

What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Minato and Kushina. Kaito inherits his mother's distinctive hair color and his father's facial features, including his captivating blue eyes. Born into the same generation as Itachi, Kaito is armed with knowledge of the future. Witness his unwavering determination as he endeavors to protect and safeguard his beloved family. OCXRTNHinata but as Hinata's elder sister."Hotaru Hyuga" If you wish to support this story and have access to 10 advanced chapters, please join me at patreon.com/Tilct

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Kaito Chapter 29: Nine tails Attack

Kaito Chapter 29: Nine tails Attack

Kushina, her eyes brimming with tears, gathered her sons close, her frail arms encircling their bodies. "Minato, thank you... good luck," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Minato, cloaked in his Hokage Cloak, his expression etched with resolve, nodded solemnly. "I'll be right back," he promised, his voice unwavering. With a final glance at his beloved family, Minato activated the Flying Raijin jutsu, disappearing.

Meanwhile, in the hidden village of Konohagakure, life flowed peacefully, with villagers going about their daily routines, their faces etched with contentment. The streets hummed with the vibrant energy of nighttime, a stark contrast to the tranquility of the day. Amidst the bustling crowd, a young man with white hair and a headband covering his left eye strolled alongside another teenager sporting a Dark bowl haircut and a green skin-tight suit. These were Kakashi Hatake and his eternal rival, Might Guy.

"Why don't we just do rock-paper-scissors again tonight?" Kakashi suggested casually as they navigated the lively streets.

Guy recoiled in mock indignation. "Not that again! Think of something more exciting!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with mock exasperation. "How can you call yourself my rival if you're so content with such a mundane pastime?"

Kakashi's eye crinkled into a smile as he replied, "We have an early mission tomorrow, so let's save our energy for that." With a calm demeanor, he continued walking, his hot-blooded friend trailing behind.

"Don't use a mission as an excuse!" Guy interjected with fervor, his voice echoing through the night. "I have all this pent-up energy inside me! Now is the time for diligent training!" He continued his impassioned speech, oblivious to the fact that Kakashi had stopped in his tracks. "Honest-to-goodness discipline and hard work will lead to success in future missions!"

"Are you even listening to me?!" Guy exclaimed, his voice laced with exasperation as he noticed Kakashi's sudden halt in their conversation.

Kakashi, his gaze sweeping across their surroundings, addressed Guy with a hint of concern in his voice. "Say Guy, do you sense anything strange happening around here? There's a noticeable chill in the air."

Guy, interpreting Kakashi's words as an attempt to evade their usual competition, dismissed his concern with a playful retort. "It's your attitude that's causing the chill, Kakashi! We're only young once! Embrace the youthful energy and let's get some training in!"

Within the confines of the Uchiha clan compound, nestled within the home of their clan leader, Itachi Uchiha found himself entrusted with the care of his younger brother, Sasuke. Their parents had ventured out, leaving Itachi to oversee Sasuke's well-being. As they sat in the serenity of their backyard, a sudden uneasiness washed over Itachi, his gaze drawn upwards to the moon hanging ominously in the night sky.

Baby Sasuke, sensing the palpable tension permeating the air, began to whimper, his cries echoing through the stillness. Itachi, his heart sinking with a sense of foreboding, turned his attention to his distraught brother, his voice laced with gentle reassurance.

"There, there," he soothed, his touch radiating warmth and comfort. "Don't cry, Sasuke. No matter what happens, Big Brother will always protect you."

As he cradled his trembling brother, Itachi's mind raced with questions and concerns. The strange feeling that had settled over him was undeniable, 'it feels strange. Of all time for Mom and dad to be out'.

Within the confines of the Sarutobi clan estate, enveloped by the tranquility of his study, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat engrossed in the intricate details of a crucial document. His brow furrowed in concentration, his eyes scanning the lines of text with meticulous care.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sensation washed over him, a wave of unease that sent a chill down his spine. Instinctively, he lifted his gaze from the document, his eyes drawn towards the window that overlooked the serene courtyard. The tranquility of the night seemed to shimmer with an undercurrent of tension as if the very fabric of reality was trembling on the brink of an imminent shift.

With a sigh, Hiruzen exhaled a plume of smoke from his pipe, the wisp curling upwards like a question mark into the stillness of the room. His mind, usually a fortress of unwavering calm, was now clouded with a sense of impending turmoil. "It can't be..." he murmured to himself, the words echoing through the silent study. The weight of the unknown pressed heavily upon him, a chilling premonition of a darkness that was about to descend upon the village.

