
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 3. (King Constantine)

Seventeen years later.

Dracula's castle and land became a dark dead place a army of vampires skeletons and witches sorcerers and mages warlocks druids and demons of Harcarsh covered the city feared no one but Dracula Econdire the Evil Lord of Harcarsh the fallen Angel who's name was forgotten among the living and the dead never told it the undead wouldn't dare to speak it, Econdire wanted Dracula to join his cause and his purpose of ruling the World and once again trying to overthrow the creator of the world and changing everything in his image.

Dracula is wouldn't hear of it there was a war and Dracula himself fought Econdire and over powered him and in prisoned Econdire in the heart of Harcarsh and his hakens hokers and his army of the undead corps and skeletons.

The World knew Dracula and truly feared him more then anything.

At Camelot Trevor and Alucard were trying to prove themselves to become knights of Camelot Trevor and Alucard were real skinny but it wasn't cause they were starving they ate like horses but they were wild and full of Stamina the boy he turned seventeen that day and the king felt like honoring the twins and and knighting them that night. Amorous showed them to the King and the King took them in himself it was a time of peace

But Amorous was worried he seen darkness rising and heading to Camelot he seen magic outlawed in Camelot he seen Magic kill and he was worried.

He looked at the twins as the practice with Uther and Aurelius Ambrosius Uthers Brother they Amorous saw Uther slay his brother over magic because of the death of his father he seen all the dragons of Albion slain by Uther and all the Dragon Lords except ones and one dragon lived but that dragon lived on a chain as a trophy of Uthers Victory against magic and magical creatures and it looked hopeless and dark to Amorous them he saw a young baby a warlock that would change it and unite Albion with Uthers son King Arthur and he saw the child's name Merlin and he saw his twin brother Emrys.

Hope filled Amorous heart then he saw Trevor and Alucard die, but then saw them alive once again a part of the living dead.

Living as Vampires turned by their father.

Uther: Well dome boys y'all proven yourself to me hahah. Well what you think Aurelius?

Aurelius: Well Uther I believe their ready they know well how to fight.

Amorous smiled at the boys Trevor his hair was long and black as well as Alucards hair long and black they laughed and with Uther and Aurelius and then turn to the Castle they saw Amorous and went up to him and hugged the old mans neck the boys were like Amorous grand children he hugged them tight but didn't speak a word of what he saw.

That night at the feast for the twins King Constantine III stood before the twins and he knighted the Knights of Camelot.

After the ceremony Amorous went to the Dragon Lord Elders and told them what he saw and the what would happen to their children they were all wiped out except one he told them he seen nothing stopping it but he did see Hope and he told them of Merlin and Emyrs the twin Sorcerers born with the magic and both were the sons of the surviving Dragon Lord who his death would fall after he met his son Merlin he won't meet Emyrs but by meeting Merlin he will meet Emyrs as well.

Then Amorous covered his eyes with his hand then he looked up at the Dragon Lord who's name was Simon who was the grandfather father of Merlin and Emyrs.

Amorous: Simon Merlin and Emyrs is your grandchildren I must speak with your dragon Kilgharrah.

Simon: Of course Amorous.

Simon walked out and Called his dragon to him.

Kilgharrah flew down and looked at the old mage.

Kilgharrah: Amorous my dear old friend it is so good to see you.

What's wrong friend your so worried.

Amorous told him all he saw, Kilgharrahs face was sad and he spoke.

Kilgharrah: Amorous there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening but it is not Trevor and Alucards destiny to die they will live and they will become like their father Vampires but they will choose to do good for the angel of the Lord has Touched their hearts.

But their is another path that none of this can happen.

You can Trust Uthers Brother Aurelius tell him what you saw.

At Constantines Death Aurelius is the only one who can change Uthers mind if he fails our hope for Albion rests on the Shoulders of two young boys Merlin and Emyrs they alone can save Albion and restore Camelot from what it will become they are your only Hope!

Amorous looked down worried.

Kilgharrah: Amorous my dear friend their is Hope I know you wish the twins would stay as they are mortals and knights of Camelot but their destiny lays with their father they will save Dracula from his destruction and from ending the world theirs a greater evil that will take werewolves vampires wizards mages sorcerers sorceress and the Druids Dragons and all to face this evil their will be peace and their will be war Amorous.

But you know as well as I do your fight is almost finished.

Amorous looked up at the dragon a tear in his eyes.

Kilgharrah: They will be alright remember they have to go through this to be able to save Merlin and Emyrs.

Amorous: But I cannot watch My King My Friend Die!

Kilgharrah: Amorous my old friend you want at the start of the attack you will save Camelot but you will be drained of all your strength you will pass five years before Constantine and because of you Camelot will have give more years of peace.

They said their goodbyes and Amorous turned to head back to Camelot.

His apprentice Gaius who was sixteen years old a young sorcerer met him on the road outside of Camelot.

