
(ON HOLD) The Dragon of Demise and the Knight of Treachery

A dude reincarnated as Acnologia in the Fate universe as a female, because that is basically fate in a sense. She travels the land, proving her title as Dragon King, and she then meets the Knight of Treachery. What will happen between them?

PridedKnight168 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

2 months later

(3rd pov)


We now come back to Acnologia in what looks like a training room. It is filled with different types of exercise equipment and punching bags. She is also wearing a training bra that fits snuggly around her bust, with yoga jeans doing the same with her butt. (I know nothing of women, for I am a guy. But I make excellent women pov stories.) Her cloak next to the door.

She is currently hitting a punching bag in the center of the room over and over again, hitting harder after every hit, not breaking a sweat.





...the punching goes flying right off the chain, sent flying to the wall.

We then hear Acnologia sigh and goes to grab others that are next to her. As she was about to hook it up, she stopped and heard the sound of heavy panting and the sound of someone running.

She doesn't move, instead, she waits for the person to come to her.

After a moment, the running stopped, but the heavy panting continued even though they are right at the door frame.

Acnologia turned around to see her master, Roche Frain Yggdmillennia, and see that who looks excited about something.

"What is it, little master?" Acnologia asks curiously and slightly annoyed, though she has a slight smile on her face. Why would her master go through all the trouble of coming here, especially when she is training?

"*huff* They're *puff* about *huff* to *puff* summon!!" Roche exclaimed, slightly out of breath.

That causes Acnologia's smile to fall into a look of surprise until it turned into a cocky smirk.

"Really?" Roche nods, STILL trying to catch his breath.

"Then let's go!!" Acnologia exclaims, running towards the door, grabbing her cloak on the way and throwing it around her shoulders, picking up Roche (princess style), and carrying him to where it was taking place.

Roche squeals in a slightly girly-like manner and blushes slightly in embarrassment. (Yes, I'm doing this just because)


Pov change


(Acnologia's pov)

I have been running carrying the master for a few minutes until we reach the hall where the summoning was taking place.

Only to see that we got just as they finished the chant. With a flash of blinding blue light, four figures were kneeling before the other masters.

As I set my master down, the other four servants start getting up and talking, though I don't pay attention to it.

One is a pink-haired androgynous-looking boy who is fancily dressed in girls' clothing, with a little fang.

Another one appears to be a calm-looking man, gentle like a calm sea. He wears a somewhat archaic style of dress, without any traits to reveal his identity.

Another is a lovely young girl with beautiful maroon hair clad in a white dress with empty heterochromatic eyes (one gold the other gray), carrying a giant mace.

The last one is giving me the urge to kill.

He is a tall man with silver-grey and dark grey highlights hair. His body is encased in radiant silver woven plate armor. He has the sword, Balmung, on his back. He also a glowing mark on his chest that reaches up to a little past his chin.

But I could tell, that out of everyone here, he is not fully human. I can smell it off of him.

His skin color is similar to mine, which supports the fact that he isn't human.

I didn't notice I was walking towards him until I was directly in front of him. We both just stared at each other, unflinching and unmoving.


Pov change


(3rd pov)

Everyone we're watching the two as soon as Acnologia walked up to Seigfried (silver-haired guy). There was a tension growing between the two and everyone was confused about why.

Unnoticed to everyone but the servants, Siegfried's left hand was twitching slightly, preparing itself to draw the sword on his back as quickly as possible.

"Alright, may I have your attention, please?!" Everyone, even the two in the standoff, turned to the one who said that which was the pink-haired trap.

"Everyone who was just summoned should introduce themselves. I mean we are a team for now," The trap says, joyfully and energetically.

"Oh wait I have a better idea, why don't we say our true names?! It'll be way more efficient," the trap says, not stopping for very long.

'So talkative!' Everyone in the room thought, while sweat dropping.

"Okay, then I'll start. You guys can call me Astolfo, I'm one of the twelve heroes of Charlemagne, and I'm a rider. Nice to meet you," Astolfo says, causing Acnologia to sigh and shake her head, though if one notices heard enough, there is a faint smile on her face.

"And you are?" He asks walking up to the calm-looking man. He looks towards his master, Fiore, for permission who nods.

Fiore is a beautiful 19 years old girl. She has brunette wavy hair, clear blue eyes, and a gentle smile, her body appears fragile. Due to a magic circuit malfunction during her birth, she became crippled and wheelchair-bound.

