
(I Stole and re-wrote)Naruto: Kokushibo Template System

Original novel by Demon_Asmodeo (https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4318777614?appId=10) Orignal novels Synopsis: 'Obtain the First Upper Moon Template and reincarnate in the world of Naruto to reach the pinnacle of the sword and rule in the world of Naruto.' I am re-writing someones novel without asking so I'm letting you all know that; I lay claim to no credit for anything but what I changed to order to fix mistakes I had notice while reading the original. After all, I'm only doing this to improve my own proofreading skills and make the original fanfic better as it has a lot of mistakes in its grammar and spelling.

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14-Kakashi saves day or well......Asuma

*Metal clashing sound*

Naruto opened his eyes with surprise seeing a kunai hit his blade, causing it to miss the killing blow and instead only make a shallow slice on Asuma's neck.

Kakashi had rushed with great speed to save Asuma from dying.

"I guess I was right to worry about you."-Kakashi said while looking at Kokushibo, who just stared back with surprise.

"Kakashi the copy ninja, I guess you have good speed."-Naruto said.

"Kakashi, so you came as well."-Itachi said looking at the Silver haired jonin from the corner of his eye before drawing a kunai and preparing to go for the kill.

"I was only worried about my companions, but I didn't expect you to be here Itachi."-Kakashi said turning his body towards his students brother.

Itachi moved fast. Taking some Shurikens from his robe and with great speed and throwing them at Kakashi. Kakashi reacting with great speed performed 'Water wall jutsu' to block the ranged assault.

"Not bad Kakashi, you could almost predict all of my movements."-Itachi praised. Kakashi's eye widen as before him, Itachi burst into a flock of crows.

"A clone?"-Kakashi panicked but before he could move a Kunai was stabbed into his back courtesy of the real Itachi.

Itachi then approached the weaken Kurenai who had just watched in fear as her companions fell one by one. Suddenly a Kakashi emerged from the water carrying Kurenai out of the way as Itachi's body before literally exploded.


Kisame was watching everything go down with a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. He was irritated from having to hold back, and having a prefect chance to fight as neither of his teammates seem to be able to get the kill, he moved to launch himself at Kakashi.

"Don't do that Kisame."-Itachi said looking at the shark man. Kisame stopped himself but his face seem to twist into a sour expression.

"Oh come on Itachi, now what?"-Kisame voiced his annoyance while Naruto just sighed tiredly.

"Kisame, If you fight with that man you won't come out well. Most of your moves make a lot of sound and we don't want to make anymore of a fuss as this was meant to be a stealth mission."-Itachi said in order to shut down Kisame before he built up his bloodlust.

Naruto sighed before moving to stand next to Itachi and put his hand on Kisame's shoulder as if to some how contain his fellow swordsman's will to fight.

"You know that we're not going to let you go anywhere, right?"-Kakashi's voice betrayed his words as even a child could see he was nervous and worried about continuing the fight against the akatsuki members. But Kakashi swore an oath to defend his home, Konoha so he wouldn't back down. His fellow wounded jonin Kurenai and Asuma,(Who had used his Konoha band to form a makeshift bandage to stop him from bleeding out from his missing arm) joined along side him opposing the akatsuki members.

"How about we test that resolve."-Kisame said defiantly as he drew his living sword Samehada.

"Leave them to me Kisame, I'll finish this in a second."-Itachi said staring into Kakashi's eye before closing them. His chakra moved as if preparing an ultimate Jutsu, however before he could re-open his eyes, Itachi felt a hand on his shoulder. Re-opening his eyes confused he saw Kokushibo shaking his head. Confused Itachi stared at Kokushibo with a blank look.

Thank you for your surport.

Sorry that my updates are slowing down too.

There's just not alot in the original yet and I'm unsure if I feel good engough to try writing my own ending from there.

But in order to go inactive....I'll do my best to either find another book to proof-read and rewrite or try my hand at writing fanfic

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