
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Lead By The Wolf)

Chapter 12. (The Battle)

Alvin, Simon, Finras, Leo, and Mara, all talked with the Dwarf Captan, His name was Amend.

Amend: So u planned to attack with just this number of men? you got to be kidding me.

Alvin: Then I take it you have a plane then Oh mighty Dwarf.

Amend: Yes we join forces together we may have a chance they got nine hundred thousand men and mine with yours make five hundred thousand we must fight together free the slaves there's three thousand in there and we can get them out they will gladly take revenge on the guards.

Josh: Yes your right Captan Amend. 

Amend: Huh! what are you doing here you sorry bag of vomit. 

They young white headed boy which was eighteen years old, He was a snow Elf and he laugh. 

Amend: You old sack of maggots what are you trying to do? Commit sue aside? 

Josh: This bloody human Vandeulcula killed my family and killed many snow elves from my clan after skinning my leader alive I will kill him for this!

Alvin: Where did you come from we never heard you. Also You are not the only ones he Attacked. He destroyed my friends clan wile I was away and he killed these high elves leader and took the young Alissa who is dear to me and many more high elves is in there and some more family's and I am going to get them out or die trying. 

Josh: Then we will join you, I have one thousand men ready for war. And Alvinme and my army were trained by our Keeper stealth and the way of the rogue even though all of us are not roughs but many do magic and are warriors with long blades and hammers we you never hear us coming. Haha! And how we knew to meet y'all here Alvin a Big white wolf that could talk said to come this way and our destiny lyes with you and we were to join you. So we will follow your command Alvin. Oh and This is my Keeper Logan.

Amend turned and saw Logan the keeper of the snow elves who came with Josh, he went and stood with Alvin.

Alvin: Well that puts us eight hundred thousand to nine hundred thousand. we must get ready for war.

They all began to get to know each other and at that time within Logans camp Finras fell in loved with a beautiful dwarf woman her name was Jessie and she fell in love with him and Simon fell in love with a snow elf she was the keepers daughter her name was Corah, It was a romantic night.

The next morning Alvin laid the plans out. He saw Nick and went over to him.

Alvin: Nick I need you to take Alice and Shelly and little Morgause to safety.

Nick: But there's a battle going on I can't keep running! Let me fight.

Alvin: No your fourteen and Alice is a Princess Elf and Shelly may just be a common made but she is charged with keep a special little girl safe Morgause so please take care of them and stay out of sight.

Then Alvin went to Logan the tall snow elf all their hair was white so he had to look for the tallest one which was two feet taller then him and that was Logan.

Alvin: Logan you attack the in the back of the fort. Can you do that for me?

Logan: Yes my men will be ready.

Alvin looked at Mara and the rest of the leaders.

Alvin: Mara you attack the east side Amend you attack the west side and I will attack the front Leo you wait and attack with the Dark Elves with Mara go in hot four minutes after her.

They all went to do as they were told Alvin was a born leader it was like a gift for him to come up with a plan.

Vandeulcula was commanding Orders out to his guards when a watchmen came running in.

Guard: Captan Vendeucula! Captan Vendeucula!

Vendeucula turned fast his sword drawn out the tip went to the watchmen's throat. 

Vendeucula: It better be important watchmen! 

Guard: Captan we got soldiers attacking from all sides! 

Vendeucula: By whom?

Guard: Alvin Tarvindo, Amend, Mara, Leo, Simon, Finras, and Logan and Josh! Sir! 

Vendeucula: WHAT!!! Get out there fight kill them kill them all I will not be taken down! The war has just began.

A small dwarf nineteen years old. Walked back and forth, He was the smallest one Alissa ever seen, He was just one foot tall, 

We need to do something.

The little dwarf said, Very upset. Guard came opened the cage here's your chance to do something were under attack get a weapon and go fight or just use your magic go now!

It was a slaughter on both sides Logan was the first to brake threw as he did he saw met the prisoners they attacked the enemy together then Mara broke threw on the east and went violently fighting. Leo followed her and his army of faes began to fight with magic swords hammers axes and fire from the finger tips of the female faes. Then Amend joins Mara from the west. They fought like two demons from Harcarsh they both brought many warriors down. 