"Servant class Archer. I am Chiron," he introduces himself.

"Oh, hello Chiron," Astolfo greets grabbing his hands. And then twirling around towards the girl in a bride's dress.

'THIS IS SERIOUSLY A BOY?!' Acnologia thought in confusion and surprise about how girly the trap acts.

"Okay, your turn," Astolfo says talking to the bride girl. Though the girl just grunts and turns her head away.

Astolfo blinks, slightly shocked that she isn't speaking.

"Excuse me, would you mind telling me her name?" Astolfo asks the girl's master, Caules Fiore's little brother.

Though Caules is eighteen, he has a childish, freckled face that does not match his age. Caules wears the standard Yggdmillenia uniform consisting of a white jacket and black pants. He also wears black glasses.

Caules looks surprised to be asked as he flinches slightly while saying huh.

"Come on, it's fine. Please? Please?!" Astolfo asks with stars in her eyes, practically begging to know the girl's name.

"Her name is Frankenstein," Caules says.

"Alright, Fran it is," Astolfo says turning to Fran, who just growls in turn, spooking Astolfo.

"DAAAAH!! Sorry!!" Astolfo apologizes while waving her arms around.

"Looks like I made her angry," Astolfo says while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.


Everyone then hears loud laughter and turns to Acnologia, who is laughing loudly with one hand on her hip, cocking the other side out.

"Sorry, sorry. That was just funny for me to see," Acnologia apologizes after she notices the stares she was getting.

"Guess now that I have all of your attention, I'll introduce myself," Acnologia says to the surprise of the other masters and Lancer (who will be addressed as Dracula from now onwards).

*clears her throat*

"Greetings, you all in for a big surprise move you hear my name," Acnologia says with a slightly ominous tone to her voice. Though no one is worried about it but is instead interested in what she is doing.

"I am the strongest dragon slayer and the king of all dragons," Acnologia says, causing most of the servant's eyes to widen, but none more so than Siegfried.

"I am Acnologia, the dragon of demise," Acnologia finishes with a showman-like bow at the end.

When she looked up, she saw the reactions she was expecting from the servants.

Astolfo is interested with stars in his eyes. Fran still looks indifferent, but there is a slight curiosity in her eyes. Chiron has a look of surprise. Siegfried has a look of surprise as well, but also pity. (He would pity someone who bathed in dragon blood.)

"Moving on," Acnologia says looking right at Siegfried (saber of black), much to the other's disappointment.

"I am-"

"Hold it," interrupts Siegfried's master, Gordes.

Gordes is a portly 36-year-old man whose pompousness can gleamed from a single look at his expression.

"Saber, don't you there say another word," Gordes commanded, much to everyone's surprise, confusion, and a little bit of anger to some.

"Huh?" Both Astolfo and Acnologia say.

"We agreed in advance to disclose true names, didn't we?" Asked Astolfo's master, Celenike.

Celenike is a cruel 26-year-old magus who possesses a clever-looking beautiful face. Despite seeming to have a clear-cut appearance, her entire body reeks of blood due to acts such as kissing the innards used in her rituals. The stench of death that followed the magus was far too thick. She has probably been covered in blood and gore since she was born. She can use perfumes and wash from the smell of it, but death itself will never leave her. She also has silver-like hair.

"I'm rescinding that. The fewer people who know your true names the better," Gordes said, and though it isn't fair, he did have a point.

"U-uncle Darnic?" Fiore asks the master of Lancer. This caused everyone to look in his direction.

Darnic looks like a man in his late twenties. He also has light blue hair and looks pretty villainous without Lancer. He is almost twice his age but transferred into a much younger body.

"That's fine Gordes, as long as you hold responsibility for it," Darnic said, causing Gordes to smirk arrogantly.

"Of course," is all Gordes said, but you could feel the arrogance rolling off of him.

"This is the beginning," Vlad began, getting everyone's attention.

"With our combined power, we will easily be able to annihilate the red faction and their servants. My proud and fearless heroes, I look forward to your brave achievements. I am Vlad Tepes of Romania, to defend my country and to grant my wish I swear that I will emerge victoriously," Vlad said, ending his incredible speech, with all the other servants bowing down to him.

