
(Invincible) prince of viltrum

Forced into an unknown universe with no memory of his past life only his death. join devo on his path to being the Strongest Partial AU

amarril14 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


As his elbow hits my temple, I feel my vision blacken but just for a bit as I immediately recover. Redirecting a follow-up blow aimed towards my gut.

"Haaaa!" I yell as my eyes heat up. Blasting him point-blank and making him yelp in shock at the power behind the beams.

Cutting my beams off, I take a deep breath and then blow as cold as I can, surprising him briefly.

With that split second, I land an axe kick to the top of the old bastard's bald head, sending him soaring downwards.

Day by day, I get stronger and stronger. I'd say by day 100, I'd be about equal to him. The yellow sun fuels my veins with power impossible for even Viltrumites.

Blocking a kick with my shin, I cringe as my shin breaks under the force.

"When you fight you do too much thinking, it's very un-viltrumite like, you're always in your head. And against opponents superior to you..." As if to prove his point, he soars through my bombardment and grabs my face with his whole palm.

"It stunts your reaction time. I will admit it. You will be powerful. Maybe stronger than Lord Thragg once you're old enough, but for now even weaklings could take you out if they're lucky. You think too much and don't use your strength to its maximum.

If you were my enemy and not my prince, I would've squashed your skull and drunk your blood. When you fight, you should rely on your instincts more. It's okay to think, but you should NEVER think too much." After the long lecture, I feel my back crushed into solid stone, and a gasp of pain escapes my throat. But I take Counquest's advice.

Allowing my instincts to take over, my eyes heat up, burning his skin, and forcing him to unhand my face. I kick him away and blitz forward, "No more running away!" Going for a right hook that Counquest assumed would've been a feint, my fist crashes into his nose, and I feel warm blood on my palms.

While following my instincts, I attack with a new ferocity, each blow stronger than the last. Shockwaves rain out, and Counquest blocks all of them effectively, but it's still impressive.

"Hahahaha! That's it boy!, use your anger for me beating you. Use that anger to entertain me!" Barley ducking under a wide swing I kick Counquest in his baby makers, an attack effective against anyone no matter how durable, smiling at his squeak. I blast his gut point blank with my heat vision.

Smiling as the air leaves his throat, I punch Counquest higher and higher into the sky as he just takes it to busy holding his balls in pain.

Not long after we are in the expanse of space. I have already taken a large breath so I have about an hour before I run out of air.

{ENOUGH!} Counquest decides to stop playing around as he moves towards me. Instead of panicking, I follow my instincts as I spin around his rapidly moving body, grabbing his leg as he soars past me before diving down back towards Viltrum.

As the atmosphere ignites, the two of us go towards a remote island. I throw Counquest as hard as I can, built on with our momentum, sending him exploding against the island as sand and dust rise like a nuclear cloud.

"*Huff* *Huff* you had enough old man?" I taunt him once again as the old bastard emerges from the dust and the now split island with a bloody nose. Other than that the guy is fucking unscratched.

'ALL THAT FOR A FUCKING NOSE BLEED!?' I can't contain my frustration as I get knocked unconscious by counquest's massive fist impacting my face.

(2 years later)

Today's the day I FINALLY beat that old fucker to a pulp. Ever since that day two years ago I trained myself brutally. I refused to stay weak my estimates back then were off cause it turns out counquest was only going about 15% in each of our spars.

Today's the day I beat this guy though. I'm now 7 years old, I'm pretty tall for my age at 4'11 ish.

I have mastered my mother's race's martial arts. It's a dead form of martial arts since the males of her race were the only ones who practiced it and they are all dead since the viltrumites were running low on adults there's roughly 20 adults right now not including my sisters who are all eagerly waiting for me to hit puberty. I met them some time back and they were groomed to have the next heirs' children to revive our race.

Anyways, back to martial arts, it's a form that allows me to fight opponents above my weight class. I call it "mantis style" in honor of my mother's side. It's based around misdirection and brutal counter attacks similar to how mantis' attack larger prey.

Getting into my stance, as counquest charges at me without warning. He's made a habit of this every since I could consistently make him bleed. Since he's stuck training me, he's not allowed to go conquer planets, so I'm his only form of "entertainment".

Blocking counquest' punch with my palm, I jerk his large arm to the side and knee his open ribs, which he brute forced through and goes for a follow up punch that I lean away from.

Kicking off his sturdy body, I expertly fly in the air as I launch myself back towards him. My body makes no unnecessary movements as I close the distance.

Putting my hands into a clawed position, I go for a chop to counquest's neck, which he dodges, but I was already leaning forward to kick him in the chest, sending him flying with a grunt.

"Hahaha! Make me feel alive Devo! Hit me harder!" Counquest yells with blood dripping down his maw as I follow his instructions blitzing forward beyond the speed of sound. I feint left then spin right, landing a kick to his cheek, sending him flying into a rock formation.

Shooting Lazer beams now have become as easy as breathing for me. Back then, when I were 5, using it for too long or using it too much made my eyes sporadically itch, but now I can use it for hours.

Feeling the familiar feeling of my eyes heating up, I shoot two massive beams towards the crumbled rocks, making them explode. As Counquest soars out, going for a punch with his metal arm, a savage grin on his face, I kick him in the back of the knee before blowing him away with my super breath, following up with shooting more eye beams that are now capable of harming the durable monster.

As expected, he uses his special metal arm to block my beams, cutting the connection to them. I accelerate forward, the air popping under my clenched fist as I land the mother of all uppercuts. Sending counquest soaring above the clouds as I follow.

'I have better technique. I have better power. I'm way faster. The only issue with beating this guy is the fact that I can't keep up with his insane endurance.' Shaking my head at the thoughts, I dodge a kick from counquest that the tricky old bastard used as a way to get leverage and grab me by the cruft of my viltrumite clothing. Flying down with me in his grasp, I gasp as we pierce Viltrum's surface, going deep into the ground as the surroundings get hotter and hotter.

pushing counquest off of me just before he can douse us both in lava, I see him lick his lips as he greedily drinks his own blood, a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes, this is what I like! Prove your worth as heir by defeating me here! Show me what you're capable of!" counquest yells to me fanatically, as I frown before moving forward.

Faster than a counquest can react, at least that's what I originally thought. I go for a punch, but he blocks it before yelling and throwing me into the lava. Closing my mouth, I hold my breath as I'm submerged in lava.

It's not what I expected. It's like being in a sauna. It's hot, but only for a brief moment before I slowly get used to it. Feeling anger surge through me, realizing I'm losing this fight, my eyes glow as I shoot up two beams at the counquest' figure, shooting out of the lava. As the large man spins away from the beams, I kick him in the gut, going back to the surface of the planet.

"*Huff* *Huff* I will beat you, bastard!" All my frustration explodes out. Ignoring my now destroyed clothing, I close the distance, grasping counquest' neck, dragging him face first about 5 kilometers before letting him go. Half his face gushing blood, his eyes closed, him clearly unconscious.

"I did it! I beat a viltrumite elite!" I finally did it. I triumphed over an elite. I'm now on pace to be sent to conquer a planet, something I wanted to do for a while now.

My celebration is interrupted by a pained groan as I remember council. "Ugh, let's get you patched up asshole." I frown as I carry off counquest' unconscious form.