In the heart of the village, a swirling vortex materialized out of thin air, disrupting the tranquil night. From this otherworldly portal emerged a masked figure, his stance poised and determined. With a sharp cry of "Summoning Jutsu!", he slammed his left hand against the ground, etching a complex seal matrix into the earth.

In an instant, the air crackled with raw power as an immense cloud of smoke erupted from the seal, engulfing the area in a dense veil of obscurity. The village trembled as shockwaves reverberated through the streets, the villagers' peaceful slumber shattered by the sudden chaos.

As the smoke dissipated, a monstrous figure emerged from the haze, its towering presence casting an ominous shadow over the village. The villagers gasped in terror as they beheld the Nine-Tailed Fox, its nine colossal tails lashing out in a fury of destruction. panic-stricken screams filled the air as the villagers scrambled for cover, their faces etched with fear. The once peaceful village was now a scene of utter pandemonium, the tranquility shattered by the arrival of this legendary beast.

Standing atop the Nine-Tailed Fox, the masked man issued his command, his voice echoing through the chaos like a thunderclap. "Go, Nine-Tails!"

With a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the village, the Nine-Tails unleashed its pent-up fury. Its colossal paws and tails slammed into buildings with the force of a rampaging typhoon, reducing them to rubble in a matter of seconds. Its fiery breath scorched everything in its path, leaving behind a trail of devastation.

Panic-stricken villagers fled in terror, their screams swallowed by the cacophony of destruction. Homes were laid waste, streets were reduced to impassable debris, and the once vibrant Hidden Leaf Village was transformed into a scene of utter chaos. The Nine-Tailed Fox, a symbol of unbridled power and destruction, reigned supreme, its rampage leaving a trail of death and despair in its wake.

Amidst the pandemonium unleashed by the Nine-Tailed Fox, an Anbu ninja, clad in their distinctive black garb, materialized in the Third Hokage's study, their eyes wide with alarm. "Lord Third Hokage!" they exclaimed, their voice laced with urgency. "The Nine-Tails... the Nine-Tails has suddenly appeared in the village!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the seasoned leader of the village, rose from his seat, his eyes hardening with determination. "I am aware of that," he replied, his voice calm and resolute amidst the chaos. "I will suppress it. You and the others protect the civilians!"

With a swift movement, Hiruzen donned his battle suit, the familiar crimson armor enveloping his wiry frame. His eyes, usually filled with wisdom and serenity, now burned with an unwavering resolve. Leaping from his window, he soared into the night sky, his heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

As he jumped towards the heart of the destruction, Hiruzen's mind raced with questions and concerns. Had the seal that bound the Nine-Tails within Kushina Uzumaki,, been broken? Despite all the precautions they had taken, had they failed to protect their village from this catastrophic threat? His thoughts drifted to Biwako,

"Damn you, Nine-Tails! This is the moment I unleash my pent-up power!" Might Guy declared, his voice resonating with a fiery determination that mirrored the chaos that had engulfed the village.

Kakashi, ever the pragmatist, recognized the gravity of the situation. "Don't be hasty, Guy," he cautioned, his voice a steady counterpoint to Guy's impassioned outburst. "We need to approach this strategically."

Guy, however, was undeterred. "Come on! I'll be your opponent!" he challenged, his body poised for action, ready to charge into the heart of the destruction.

Just then, a seasoned Jonin ninja materialized before them, his expression grim and his voice firm. "Wait," he commanded, halting Guy in his tracks. "Gather immediately in the guardroom!"

Kakashi, ever the dutiful ninja, inquired, "Why?"

"It's the Third Hokage's order," the Jonin replied, his words carrying the weight of authority.

A flicker of surprise crossed Guy's face, his eagerness momentarily tempered. "Lord Third..." he murmured,

Kakashi nodded, his eyes meeting Guy's. "You heard him. Let's go, Guy."


"Now's our chance! Evacuate the civilians!" Shikaku's commanding voice rang out, cutting through the chaos like a beacon of hope amidst the pandemonium. His orders were clear and concise, a testament to his unwavering resolve and strategic brilliance.

As the Nine-Tailed Fox continued its rampage, wreaking havoc upon the village, Shikaku directed the surrounding ninjas into action. With unwavering determination, they launched a coordinated assault, hurling kunai embedded with paper bombs at the colossal beast. The explosions, though seemingly insignificant against the Nine-Tails' immense power, served their purpose: they diverted the beast's attention, creating a vital window of opportunity for the evacuation of the villagers.