Vlad the Impaler, or as most people know him as Dracula, or Lancer of Black is dressed royally, appearing as black as a shadow in the night, contrasted with his pale face and long, silk-like white hair. He gives off an overwhelming presence, causing ceaseless trembling wherever he happens to look. This does not stem from fear due to a violent nature, but rather that those exposed to his icy gaze recognize themselves as hopelessly weak and powerless existences before him.


Time skip


(3rd pov)


We now come to day time, where all the newly summoned servants and masters were interacting with each other.

Caules and Fran (Berserker) out in the field. Fiore and Chiron having tea together. Astolfo and Celenike doing...stuff I am not completely comfortable telling as the author. Now we come to Siegfried and Gordes...you can just imagine how that goes. Vlad and Darnic sharing a glass of wine. We then see a blonde-haired, near skeleton person with their chest open up and his heart missing.

Acnologia is currently in the golem factory with her master, helping him making golems. She is wearing her workout clothes, with her cloak nearby.

Acnologia lifts a golem core, bringing it over to a golem body. She wipes her brow. She has been doing this for a few hours now. She turns to her master, seemingly debating on something before going over to her master.

"Hey, Roche, can I ask a favor?" Acnologia asks to which he instantly turns towards her, knowing it's serious just by her saying his name.

"What is it, Darian?" Roche asks, speaking his servant's past name. Acnologia turns her head away and takes a breath before turning back around, with a look of determination in her eyes.

"Can you help me make something, and it's not a golem," Acnologia asks unsurely, not knowing if her master will agree.

"Sure what is it," he replies instantly, catching Acnologia by surprise. Though she has a kind smile on her face.

"I need help making something...powerful. But it needs to be in the shape of a key," she says, confusing Roche.

"Why a key?" Roche asks, to which she just smirks.

"It's to summon me without the person having to become my master," she said much to Roche's shock.

Acnologia opens her mouth to explain, but was cut off by Astolfo coming down to them.

"Hey, Caster, wanna head into town with me?" He asks innocently, unaware of the conversation the two were having.

"*Sigh* Sure, Astolfo, let's go," Acnologia said, walking towards her cloak to grab it.

"Master, I'll be out with Astolfo. You just think about that favor, okay?" Acnologia says with a smile on her face, before leaving with Astolfo.


At around the same time


At a church

(3rd pov)

We now see a 32-year-old male, with a fiendish appearance is just like that of an American outlaw. He has a scarred face, razor-sharp eyes with a noticeable gaze, a muscular frame, and a black jacket fashioned.

This is Kairi Sisigou, master of Saber of Red, he is also a necromancer.

He walks up to someone who appears to be praying.

"I had an appointment arranged here. Are you the person I'm supposed to be talking to?" He asks while the person he is asking stands up. Sisigou looks shocked at who he sees.

"This is correct. I'm sure you've guessed but I am the director. My name is Shirou Kotomine," Kotomine (I refuse to call him Shirou) introduces himself, tilting his head slightly to the left.

Shirou appears to be a tanned-skinned youth with white hair like silver and with dark ageless golden eyes. He wears the vestments of a priest and a golden cross around his neck. His vestment is a type of red holy shroud and he wore a red stole over his cassock. He has an innocent, boyish face showing that he has yet to have aged past twenty years of age.

"And I'm Kairi Sisigou. Mind if we just skip the pleasantries?" Sisigou asks after introducing himself, while Kotomine was walking towards him.

"No, I don't mind at all," Kotomine says, still walking towards him until he is at least a few feet apart from Sisigou.

"And your servant there?" Kotomine asks. That is when a knight covered in armor, wearing a demon-like helmet, covered in red markings, appeared next to Sisigou surprising him.

"Hey!" Sisigou says in an irritated tone turning towards the knight, who just has their hand up showing to wait.

"Something isn't right. Allow me to stay master," the knight says through telepathy, though the voice sounds feminine.

"Now, I'll reveal mine," Kotomine says while turning his head to his left, not giving Sisigou enough time to answer his servant.

There, another person appears the same way as the knight.

"Assassin of Red. My true name is Semiramis. We're counting on you. Sisigou, was it?" Semiramis says, introducing herself after appearing.

Semiramis is someone described as a "depraved beauty" and a "peerlessly beautiful woman" wrapped in a dress as "dark as midnight" who emanates a pleasing aroma. She also has elf-like ears, and a voluptuous body, with gravity-defying breasts.

