
(naruto fanfic) The beast of war

-[ note ] Im writing this so as to improve my abilities and knowledge as a writer so any Criticism and tips are welcome hope u enjoy this fanfic takes place around the same time as the during the thrid great ninja war do u think our mc will survive? follow our mc as he walks the path of a ninja and explores his brand new world will he learn cool ninjutsu and stop madara and the akatsui? find out as u read this story

Smile_computer · Anime & Comics
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A meeting with the Alpha

After following them for a while we reached

The end of the forest, entering rough mountain terrain, we had been walking for ahours yet the sun never came this place was forever bathed in moonlight silver light

Reached down from the sky's it was beautiful like a scene from one of those fantasy books

" hey not to be rude but are we close ? " kayomi asked one of the wolfs none gave him an reply as they walked in silence.

Soon the mountain terrain ended, as the path opened up he could see a pound.

"you're about to meet the alpha any from of disrespect will not be taken lightly " said an wolf with grey fur

Alpha? Like there leader? I couldn't question myself anymore as every instinct in my body screamed at me to run, hide or even beg. from behind one of the mountains a ginormous wolf can be seen terrified by the sight i couldn't help but shake uncontrollably.

But as he approached me his size would shrink but the powerfull aura remains

" Why have the blessed child come before the prophesied time " it said in the deepest voice kayomi ever heard.

I couldn't give any replies the urge to run way was overwhelming it took everything i head just to stand let alone answer.

The alpha understanding kayomi is trouble tired his best to be patient and after a few hours kayomi was able to Finally claim


" I wish i could tell you but i dont know anything about how i got here aswell "

Frowning he asked " have you not met toneri? "

" toneri? I don't even know who that is " kayomi said.

" That explains why you were so weak"

The alpha said while sitting down.

Excuse me?.

"Yes you may be strong in some standards but as the blessed child you're weak"

Siting down aswell kayomi asked " whats all this blessed child nonsense? Whats happening " he said frustration evident

" listen closely child i will only say it once

Long ago when the rabbit goddess came down to earth as the progenitor of chakra she lived the life of a mortal woman eventually falling in love and marrying, later going on to have two sons hamura and haguromo she was happy atlest that what she would've been if she hadn't gone crazy for power going as far as Sacrificing people to the ten tales

But her rule didn't last long as her sons succeeded in taken her down sealing her in the moon were hamura stood watch over her

But he knew that his mother wont be sealed for ever and one day she would break free from it so he created us the wolf clan to help in watching over kaguya aswell as to secure the future so we did watching over kaguya otsutsuki intel hamura passed on but before he died he left us one last message that a child blessed by the moon would appear

And with his power we might finish of what he and his brother started.

We searched and searched but we couldn't find the blessed child Deciding to hide and look from within the shadows we disappear from history but not without leaving behind our descendents "


sorry for the long wait on this but iwas just super busy but dont think i will drop this

im really enjoy writing and seeing all the comments motivate me to do more so THANK YOU ALLL

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