
Chapter 2

I didn't know what happened to me after going through the black hole..

But I felt my consciousness was slowly came back, and I slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw is the ground, I think I fell over after entering the black hole, moving my hands towards my face, wiping off the dirt.

I slowly stood up from the ground, and was seeing a vast land, mountains covers the areas, Unimaginable Trees were standing tall, Caves around the Mountains, Flowing Rivers, Ponds and Small Beast can be seen wandering.

I checked the Sky, and the Sun had already passed its peak, and it seems to be already afternoon here.

"Where am I.."

I started to look around, and it seems my body was full of energy, as if I returned to my youth! I looked at my hands and feets, touching my face. But I must see what I look like, don't want my appearance to be an another guy.

I wandered around and found a small pond, I looked at my reflection and saw the younger version of myself, messy black hair, brown eyes and eyebrows, small nose and lips, I had an average appearance, can't stand out in the crowd.

I was still wearing the clothes that I had, but it was no longer wet, it still fits for me.

"I must know first where I a—" I quickly stop when I heard something was making noise on the bush, 8 meters away from me.

The bush stopped moving, and a small beast showed itself.

"A weird rabbit?"

Yes, it was a rabbit, but it seems to be more different than other rabbits, it's fur was pure white, red eyes, small horns can be seen on top of its head near its long ears.

This rabbit kept staring at me for a few seconds, when it started to move towards, when it reaches 5 meters away from me, I saw its paw had sharp claws and I was worried.


The Rabbit suddenly rush towards me and I felt my heart beats faster, I turned my hands into fist and readied my right leg.

When the rabbit closed in, it jumps toward me, I quickly move my right hand as I push it towards on the belly.

When my fist landed, I felt my punch had broken the White Rabbit's ribs or something, since it was practically self defense, I don't need to hold back. But man, it felt good.


The Rabbit was send flying a few meters away and crashes to the ground.

I just look at the Rabbit laying on the ground, I noticed some blood were coming out from its mouth, it seems I truly had broken its ribs.

I slowly walked towards the rabbit.

"No hard feelings, little fella. It was self defense."

I said as I sighed, the Aggressive Rabbit has turned into a Pitiful Rabbit, it seems it won't live long, I saw there was a mark where I landed my punched.

However, I didn't know it still could move, it move closer to my left leg and bites it.


Pain noises came out from my mouth, as this rabbit kept biting on my left leg with its full force, I immediately used my other leg to stomp it multiples until it let go and its life was taken away by me.

I calmed down and check my left leg, it was bleeding, I'll need to cut some of my clothe to stop this bleeding, it actually hurts not gonna lie.

Gladly, I found a sharp tipped rock laying over the ground, I took off my Shirt, and started to cut a small amount of just enough to cover my left leg. After I cutting a small amount, I covered my left leg where the bleeding is.

I still could run on this state.

"I should be more careful of the beast around here."

Some hours had passed, the Sun was already setting out, I was pretty tired walking around, I even circled a few times and met some weird rabbits that were like the one I killed earlier, I avoided them and even ran away from them. Most of the Rabbits are different here from the world I know, these rabbits were more aggressive and furious. I even saw them chewing on a corpse of a small boar, its pretty likely they eat flesh and not those rabbits who chew on carrots.

But.. I still haven't seen a person for the pass few hours, it seems this forest is isolated. Still.. I was able to see some destroyed huts and ruined small wooden houses.

Seeing the sun going down, I was worried for the night, I still don't know what dangerous beast could be lurking around on the night.

I set camped on the wooden house I had found, some holes could be seen, there was still some useful stuff laying around, a old dagger, it still could cut.

I didn't set a fire outside, since it would probably attract an attention of a beast. I slowly sat down and hugged my legs, drifting into sleep.

Five Hours Later..

I was sleeping comfortably when my stomach started to growl.

"I should have brought the body of the Rabbit.. So stupid!"

I yawned as I crawl towards a hole, and when I looked at the hole, all of my hairs stood out and I started to shake. I saw multiple red eyes staring at me on the dark.

'What the hell is happening.. What the hell is happening..'

I couldn't see what were those exactly, but I knew it was danger, holding the old dagger on my right hand and prepared myself for the worse.

I heard some footsteps outside, and it was heading towards this wooden house.

I slowly stand up and looked at other holes, and finally saw what those red eyes were!

They were actually like the White Rabbit that I killed, but I noticed that they were mostly devoured by BloodLust, those eyes were the eyes of a man eating beast. It seems that they followed me all the way here.

I can't face those many rabbit, if it's one or two, I can still confront them, but these many. I can mostly...


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