The knight opens up her right hand, where a transparent sword came into existence. Sisigou puts his hand out in front of his servant, stopping her to which the knight turns towards him out of confusion. He shakes his head, signaling for his servant to not attack, to which she reluctantly does.

"Well, shall we exchange our information?" Kotomine asks, releasing the slight tension that was in the air.

A moment later

"Most of their servants have assembled. The only servant we could not find was their caster, though we have a hunch on who it is, but not their identity. Among them, their Lancer, the servant we presume to be Vlad III, will be our biggest concern," Kotomine informs Sisigou.

"I guess they really did summon them after all," Sisigou says, mostly to himself.

"A servant's strength is affected by their reputation (not true for Acnologia). Especially here in Romania, he'll be summoned as a hero, and not as a vampire," Kotomine informs Sisigou.

"And what about our servants?" Sisigou asks since he hasn't seen any other master yet.

"In terms of quality...they seem to be fairly outstanding," Kotomine says with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Sounds about right," Sisigou says looking at Semiramis, who giggles and smiles at him before she turns towards the knight who does not speak, and her eyes narrow in mischief at the knight, still giggling.

"Also, the summoning of a ruler class has recently been confirmed," Kotomine informs Sisigou.

"So there is a 15th servant out there, huh?" Sisigou asks in surprise.

"Ruler is the class that organizes a Holy Grail War. Naturally, one would be summoned for this Great Holy Grail War," Kotomine says.

"Can't say I'm in love with the idea of them watching me," Sisigou said while scratching his head in slight frustration.

Kotomine chuckles. "Now then, why don't we join up with the other masters?" Kotomine asks, still smiling, though it doesn't reach his ears (or however that saying goes).

The knight and Sisigou look at each other, having a short silent conversation. (No telepathy)

"I don't need to see the other masters," Sisigou says tilting his head slightly downwards.

"You don't?" Kotomine asks in surprise.

"We're just gonna handle things on our own. Since saber has enough power to fight battles solo, I'm sure we will be fine," Sisigou says while his hand is out flat palm facing upwards.

"Do you not work well in groups?" Kotomine asks though it sounds like if he knows the answer.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Sisigou says ominously.

Sisigou and Saber get up and walk towards the door. When Sisigou opened it for Saber and was about to walk out, Semiramis spoke stopping him.

"The enemy has completely established itself as an army. If you move on your own accord, we're sure to suffer some inconveniences. And you still intend to leave?" Semiramis asks, expecting an answer.

"That's right, my apologies," Sisigou says walking out and closing the door.

After a few feet of walking, Sisigou asks, "Are they following us?"

"We're fine. Even an Assassin would materialize when launching an attack. I wouldn't miss something like that," says the knight through telepathy.


"Master, why didn't you join forces with them," Saber asks, confused about why they didn't join forces.

"You didn't want to, right?" Sisigou asks remembering how Saber was acting in the church.

"It's just a hunch. But that Semiramis woman had the same smell like my mother. In other words, she's the type of woman who should not be trusted" she says, though she said the word mother with venom.

"Then I made the right decision. I have faith in your instincts," Sisigou compliments.

"I appreciate it. I am relieved that my master is smart enough to not be fooled by deceitful people," Saber said, to which Sisigou smiles.

"Though, only a little bit mind you. Just a bit," she says, acting like a tsundere.

"Well thanks, Saber. Alright, time to head to Trifas," Sisigou says.

"Oh before that, I have a favor to ask," Saber informs Sisigou.

"A favor?" Sisigou asks.


Back at the church


"It seems they don't trust us," Kotomine said stating the obvious.

"Surely it was not my fault," Semiramis said, though you couldn't tell if she was serious or not. Kotomine just shrugs.

"We couldn't learn Saber's true name, either. A Noble Phantasm may have protected it," Kotomine stated.

"Now what? They should be dealt with quickly, you know?" Semiramis questions while crossing her thumb across her neck. (Universal sign for to kill)

"Those two also seek the Holy Grail. This means they are allies at the moment," Kotomine explains to his servant.

"Then I must hurry with the completion of the Garden," Semiramis said ominously.

"I heard that the ritual will be completed in the next few days," Kotomine states, though it is more of a question.

"Correct, there are no-"

"Please. A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!" said a man with slicked-back spiky hair and an equally spiky beard, unintentionally interrupting Semiramis. He is foppishly dressed in refined, Medieval-esque clothing.

