
Primodial Chaos God

Half a day had passed since frenz's meeting with the servant from the Kamil family, and after entering deep enough into the forest, he finally found a small cave that was safe enough on a cliff filled with creeping roots, 9 meters deep and letter L shaped. natural cave made of earth friction, although a bit narrow but quite safe.I think this is a suitable place for cultivation.

Frenz who had never cultivated immediately sat cross-legged and following the story he read in novels when he was on earth, he took out an Awakening Pill from the dimensional ring and immediately swallowed it. "Hmm, it tastes like herbal pills, but it looks like I have to meditate to absorb the pills". Frenz meditated while waiting for the pill to take effect. And after a few minutes his body started to sweat and he started to feel uncomfortable. Frenz continued to meditate but the effect of the awakening pill started to react to his body, from his body starting to tingle until it felt like his flesh was being sliced ​​"Ughh, it hurts so bad...!!" Frenz tried to hold back the pain he was feeling, but instead of it subsides, the pain only gotten worse. Unable to bear the growing in pain, he fainted. In a state of unconsciousness his body began to secrete a black colored liquid and smelled very bad, and from his bones it sounded like it was breaking over and over again. Yes, in the process of reshaping the body into a cultivator all the impurities in his body are removed and the cells regenerate to form a new individual suitable for cultivation.

After 9 hours of being unconscious, Frenz began to wake up, and what woke him up was a pungent stench. "ughh, what's this smell? So rotten..! Hmm?" after he paid close attention, it turned out that the stench was coming from the black material on his skin and around his body, the black liquid that had come out of his body had hardened and partially formed a shell on his body " is this foul-smelling thing coming out of my body?". Frenz immediately woke up and felt his body feel light and fresh.. "Is the absorption of the pills going well? I'd better go out for a while and look for a river or lake to wash myself."

Frenz moved and looked for a source of water to clean himself, luckily near the cave where he meditated there was a small lake with clean water. Frenz took off his shabby clothes and immediately immersed himself in the water. While cleaning himself he checked his profile on the GM TOOL panel

Name: Frenz 16yo (33)

Levels: 12

Talent: None (not yet awakened)

Cultivation: Stage 2 of Body Tempering

Occupation: Cultivator

Battle Power : 19376

Soul Power: 19

HP : 14000 +10000

Attack : 1400 +5000

Stamina : 40

Movement Speed: 80 + 150

Acceleration: 120 +100

Physical Defense: 35 +250

Law Defense : 35 +250

Charms : 10

Charisma : 5

Skills: None

Suit effect

+2 Speed ​​+5%

+4 Attack +15%

+5 crit chance +15%

+6 crit damage +100%

additional Effect: Invisible suit (Active)

"Woww, not only the status has changed, the content has also increased a lot, and now I have become a cultivator at 2 body tempering, hahaha, yesterday I was still a tramp and now I'm already on the immortal path hahaha, GM TOOL is indeed GG !!"

Oh yeah, now my soul power has increased by 15 and become 19, will my recharger only be 15 or 19? I'd better check first." Frenz then checked again the rules for using GM TOOL in the "help" option and looked for notifications about using soul power, there he found the rules for using it. [Please note: Using GM TOOL is based on the amount of soul power, to avoid damage on your soul, it is recommended to recharge not exceeding your soul power limit. The calculation of soul power usage is reset every 24 hours and/or when you level up. Soul damage that occurs due to excessive use of recharge is permanent and not guaranteed.... bla bla bla...] After reading the usage instructions carefully and repeatedly, Frenz began to understand how to use the GM Tool "So every day the number is reset, and every time you level up it resets, hmmm it looks like I've missed my chance do a recharger from level 2 to level 12, but never mind, should be grateful because every day can be recharged.. hahaha". "Let me see what can i get today. I don't have any skills and cultivation techniques yet. Let me first search for existing cultivation techniques." Frenz also entered the keyword cultivation technique and then a list appeared for cultivation from the lowest value to the highest value.

