

Location: Northern Kingdom Weapon Shop - Gran Weapons

Gran Torino opened a piece of cloth wrapped around the legendary sword so that the scabbard was visible in light brown. At first glance, it just looks like an ordinary scabbard, but when Izuku looked closer it looked beautiful hand carvings on each stitch.

"Wow...so this is a legendary sword? Just from the sheath already looks interesting." Izuku said.

"Are you ready to listen to this sword story?" Asked Gran Torino.

"I think so," Izuku answered.

Gran Torino began to tell the story of the Legendary Knight and the Sword.

"A long time ago, it was said that the four great kingdoms that were currently in power were once the great kingdoms ruled by a very good king. But unfortunately, the king could not live long because of severe illness. He has two children who are ready to replace him. The eldest All For One has pretty great strength. He mastered various kinds of dark magic. When he was made king, his dark side began to take over his body. Realizing this, the youngest One For All began to feel uneasy. One For All realizes that if All For One continues to rule, the future will be very dark. But unfortunate, the father lowered his illness to One For All so he was very weak." Gran Torino explained the initial situation when All For One came to power.

"Then what will One For All do with such a weak state?" Izuku asked.


Gran Torino hit Izuku's head hard.

"Don't bother when someone else is telling the story, boy!" Exclaimed Gran Torino angry.

"O-okay...I'm sorry sir!" Izuku apologizes.

* Plak * * Plak * * Plak *

Gran Torino hit Izuku's head repeatedly.

"I told you that I'm young, kid!" Gran Torino is getting angry.

"Gosh! Gosh, Gran Torino-san! I'm sorry so please continue the story!" Izuku shouted apologizing again.

Gran Torino continues the story.

"Where was it? Oh yeah...after all those years, All For One is increasingly abusing its power. He locked up everyone who opposed him, forcing the farmers and other workers to work ten times more than usual because of very high taxes, sometimes the farmers and other workers did not get any wages at all. Followers of All For One also behaved cruelly. They took what was loved by every villager, burned fields, killed livestock, and even kidnapped girls to have fun. With circumstances like this, One For All has been unable to hold back. He began to show resistance to All For One. All For One, who realized the resistance of his younger sibling, did not remain silent. The dark side of All For One has blinded his younger brother so he intends to kill One For All. Fortunately, One For All has moved far ahead of All For One. He went to one of the powerful Witch Nana Shimura to make a weapon that could erase the black magic of All For One. With the help of the greatest blacksmith named David Shield, they were able to make a sword that possessed enormous magical powers. It is said that this sword is made of dragon's teeth, heated by bursts of dragon fire, the handle is made of 1000-year-old wooden tree trunks, and even the sheath is sewn by the golden needle of the witch Nana Shimura. Both the sword and the sheath have extraordinary magical power." Gran Torino paused to drink a glass of water.

"What did they do to get rid of All For One's black magic? How do they deal with it?" Izuku asked.

"In this world at that time no one dared to fight All For One except his little brother One For All, Witch Nana Shimura, and the great blacksmith David Shield. At that time the first time One For All was against All For One directly before him. The battle is inevitable. The followers of All For One, which probably numbered more than 3000 people against only 3 people from the One For All. But that didn't matter because the legendary sword showed its magic. One by one follower of All For One lost and finally only All For One left. From One For All's side, no one is unhappy even though there are only three of them. However, the three of them were exhausted in fighting the followers of All For One. This is certainly not wasted by All For One. He had intended to kill the three of them and immediately attacked his little brother. One For All could not avoid his big brother's attack so quickly One For All tried to block him with the legendary sword, but All For One flung him until the sword was ejected in the direction where Witch Nana Shimura stood. All For One with a sinister smile directly pierced his little brother's chest right in the heart. Before exhaling his last breath, One For All shouted to his two partners to go with the sword so they would not fall into the hands of All For One. Witch Nana Shimura and blacksmith David Shield rushed to leave One For All and his big brother. All For One did not say anything in front of the body of his little brother that he killed but only a cynical smile that indicated he was happy at the death of his little brother." Gran Torino stopped and sighed because he could not continue the story.

"What happened to Witch Nana Shimura and blacksmith David Shield?" Izuku asked who was still curious about the story.

Because Gran Torino was forced to still have to tell the continuation of the story to the successor to the Legendary Knight, Izuku Midoriya. Gran Torino took a deep breath before continuing the story.

"Witch Nana Shimura and Blacksmith David Shield decided to go in the opposite direction. Witch Nana Shimura went east carrying the legendary sword while David Shield went west. They chose to split up because if All For One managed to get the legendary sword he would destroy it along with its maker David Shield. Only David Shield knew about how to make the legendary sword and if both of them disappeared then no one would be able to stop the All For One. But as witch Nana Shimura predicted, All For One preferred to destroy the legendary sword first. All For One manages to chase Nana Shimura into a farmer's field. The residents of course have fled because before One For All warned them before fighting his big brother. However, behind the cornfield was a confused teenager. Witch Nana Shimura ran to him to take him away. But All For One fired one of his magic spells at the teenager and witch Nana Shimura jumped to face the magic spell of All For One right in his heart. Witch Nana Shimura was shot by All For One's magic spell from behind in his heart and before he breathed out he gave the sword to the teenager in front of him and told him to run. But the teenager was confused and frightened by what he saw before his eyes. All For One smiled and asked the teenager to give the sword to him. The teenager walked towards All For One and raised his hand to hand over the sword. After being in front of All For One the boy immediately pulled the legendary sword and stabbed All For One right in his heart. All For One was surprised by what the boy did. He looked like the sword told the teenager to do that. The teenager shouted and pushed the sword to sink deeper until finally All For One lay on the ground. But before he breathed his last All For One recited an incantation to release his black magic. The teenager cried, scared and confused by what he had done. Not long after that, David Shield ran towards him. He swung around from his goal to run westward after seeing the dark clouds gliding into the air and disappearing. David Shield also tried to calm the teenager and finally, the teen stopped crying." Gran Torino stopped and handed the legendary sword to Izuku and Izuku accepted it. Izuku opened the sheath and saw that the sword was still very shiny despite being old.

"What happened after that? That teenager...Who is he? Izuku asked in surprise.

"The teenager named Yagi Toshinori...he was credited with defeating All For One despite his fear and confusion. After that incident, David Shield told all the stories to Yagi Toshinori and gave the sword to him. Yagi Toshinori promised to rebuild the civilization of this country. David Shield just smiled and said "All might happen" with the words of the blacksmith Yagi Toshinori gave this legendary sword a name that is..." Gran Torino answered and continued by Izuku.

"All Might" Izuku was amazed to see the sword he was holding.

"That's all I can tell you, son." Said Gran Torino.

"Eh? But...how do you use this sword? How to control the magic? How?" Izuku asked confused.

"Come here after you're done with the contest. Take the sword with you. Maybe he can help you later...yaaawnn" said Gran Torino who was sleepy after a long story.

"O-okay...thank you for your help, excuse me for going home," Izuku answered.

Izuku went home to bring the legendary sword home.

"There is something odd about Gran Torino-san's story earlier...if All For One had lost...why does this sword still have to be given to the successor to the legendary Knight Yagi Toshinori? Well...maybe I'll ask Gran Torino-san later. For now, I must focus on this contest!" Izuku murmured.

To Be Continued...