyes as he could tell that she has another motive behind it.'She might be still angry at me for crushing her pride like this.'

Without saying anything she started to walk towards her room which was behind the throne. There was a path there that would lead it to her room. Ray also stood up from her place to go there. He patted Salome before speaking to her.

"Stay here and don't let anyone come into the room"

She nodded at him happily with a serious look in her eyes. She always seems to have a smile on her face. He didn't speak anything to her anymore before he walked towards the throne.

"Don't get angry at her, Ray"

Sandersonia spoke with a pleading look accompanied by Marigold who was also pleading to him. He looked over them to see Elder Nyon also having the same expression on her face.

He gently put his hand on their head as they were leaning down on the ground. He patted them for some time to calm their anxious hearts. With a soothing voice, he spoke.

"Don't worry about her, Okay!"

They nodded with a relieved smile on their faces. Though they were sad when he removed his hands from their heads to go towards the room of their elder sister. Unknowingly their snakes formed had come out when he was patting them. Elder Nyon noticed this and smirked a little. She was imagining something better for the empire.

'The future is bright for this Empire'



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