
(MTL)Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Original synopsis: “Our business is with life itself.” “We contain, we control, we protect, we are the first line of defence for mankind, and we will never retreat.” –William Russell – In a world without the Special Containment Procedures (SCP) Foundation, But there are abnormal phenomena, events, and individuals. Then, people will live under fear. In the future, then surely the world will fall into darkness and destruction. - In order to avoid this fact, a desolate nobleman established a company called Umbrella. Mingmian is an international monopoly and has a very high evaluation. The dark side is to hold up a protective umbrella for the entire earth. – There will be classic SCPs in this book, as well as both original or movie/video game anomalies and creatures for containment.

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Movies
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56 Chs

Chapter 24: Golden legend

The first-class cabin area in the A380 cabin has already been remodelled.

Queen size Simmons bed, fixed sofa, dining table, bar, etc.

And the Alpha team led by Hank will be in the business class afterwards.

As a good boss, William certainly will not treat the USS who protect his safety badly.

Business Class and Economy Class have also been completely remodelled, with single beds, sofas, and inlaid TVs with DVD players.

As for the Alpha Force's main equipment, they are all stored in the cargo warehouse, but there are still many firearms left in the engine room as an emergency.



A380 first class area;

William sat on the single sofa near the porthole, ignoring the sweets and wine in front of him, but looked at the cloudscape outside.

Halsey is sitting on a more spacious sofa, using her laptop to record something.

It should be about what SCP-049 said that brought more inspiration to this female genius.

At this time, William is not simply watching the sea of ​​clouds, but listening carefully to the words of the system.

[The host was detected to observe SCP-049 at close range and successfully completed the first containment. System is redeeming awards, please wait.....Congratulations to the host for two chances to draw props or characters from the "Halo" series. Isn't this a lucky draw?]


Hearing the words of the system, William, who was originally drowsy, immediately woke up. He then no longer sits in a lazy posture, but instead pokes his elbows at the table in front of him, pressing his hands together against his chin.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat and got ready.

Then he said loudly to the system in his heart: 'Pump it!'

[Host words received, the first draw is in progress, please wait...]

"Huh...ha..." William's breathing couldn't help but increase.

He is nervous. This is because...he has a chance to get a Character!

If he was to draw John 117, he will make a lot of money.

Sergeant Chief's luck and strength against the sky should be able to help the company contain most of the anomalies.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mech that appeared in "Legend of Halo". The complete design drawings of the Helendin/Iggdrasil 1 prototype armored defense system.(Hrunting/YggdrasilMarkIPrototypeArmorDefenseSystem) Reward is being planted in the memory of Catherine Elizabeth Halsey...The implantation is complete.]

'This...' William was a little disappointed.

After all, the higher the expectation, the greater the loss.

But getting Herendin mecha is enough to make him happy for a few months.

The anime "Legend of Halo".

William had seen it countless times when he was in high school. Of course he knew the 'hanging' armour of Herendin.

The second phase of the Spartans is equipped with Thor's Hammer armour, which can greatly improve the strength, endurance, agility and reaction speed of the Spartans. And the most famous Mark V in the later period, it also has an energy shield, making every Spartan II fighter a perfect killing machine.

What a pity...

Ordinary soldiers cannot wear Thor's Hammer armour, and the best fate for them if they try is to be completely disabled.

Therefore, the Naval Intelligence Agency (ONI) in the anime developed this Herendin mech on the planet Algolas.

After all, the planet was invaded, which is also the story of the sixth episode of the anime.

According to the Cole protocol in the game worldview, this Herendin mech must be destroyed.

The sergeant of the Marine Corps who can be responsible for this task, in order to cover the withdrawal of his subordinates and civilians, put on the Herendin mech to fight against the entire Star Covenant forces.

He successfully delayed the space shuttle to escape, and severely damaged the attacking forces of the Star Alliance.

But eventually suffered a full blow in isolation and helplessness. The mecha's energy shield was damaged and the sergeant's left arm was broken.

After confirming the safe evacuation of civilians and friendly forces, the sergeant detonated Herendin's own micro fusion reactor and died together with the Star Alliance forces.

It can be said that with Herendin, Umbrella is not just as simple as having a 'Humanoid Gundam'.

The most important nuclear fusion technology, even the energy shield technology, Halsey can also come up with.

That is five hundred years beyond the existing technology of mankind.

And it also has a nuclear threat capability.

But the only drawback of Helendin is that the cost is too expensive, several times that of Thor's Hammer.

Several Aegis-class destroyers...

[The host has another chance to draw a lottery for the "Halo" series.]

William, who was relieved from the two emotions of loss and joy, said quietly: 'Ah, come on then.'

[Received, the second draw is in progress, please wait...Congratulations to the host for obtaining the protagonist of the "Halo" game series Master Chief. System is selecting one of the 14 children the host wants to kidnap...They are being remodeled...The renovation is completed. ]

"Wang Defa (WTF)...Wang Defa (WTF)..."-After hearing the system's words, William couldn't help but utter the famous quote of Kamo.

Because he can't help it!

He had given up on the metaphysics, but then he just pumped it casually...

He didn't expect a "gold"?


What the hell...

Fortunately, Halsey was busy being inspired and didn't notice that her boss was making weird expressions.

The system also continued to say in his ear when William was shocked:

[The name of the transformed child is John Kemp, who has the same first name but different surname as the master chief in the game.

Age: 11

Combat power: 17

Special effects: None.]


William put his chin away, rubbed his temples, leaned on the sofa and asked: 'What is this scenario? '

[Back to the host, when John Kemp is transformed into a Spartan warrior according to Dr. Halsey in this world, he will reach his peak data. John Kemp peak data is as follows;

Combat power: xxx

Special effects: Good luck= There is good luck beyond ordinary people, even if it is a mortal situation, there is a solution. In extreme situations, it will increase the combat power of nearby friendly forces ranging from 20 to 30, and increase its own combat power by 20%.

Note: Xxx represents the unknown limit, and at least not less than four hundred.]

'I'm going to go take a lay down! '

William, who has a very good cultivation, couldn't help but utter the classic Chinese vocabulary.


That means 999 is also possible.

The only thing that tickles William is that John is only eleven years old.

But it is better than nothing.

At this time, the system continued: [Please pay attention to the next part of the system host. As anomalies have begun to appear in various parts of the world, the agents will also report to the host company one by one. When the system detects that it is highly lethal and can cause a large number of civilian casualties, the system will remind the host and issue containment tasks and rewards. After all, some anomalies that can be contained by agents alone do not need to have you dispatch troops and causing a fuss. And the host, you don't want to be disturbed by this system 24 hours a day.]

'Well, that makes sense.'

William nodded, agreeing deeply in his heart.

Please enjoy this chapter and sorry if anything is wrong, just let me know and I'll fix it right away.....

Have a good day and I hoped you like reading this book...


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