Amorous: Gaius? What are you doing out here?

Gaius: Um Master I found a girl in the woods she was hurt I took her in to treat her but she is not getting any better I never seen anything like this and I can't find a cure for the wound or a magic spell.

And she's different her ears appear to be long and pointed like a knife I never see. Such a creature.

Amorous: O no come on Gaius let's go help her and don't let her hear you say anything about their ears looking like knives or call the knife ears they take it very offensive.

Amorous and Gaius went inside the Castle and saw Uther a beautiful Princess Igraine she was such a beauty, Uther saw Gaius and Amorous.

Uther: Gaius my friend. Igraine this is Gaius my good friend he's studying with Amorous they are our castles physicians.

Gaius: Please to meet you ma'am

Igraine: Please to meet you Gaius. And you?

Amorous: I'm Amorous and it's nice to meet you as well. Sire me and Gaius has a patient to get to.

Uther: O right by all means tend to your patient I hope he she gets better.

Amorous: O she will.

As the walked fast to Their chambers Gaius looked at Amorous he knew something wasn't quite right.

Gaius: Is Something Troubling you Amorous.

Amorous: Everything will be Fine Giaus lets go take care of the elf and we talk.

As they walked in the chambers Amorous looked down at the elf Gaius had laid her on his bed put covers on her and tried to minister to the wound that she had on her chest, Amorous smiled at the elf.

Amorous: Freya She's a beauty ain't she Gaius?

Gaius: What I don't quite know what you mean! Look she's hurt Amorous help her!

Amorous laughed and went and grabbed a notebook that had a symbol of a star and the head of a wolf on it, he read a page of the book then showed Gaius the page and told him how to make that potion as Gaius made the potion Amorous made blue like fire come to one hand and in the other hand what looked like a great foggy smoke he slammed his hands together as well as the magic and as the blue fire and the green foggy smoke mist mixed together as he rolled his hands together chanting in the ancient dragon language Gaius turned with the potion.

Gaius: The Potion is ready sir.

Gaius saw what Amorous was doing the magic became like a turquoise misty color and he made the magic fly to the bottle the with the potion and the potion glowed a reddish color.

Amorous: now the Potion is ready go ahead give it to her.

Gaius looked at The old Wizard and did as he said, the wound on the elf's chest healed and she began to wake.

She saw a young man over her hold the empty bottle she spoke.

Freya: Amorous Where are you.

Amorous: I'm Here Freya. I'm here Gaius fix her some soup. Freya you need to rest now.

Freya: No Amorous the king is in danger Slaygar the evil sorcerer is coming to kill Constantine! Amorous Slaygar is coming!

Fear hit Amorous heart he knew his time was short he got up and went to the closet and grabbed a long black box and handed it to Gaius.

Amorous: Open It son.

Gaius did as he was asked.

Gaius: Amorous what's going on what are you not telling me? You been acting strange sense I met you outside the castle!

Amorous: Gaius you are like a son to me, and I'm sorry but I not going to be here much longer we must do all we can to keep King Constantine alive I fear I won't survive this battle it's my time to embrace death l.

Gaius: No! Why are you telling me this I can't loose you!

Amorous: Gaius! Your a strong Wizard you survive now understand me there's going to come a time when you will help a young boy who gets separated from his twin brother and he will need you more then ever and he is the Hope for Albion and Uthers son Author the King who will restore Camelot and the Country of Albion who will also restore peace with King Lot.

Gaius looked at him like he lost his mind.

Gaius: Amorous have you lost your mind sir who is king lot and how you know Uther is going to be king and have a son? I mean...

Freya: Gaius! Amorous sees the future and sees the story that plays out and how things will go some things are set in stone and there's no changing it and many things can happen if the right cards are played.

Amorous: All will make sense to you soon now go take Freya out of her get her back to her people quickly.

Gaius confused looked at Amorous, Freya grabbed his hand and said

Freya: Come on let's go.

They went down a secret passage way through Amorous chambers that went underground and came up into the woods.

Freya saw the box in Gaius hand and the worried look on his face, and she stopped and looked him in the eye.

Freya: Im gonna show you what's going to happen if it's not stoped you must save the king whatever you must to to save him use the wand or if the king dies you must kill who killed him whatever the cost the killer can't escape!

Freya put her hands on the side of Gaius head and Gaius eyes rolled back in his head and he saw visions of what was to come.

He saw the king get stabbed and die on in his bed he saw Amorous turn and yell in pain and fall to the floor blood pouring out on the floor as his eyes closed and he saw Slaygars face and the army around Camelot but it wasn't as it seemed he saw the real army and the real Slaygar standing in front of a mountain trying to make what appeared to be a door way through a mountain to open. Camelot's bells started ringing snapping Gaius out of it.

Gaius: I got to get to Amorous!

Freya: Gaius! Amorous time has come to an end. Gaius your time has come and you must save Camelot and make things ready for Merlin, Emyrs, twin brother. There must be a Camelot for Merlin.