[Lazy Tiger Stance (Yellow Grade) 0.2 SP]

[Lord Monkey Stance (Yellow Grade) 0.2SP]


[Almighty Devouring The Heaven Art (Ultimate Grade] 50 Million SP.

"My godness.... 50 Millions? When will i be able to get it? Frenz also focused his attention on techniques with a price of 19 SP.

[Yin Yang Tempering Stance (Earth Grade 19SP]

[Black Tortoise Secret Art (Eart Grade) 19SP]

[Primodial Chaos God volume 1(Earth Grade/Ultimate) 19SP

[5 Elements Unification Art (Heaven Grade) 19SP]

[Heart Flowing True Meaning (Heaven Grade) 19 SP


After reading everything carefully along with the requirements. Frenz chose Primordial Chaos God Volume 1.

[Primary Chaos God]

The body cultivation technique created by the god of origin, can only be used if one is still at the body tempering stage and is divided into 3 volumes, Volume 1 can be used until one reaches the Saint stage (level 70). The cultivation process is quite complicated because it requires chaos qi or materials with chaos qi. Not recommended if you don't have enough resources. Users who learn Primordial Chaos God cannot learn other cultivation techniques until the user learns its 2nd volume. Cultivation effect: when body tempering is level 7 and the body can absorb yuan qi from nature, the body will naturally transfer yuan qi into purer chaos qi and forge the body to be stronger than usual. Warning: the ratio of absorption of yuan qi to chaos qi is 1000: 1 , remind yourself if you don't have enough resources don't learn this technique.

"This technique is so OP but so cheap?!, well, I can understand why this technique is so cheap, it's like buying a luxury car with a super discount but the maintenance cost is very high"."Fortunately I have GM Tool, so no need to worry about the resources. I'll just choose this one, for fighting skills i may pick it later, anyway right now what I really need is a cultivation technique to quickly get stronger." After selecting the Primordial Chaos God Technique and clicking "sent", within his consciousness appeared a gigantic figure that stared at Frenz giving him goosebumps, the giant became light then merged with his consciousness and showed Primordial Chaos God's cultivation process. "ughhhhh", suddenly Frenz's head feels dizzy and heavy, he immediately deactivated his hide suit then immediately rushed into the cave to meditate.

After meditating for several hours, Frenz was able to stabilize his mind and consciousness. "It seems I can't use this technique yet because I don't have the materials needed, for today I will continue to take only awakening pills, even though they are not too effective but it's a waste if you let them". Instantly he took out the remaining 9 awakening pills and chewed them like a candy. Luckily no one saw what happened, if anyone did, maybe Frenz would have been scolded badly for eating 9 awakening pills like candy. How could he not be, 9 awakening pills could make 9 ordinary people become cultivators, even a rich family like the Kamil family couldn't do it.

After meditating for a few hours Frenz felt a significant change in his body and he felt if he had broken through. Sure enough after checking his status, frenz was already at stage 3 Body tempering.

"Hahaha, it seems I can already use the Primordial Chaos God to cultivate"

He immediately opened the search panel and searched for material with the keyword chaos qi

[Chaos Dream Grape 56SP]

[Chaos Stone 30 SP]

[Chaos Breakthrough Pill 500SP]

[Devil Chaos grass 25 SP]

[Infinity Chaos Fruit 240SP]

[Star Dust] 20SP


In the end, Frenz could only choose Star Dust which had a bit of chaos qi to use as a material, because even though his soul power had increased to 21, none of them were suitable for use with a value of 21, so Frenz chose Star Dust and bought some equipment such as clothes, some tools and cooking spices for him to use in his daily life.

[Star Dust]

The dust from outer space that contained fire qi, light qi and a bit of chaos qi. Very good for forging weapons and equipment, it can also be used for cultivation for people who use fire techniques and light techniques. Very high quality material.

After pressing "sent", a bottle filled with sand appears in front of him which glows bluish-red and sometimes turns white. "How do I use this dust?, ahh, it's better if I cook first, since yesterday I didn't eat, my intestines have started to rebel". Frenz also started grilling the meat he got yesterday to consume before he started cultivating.