"Don't take action on your own… assemble before Lord Hiruzen!" Shikaku's orders echoed through the ranks of the ninjas, emphasizing the importance of unity and a unified strategy against the formidable foe. His words served as a stark reminder that victory in this battle would not be achieved through individual acts of heroism but through a collective effort,

At that moment, amidst the chaos and destruction, a figure appeared standing tall atop the head of the Hokage Monument. It was Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, his face etched with a grim determination that mirrored the gravity of the situation.

Gazing upon the ruins of his beloved village, the devastation wrought by the Nine-Tailed Fox under the control of the masked man, Minato's heart clenched with a mix of sorrow and resolve. The village he had sworn to protect was in peril, and he, as its leader, would not stand idly by.

"As Hokage," he declared to himself, his voice echoing through the ravaged streets, "I will protect the village, my family, right now. This is what I need to do. I won't allow him to inflict any more harm!"

Sensing Minato's presence atop the Hokage Monument, the Nine-Tailed Fox turned its massive head, its fiery eyes burning with a malevolent intent. A low snarl rumbled from its throat, a sound that echoed through the streets of the devastated village.

Minato, standing tall and unflinching, met the Nine-Tails' gaze with unwavering determination. "So, you've taken notice of me," he stated, his voice calm and steady

The Nine-Tails, its anger flaring, opened its jaws, and within its gaping maw, a sphere of intense, purple-blue chakra began to coalesce. Minato recognized the ominous sign, the formation of a Tailed Beast Bomb, a devastating attack capable of leveling an entire city.

Without hesitation, Minato began weaving hand seals, his movements swift and precise. "You won't get your way here!" he declared, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve.

As the Nine-Tails launched its Tailed Beast Bomb, a colossal sphere of destructive energy hurtling towards Minato, the Hokage activated a modified version of his signature jutsu, the Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder. The Tailed Beast Bomb, a force of nature, tore through the streets, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Just as the Tailed Beast Bomb was about to engulf Minato, a space-time seal matrix materialized in the space directly in front of him. The Tailed Beast Bomb was sucked into the seal, vanishing into an unseen dimension, its destructive potential neutralized.

Minato, standing unscathed, clutched a Hiraishin kunai in his palms. He activated the jutsu, teleporting the Tailed Beast bomb a considerable distance away from the Village.

In the distance, a massive explosion erupted, a blinding flash of light illuminating the night sky. The force of the explosion shook the ground, a testament to the immense power he had just contained.

"For this large a scale, I'll have to be careful where I send it," Minato thought to himself, his eyes fixed on the distant detonation. He knew that another such explosion within the confines of the village would be catastrophic.

The ninjas surrounding the InoShikaCho trio watched in awe as the Tailed Beast Bomb, a destructive force of nature, was swallowed by a shimmering seal matrix. The air crackled with residual energy, and a stunned silence fell over them.

"The jutsu that stopped the Nine-Tails attack must be the Teleportation Barrier!" Choza exclaimed, his voice laden with astonishment. The Flying Thunder God Technique, a legendary jutsu known for its ability to transport its user across vast distances, was the only technique he could imagine capable of such a feat.

"It's Minato," Shikaku affirmed, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and relief. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, was renowned for his mastery of the Flying Thunder God Technique, and his presence at this critical moment was a beacon of hope for the village.

"Alright, we're going too!" Hiruzen declared, his voice resolute and unwavering. The Third Hokage, despite his age and the weight of responsibility he bore, was determined to stand alongside his successor and face the Nine-Tailed Fox together.

Minato, having successfully neutralized the Tailed Beast Bomb, thought "i must report all that's happened to lord third immediately" as he was about to report the situation to the Third Hokage when he sensed a presence behind him. With lightning-fast reflexes, he spun around, his kunai flashing as he lunged at the masked man.

To Minato's astonishment, his kunai passed right through the masked figure as if he were a genjutsu. The masked man, despite being seemingly solid, was somehow impervious to Minato's physical attack.

Before Minato could react further, the masked man's hand shot out, gripping Minato's wrist.

"I'm your opponent... and it's all over," the masked man declared, his voice echoing with a sinister undertone.

With a swift motion, the masked man activated his jutsu, a swirling vortex around his eyes. Minato felt an irresistible force pulling him towards the vortex, his body slowly being drawn into the masked man's dimension.

But Minato was not one to surrender without a fight. he activated his Flying Thunder God Technique, teleporting himself away from the masked man's grasp.

The masked man, momentarily caught off guard, watched as Minato vanished into thin air. "He teleported away. He's fast... next time, I'll get him faster... the instant we make contact," he muttered to himself, a hint of frustration in his voice.

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