Alvin broke threw the front gate and ran the peg leg didn't slow him down he kept on fighting faster then the others Leo was beside him they fought together Alvin felt a kinship towards him he reminded him of his best friend Edward. Oh how he missed him. 

Logan and Vandeulcula wast finely face to face. 

Vendeucula: Aye Logan we finely meet again. 

Logan: Vandeulcula now I can avenge my people and my family! 

Vendeucula: You are no match for me fool I will kill you! And all your pointed ear kind rather it's elf or far. Your not no match for me! 

They fought each other and cut each other with deeply wounds. Suddenly Vandeulcula spun and swung his sword slashing Logans left eye, then Vendeucula got the best of Logan and the sword went deep and his chest and Logan hit his knees, Vandeulcula jerk his sword then swung it to cut Logan's head off but a blade stopped. 

Vandeulcula jumped back and faced... The five foot four golden fur rat with a long silver tail armored with the black ebony steel and the hearts of an Haken it was the Harcarsh armor that's what it was called. 

It was the most strongest armer of all.

Vendeucula: What an rat challenging me? Ha! He die like the rest. 

Twelve turtle likens came with the rat and started fighting each of them were armored with the Harcarsh armor. Three of the turtles was soft shell three snappers and three box turtles and three dragon turtles They had wings and horns and a mighty strong shell. They began to help all the others.

Alvin: Where in the world did these creatures come from.

Vandeulcula and the rat fought hard the rat was too fast and strong. 

Malachi: You are not gonna destroy my brother Logan. 

Vendeucula: Ha! when your dead who's gonna stop me rat! 

They kept fighting. One of the snapping turtles got nocked down and the rat saw it. No! Peter! The rat jumped and nocked the man back then more of Vandeulculas men attacked the rat helped the snapper up then they fought. Vandeulcula went towards Logan as he was struggling to get to a safe place when all of a sudden Alvin step in. Walking like he had two good legs. 

Vendeucula: Oh Alvin it's been a long time hasn't it?

Alvin: Too long you are a trader are you ready to die fool!

Vendeucula: Trader Hahahah! King Josiah was a old man and it was passed time for him to go and a new order to arise the order of King Scar! Now that's not a way to treat an old friend Alvin. 

Alvin: You were never a friend of mine! And Scar is no King and you helped Scar kill the King Josiah and his son!!!

Vendeucula: He was week we needed a Oder that's why we did this. 

Alvin: No you wanted power over the people to rule over as slaves to do your bidding!!

Vendeucula: Oh its bigger then that we are rasing up the great God of harcarsh and we are chosen ones of Econdire!

They fought and fought. 

Vendeucula: You never defeat me.

Vandeulcula said crazily.

Vendeucula: You never defeat me. 

Alvin yelled his war cry. 


Then he struck the blow. for King Josiah I, Josiah II, Dagon, Logan, Alissa, the snow elves, dark elves, high elves, Faes, and the dwarves and Shovan.

Vandeulculas head rolled to Maras feet. She put her foot on top of the head and laughed with joy. Vendeucula was dead the battle won.

Nick and Alice where raising Fast for safety six of Vandeulculas soldiers were after them a patrol that was out spotted them and started after them.

Alice: Nick we got to find shelter Shelly's and Morgauses life depends on it!

Nick: Your life to Princess!

Alice looked at him.

Nick spotted a cave and he raised over towards it. He got Alice Shelly and Morgause inside and took his bow and started shooting he hit two of them and He took his two daggers out and tried to fight four soldiers he was a rogue and he was strong but it look bad for little Nick Alice and Morgause. A soldier swung his long sword Nick stopped the blow with his blades the impact knocked him flat and he lost both his blades and as the soldiers got close to him and Alice Shelly and Morgausehe threw his hands in front of them and shouted.

Nick: Noooo!!!

From Nicks Finger tips Fire came burning the for soldiers to a crisp. Nick scared and shocked at what just happened looked at his hands.

Alice: Nick Your a Mage.

Nick: Let's get out of here.

They rushed out they heard the fighting had stopped so they began to head towards the destroyed fort of Vandeulcula.