Try every way you can to keep magic in Albion! Save King Constantine! Go!

Gaius turned from Freya and ran back through the tunnel fast as he could Freya closed the entrance and hid it so no one would find it from the outside, Gaius ran and fast as his legs could carry him he got to the chambers.

Gaius: Amorous! Amorous! Where Are You?!?

King Constantine was one hundred years old but full of strength he rose from his bed and put his armor on Uther and Aurelius spoke as one.

Uther/Aurelius: Father what are you doing.

King Constantine: I will not sit hear wile my city and castle is under attack now ether help me or get out my way!

They stood in his way.

King Constantine: Sons get out of my way!

Uther: No Father I'm Sorry but your a Hundred years old and we can't risk you dying now!

King Constantine drew his golden sword which was made by a dragon.

King Constantine: Arm Yourselves.

Trevor and Alucard came in the room just in time to see.

Uther: Father...

King Constantine: I SAID ARM YOURSELVES. If y'all disarm me I'll stay here f I disarm you two y'all stand with me and quit waisting time!

Amorous: Your Majesty. It would be wise to sit this one out Sire.

King Constantine looked at Amorous.

King Constantine: Now Amorous you already Know the answer.

Amorous Bowed his head

Amorous: Yes Sire I will stand with you.

King Constantine: Amorous you fought with me for years your ninety nine years old you sit this one out.

Amorous: Your a hundred years old and you know the answer old friend.

King Constantine laughed and looked at his sons.

King Constantine: Well I said arm yourselves.

Uther and Aurelius drew their swords and they began to fight their father.

Uther: We got to disarm him Aurelius.

The old king was to fast for them in three minutes he disarmed them both right in front of the two new knights.

The king wasn't even breathing hard.

King Constantine: How long Amorous?

Amorous: Three minutes.

King Constantine: What? Three Minutes!

Amorous: Your getting slow in your old age sire.

The king glared at him.

Uther and Aurelius got up off the ground and stood before their father, he looked at them and said.

King Constantine: Let this teach you a lesson never rise up against your father you get put down in front of the new knights of Camelot. Now we got a kingdom to save.

Trevor and Alucard charged at the enemy that made their way to the kings chamber Their swords went into two soldiers and they turn to dust.

King Constantine: Amorous what am I looking at the soldiers they killed turned to dust.

Amorous: Theirs evil magic here Sire these appear to be copies of some sort.

More and more came Uther Aurelius and the Kings fought cutting them down left and right.

They made their way into the great hall it was full of the evil magic soldiers several of Camelot's men lay slain Amorous used magic of blue fire and ice and force to destroy the soldiers.

As they fought Slaygar appeared thrusting his dark sword into King Constantines chest he pulled it Amorous Shouted when he saw it.

Amorous: NO!!!

He clapped his hands together and force magic spread killing all the evil soldiers on impact Slaygar disappeared.

Amorous: Aurelius Uther Get Your Father to the Chambers! A Trevor Alucard go make sure the other servants and the knights are ok!

Amorous turned to the kings chambers and was surrounded by evil soldiers he reached at in and balled his fist up the evil soldier crumbled to a ball and turn to dust he set another on fire snapped his finger to the other and he turned to dust and he stretched his hands out cross ways and turned in a circle and from his fingers yellow fire shot out consuming the rest of the soldiers surrounding him.

He turned and walked towards the chambers and he got close to the kings door he heated a sound and turned around just in time to see Slaygars face as the sword went through his chest.

Amorous fell to the floor a young mad voice yelled loudly.


Slaygar turned and saw the young wizard Gaius took Amorous wand spoke I'm the Language of the Dragon.


Blackish bluish fire shot out the wand hitting Slaygar he turn to dust he also was a copy. When the magic hit Slaygar all the evil soldiers that were fighting outside the castle turn to dust the fight was won.

Gaius fell down by Amorous.

Gaius: Amorous no I'm sorry Amorous.

Amorous: Hush now you did it you saved Camelot that was what was important my child. Please help me get to the King.

Gaius with the help of Uther and Aurelius brought Amorous to the king He tried to heal him with magic but he was to weak.

King Constantine laughed.

King Constantine: Hahaha Amorous stop it's my time and yours for the looks of it. You never stop trying to keep people from dying do you.

Amorous: Well I guess I should have just let you die in that bear cave huh the Great mighty Constantine King of Albion fallen by a mighty bear.

They both laughed painfully.

Tears filled King Constantines eyes.

King Constantine: Look Amorous I see Kara. Can you see her?

Uther and Aurelius hearts jumped when they heard their mothers name.

Amorous: I do and Look Edith Is standing with her. Well it's just like the prophecy Edith told we both die together brothers till death and after...

At that moment the two old friends took their last breath together.

And so ends the life of King Constantine and his Best Friend who was the greatest Wizard of his time Amorous.