
(MTL)Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Original synopsis: “Our business is with life itself.” “We contain, we control, we protect, we are the first line of defence for mankind, and we will never retreat.” –William Russell – In a world without the Special Containment Procedures (SCP) Foundation, But there are abnormal phenomena, events, and individuals. Then, people will live under fear. In the future, then surely the world will fall into darkness and destruction. - In order to avoid this fact, a desolate nobleman established a company called Umbrella. Mingmian is an international monopoly and has a very high evaluation. The dark side is to hold up a protective umbrella for the entire earth. – There will be classic SCPs in this book, as well as both original or movie/video game anomalies and creatures for containment.

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Movies
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56 Chs

Chapter 27: Speech

In the middle of the car William and Hank sit in the back seat together.

William's long blond hair was carefully groomed and combed into a mature back. He was wearing a handmade shirt, suit, leather shoes and tie.

William looked out the window, meanwhile Hank listened to the report from the earphones, and it took about half a minute before he said: "Boss, it is safe to get out of the car."

"Ah good."

William nodded, and then walked out of the car under Hank's protection.

As William came outside, breathing in the salty seaside air, he glanced at the towering United Nations building.

He couldn't help sighing to Hank beside him: "I thought that when I came to New York, I wouldn't need to do a big move, but now things are different now."

Hank beside him didn't think so much. He sandwiched William with the other three Alphas squad members, walked into the building and saying: "Boss, you are Umbrella's most indispensable property, so your safety is our biggest concern."

William, who was caught in the middle of well-armed squad, had almost both feet lift off the ground, and was completely 'sent' close to the building.

Followed by Team Alpha, the rest of the USS stayed outside to pay attention to the movement and drove the convoy to the parking lot.

After all, the meeting started at two o'clock, and there were representatives of other countries who were not present, and the other party was also escorted by the team.

They cannot cause traffic jams.


In the lobby of the United Nations building;

After confirming that everything is safe, Hank and the rest of Alpha released William and restored his right to move freely.

William did not blame these bodyguards for their 'rude' actions, but turned around and smiled: "I am Umbrella's indispensable property, but your unit in the USS is also my indispensable guarantee, Thank you."


Hearing William's words, Hank and a group of Alphas were a little moved.

The assimilated USS has absolute loyalty to William, but it does not mean that they would have no personal feelings.

A man's tears are often at that moment.

"All right!"

William snapped Hank on the shoulder and said, "It's all men here, don't pretend to be absent!"

"Yes, boss!" a group of USS shouted.

Fortunately, the receptionist at the desk of the lobby has a strong psychological endurance, but even he slowed down, and came to William respectfully: "Hello Mr. Russell, please come with me."

"Hehe." William said apologetically: "Sorry if my bodyguard team scared you."


Looking at the handsome face of William and the manners of the nobleman, the male receptionist could not help but blush.

'Fuck! '

Aware of the opponent's reaction, William couldn't help but cried out inwardly, and then smiled awkwardly with the opponent: "Um... let's not waste time, please lead the way."

"Huh? That's right." The receptionist also woke up and put his hand to the meeting place and said: "This way, Mr. Russell."

"This is good, Thank you."

William, who was surrounded by a group of people heading to the venue, looked at the receptionist walking in front, and could not help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead secretly.

He feels that sometimes his looks are so compelling that some men and women just can't take it all...

But as straight man he is like steel and cannot bend.

'Should I have Hank arrange some girls and try to enjoy it? '

William asked himself suddenly.

With his money and status, he can indeed play with women of all levels.

When the company just started, he didn't think about it at all, but now that the company is on the right track, and all kinds of technologies that surpass the current generation will be slowly developed by Halsey...


'I'll think about this later. 'William pinched out all of the thoughts in his head that emerged.


Under the leadership of the receptionist, everyone came to the iconic stepped venue of the United Nations.

In addition to the bodyguards in suits like Hank and other Alpha, they are also representatives from various countries.

The delegates either sat alone and waited quietly, or got together to discuss their superficial friendliness.

Due to security restrictions, Hank and Alphas were left outside, while William followed the receptionist to his designated location.

There are more than ten minutes before the start of the meeting. William is also not familiar with the representatives of most countries, so he chose to sit in his seat and wait patiently.

"Mr. Russell, long time no see."

"Huh?" When William heard someone talking to his side, he turned his attention to the sound source.

He saw a bald old man who was about 60 years old, with a pin with the Canadian Maple Leaf flag on his collar.

Paul Heller.

The current Canadian Minister of Defense.

It is Paul's assistance that Umbrella can sign the contract with the Canadian Army on the 'Anomalous Phenomenon Agreement' and successfully convene the UN meeting.

For the 64-year-old minister, William still showed his due respect.

He stood up and smiled politely,; "It's true that I haven't seen you for a while, Mr. Minister."

"Hehe." Paul also smiled, sitting beside William and said: "It's my own family, there was no need to see outsiders."

"Yes." William returned to his position.

"Mr. Russell." At this time, Paul said in a deep voice: "The Prime Minister has already generally understood the affairs of Athabasca, let me convey my gratitude to you on his behalf. From now on, Canada will be Umbrella's strongest backing. Let it go. "

"Thank you." William nodded slightly.

The Canadian army is not mentally prepared to fight those anomalies. If it weren't for Umbrella, the Canadian soldiers would have suffered heavy injuries.

Moreover, Umbrella carries a large amount of capital shocks, giving the various reasons for the Canadian economic recovery...

William showed what he should have looked like, and was not surprised.

The time soon came to two o'clock.

Under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the venue, which can accommodate hundreds of people, gradually quieted down, and William was invited to speak on stage.

Standing in front of the most powerful people in the world, William self-introduced very well: "Hello Everyone, I am the owner of Umbrella Enterprise, William Russell. I think everyone should be familiar with my name in the past period of time. But let's not talk about any extra nonsense, please take a look at these video materials first. "

After speaking, William took out the U disk and inserted it into the computer on the desk.

Then hung on the projection screen in the centre of the conference hall, and began to play the contents of the U disk.

First is the Wrecker Company, a personal view of the squad leader of a certain platoon and a certain squad.

The squad leader holds a rifle, and stands in the middle of the street with his team.

A large number of zombies appeared in the field of vision, and they rushed to this class without fear.

(There is content that has been Redacted below please view with cation)

Squad leader: (Calm and low-pitched) Captain, this is the platoon squad, and a large number of hostile targets have been found requesting instructions.

Victor: You may shoot hostiles freely without saving ammunition.

Squad leader: {REDACTED} The class understands, everyone open fire.

Everyone: Yes, Sergeant.

After that, the soldiers of this class were very skilful in removing the zombies, and quickly shot them to death.

This small clip showed the U.N. the powerful and unique attack power of UBCS in the face of humanoid creatures.


This chapter is short and ends on a cliff-hanger(Kinda)

So I'll do my best to upload the next chapter quickly, please enjoy......

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