"As always the words you utter are complete nonsense, Caster," Semiramis said with slight irritation in her tone.

"Oh dear, Empress of Assyria! I would prefer not to hear such things from thy," Caster said, in an old-timey way.

"For me, William Shakespeare, my work is my life," Shakespeare said with a little bow at the end.

"Enough. What is it?" Semiramis asked with a much more irritated tone?

*clears throat*

"Spartacus is currently out and about...he heads for the enemy," Shakespeare says, shocking the other two.

"What?!" Semiramis yells, shocked and irritated.

"As I said, Berserker's headed towards the Black Factions fortress to storm it. Ah, he is much like a lover with his mind boiling away," Shakespeare says while making dramatic gestures with his body.

Kotomine nods his head, agreeing to what Shakespeare said.

"A hero who acts of his own will is troublesome. Do you have any idea as to why the Berserker went out of control?" Semiramis asks, trying to figure out why Spartacus is out of control.

Shakespeare blinks then looks away shrugging, though he has a smirk on his face and one eyebrow up.


At the same time...again


Somewhere a forest

We now come to a scope aimed right at a deer, though the deer looks around and then notices the gun.


But suddenly a loud boom was heard, scaring off the deer with the scope still following until it got away. The booming was continuing.

"Dammit! What happened?" The huntsman who was aiming at the deer asked, not hearing the booming.

He then heard the booming and look around, then he looked behind him, aiming his rifle upwards to whatever was making the booming.

It then revealed someone who would be described as "pure muscle", the only words that can truly do him justice. At over two meters tall, those who look upon him will be drawn to his extraordinary mass and find a sense of hopelessness as they look up to try to gauge the height of the giant of a man. He has pale skin covered in innumerable scars to show the immense amount of training and battle it has weathered, and he is covered in leather straps tightly coiling about his body and face. He smiles through all of it as if enjoying the act and asking if "is this all that constricts me?" He can be considered very frightening when his scar-riddled face remains composed and smiling regardless of whether he is being struck or striking his opponent. His whole body gives off a feeling of someone out of the ordinary.

This was Spartacus, in his Berserker form.

Spartacus then gave a cruel smile, as if he was about to kill the man if he didn't put the gun down.

The huntsman lowers his gun down in pure fear. As the gun was lowered, Spartacus jogs past him, not harming him.

The huntsman then dropped his gun, in fear and disbelief.

As Spartacus jogs away, two figures are seen jumping off the tree limbs following him.


Time skip


Night in the town of Sighisoara

Flying high in the air is a bird golem looking over the town.

We then zoom into the town on two certain people.

"Oh wow, these clothes feel amazing! Thank you, master," asked a blonde-haired girl with emerald green eyes, whose hair is in a ponytail. She is also wearing a tube top that exposes her abdomen and a crimson leather jacket, along with shorts that stop at the top of her thighs, showing a lot of skin.

This is Mordred Pendragon, 'son' of King Arthur. And Sisigou's Saber of Red.

"Don't worry about it. It was a necessary expense," Sisigou said while Mordred was looking at herself and twirling.

"It's strange. We came all the way out here in the heart of the enemy. But nobody has attacked us yet," she says before two figures run past at the end of an alleyway to which she turns to, but didn't see them.

"Rest assured this town is definitely under the control of the Yggdmillennia," Sisigou said matter of factly.

"Which means?" Mordred asked, before walking into Sisigou who stopped.

"Which means, you two are trespassing," a voice says.

Mordred and Sisigou look ahead of them to see magus and golems, and ahead of them is Acnologia with her cloak on, along with a sports bra, a leather tube top that exposes her abdomen, and loose leather pants. She has both her hand on her hips and her cloak is over her shoulders going backward.

"Hey," Acnologia says with a smirk on her face, to which Mordred matches with her smirk.

Sisigou pulls out a shotgun while Mordred puts on her gauntlets and leg guards.

Both sides get into stances, ready to fight.









Sorry, I've been gone a while, I'm not a very active person, and I'm very forgetful.

I knew that I had to get this story going, so I watched the show along with writing the story.

It was a lot harder than I thought.

Hope you like it, it is now my longest chapter I've ever written.

Leave a comment or review, don't care if it is bad or not, I'll take it.

I'll see you all...whenever I can.