
(HS)OC in Classroom of the Elites fanfiction

Bad story. Bad writing. Bad fanfic. Bad updates. Beta Male MC. Bad everything. Don't read. An OC with the same Appearance as Aomine Daiki from KnB got the memories of a superhero. He entered the ANHS and become a student of Class 1-D

Art07103733 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


In the cafeteria...

Miyake and Aomine are eating together as always. You could say that they are already close buddies now.

???: "Hey, you are Aomine-kun right? Can you take a picture with us? And also some autograph!"

A group of girls from other classes came asking for his autograph and picture. Of course Aomine didn't refuse, or it would look bad for him.

???: "Thank you! Sorry for interrupting your meal!"

After giving them a few moments, Aomine finally have some peace.

Miyake: "You're really a celebrity now Aomine. When you get successful as a pro, I have something to brag that we used to hang out."

Aomine: "Maybe. I don't really think I want to go pro."

Miyake: "Huh? Isn't that a waste of talent?"

He was confused.

Aomine: "Maybe... If I have to choose my future prospects. Then I'll just have to marry a career woman, be a house raising kids. Basketball is fun, but I don't have the passion to make a living out of it."

Basketball is getting boring. At first it was thrilling learning the rules and winning against teams by a slight point gap. Now, he could score more than a hundred points each game without breaking a sweat.

He wouldn't dedicate his entire life practicing and competing. Living a peaceful life as an ordinary human is the best.

Miyake: "Then why did you choose this school?"

Aomine: "Because it is free. The same goes for you right?"

Miyake: "Yeah, I guess that alone is enough reason."

They continued their chattering about a variety of topics. They finished their food fast not more than 10 minutes.

Just after they returned the tray over the counter, something caught both of their attention.

A group of girls from Class D came to the line int the vending ticket machine. Karuizawa, along with Shinohara and the others pushed aside a timid looking girl who was at the front of their line.

Karuizawa: "Huh? Is someone there? Can't you see we're going to order? Get out of the way."

Karuizawa didn't even apologize and kept talking with the girls together with her, leaving the meek girl on the ground.

Aomine: "Miyake."

Miyake: "Yeah."

Both of them immediately went to the girl is and they lent her a hand.

Miyake: "Are you fine?"

Aomine: "Did you get hurt or something? That Karuizawa what's her deal?"

Aomine grumbled. Just because she became the Queen Bee in Class D, she's getting carried away already.

???: "Um... Th-thanks."

Aomine: "It's fine."

Miyake: "Come here, stand up."

The timid girl looked up at them and accepted their help.

By their kind words and caring attitude, the girl was moved. She still lowered her gaze though. She just realized that Aomine, a famous student from Class D is here too.

???: "It's alright. I'm not hurt anywhere."

Miyake: "You must be a first year like us right?"

Aomine: "Really, Miyake? What is your name and class from?"

Morufuji: "...I am from Class C, Morufuji Rika. I'm sorry for troubling you."

The girl bowed politely.

Aomine: "Come on don't be so formal, we're all in the same grade. Right?"

Miyake: "Yeah."

Miyake was about to go to Karuizawa and told her to apologise, but Aomine grabbed him before he could.

Aomine: "Morofuji, in behalf of my classmates, I think we should be the one apologizing to you."

Morufuji: "...It's fine. I should be thanking you instead."

And so they gave each other bows.

Aomine: "You would like to order something to eat right? Choose anything you'd like, it's my treat."

Aomine gave her a kind smile coming like it came from a grandpa towards his granddaughter.

Morufuji: "But that is... okay."

Morufuji wanted to refuse, but in the end she accepted. Aomine clearly wouldn't back down, so she would just have to accept their apology.

She ordered a not so expensive lunch set and got the ticket. Aomine just as he said paid for it.

After saying that, they bid goodbye and both of them returned to their classrooms.

Miyake: "Shouldn't we told off Karuizawa-san?"

Aomine: "That would be bad you know? I think it would be better to talk with Hirata. I don't think she would listen to us otherwise."

Thinking about it, Karuizawa holds a huge influence over the girls in Class D. Telling her to apologise now would only end to an endless spat.

Miyake: "...Okay, that should be fine. You really thought this through."

Aomine: "Nah, not really. I just don't wanna deal with girls. They're terrifying you know. It's best to leave it all to Hirata. He would handle it just fine."

Aomine learned it first hand yesterday. He caught a glimpse of the rankings in Kushida's phone. There is a list of [boys who should just die] which is terrifying. And also the conversation yesterday just made it clear.

So he decided that as much as possible, don't meddle with them or get into their bad side. Or else your hierarchy class would hit rock bottom, and become an outcast.

Aomine: "Hm? How rare..."

Miyake: "What is?"

Aomine: "Nothing. I just thought Kushida and Ayanokouji over there is talking with a senpai."

Miyake looked over and also see them.

Miyake: "It's true."

Soon they didn't bother and went back to the classrooms.

Miyake: "Didn't Kushida-san had invited you to lunch yesterday? What happened?"

Aomine: "Dunno what she's after. She asked me if I have to go out with either her or Horikita, who would I choose."

Miyake: "And what did you say?"

Aomine: "I didn't answer. It's like she secretly hated Horikita or something. Yesterday she expected to side with her if they happen to bump heads."

Miyake: "That's unexpected. For Kushida to hate someone..."




A couple of weeks passed and Aomine continued to burn all of his Internal Energy for studying every night. Since his Internal Energy capacity isn't infinite, he does have to limit himself or it will be life threatening.

At weekends he would shut in himself studying the whole day. Though he still had to take a break when he exhausted his Internal Energy.

As for his everyday life... There are some students from his senpais to his fellow

It was already Thursday, tomorrow would be the Midterm exams. The teacher ended the homeroom period and left the classroom.

Kushida: "Everyone, before you return to the dorm, would you mind listening to me for a moment?"

Kushida suddenly went to the teacher's podium gathering everyone's attention to her.

Kushida: "I know that you've all been studying a lot in preparation for the test tomorrow. I have something to help you. I'm going to hand out some papers."

She distributed the question and answer sheets to the students in the first row.

Horikita: "Test... questions? Did you make these, Kushida-san?"

Horikita was visibly surprised by this sudden turn of events.

Kushida: "Actually, these are the old test problems. I got them from a third-year student last night."

Horikita: "Old test problems? Huh? Wait, will these questions be on the test tomorrow?"

Kushida: "Yes. To tell you the truth, I heard that the midterm test from the year before last had almost exactly the same problems as this one. So, if we study what's on this test, it'll surely come in handy."

Ike: "Whoa! Seriously? Thank you, Kushida-chan!"

Overjoyed, Ike hugged his test paper. None of the other students could suppress their elation, either.

Yamauchi: "What the hell? If we had these, then wasn't it pointless to study so hard?"

Aomine: "Sigh... I totally agree..."

If Aomine had this test questions earlier, he wouldn't have to suffer studying from late at night until the early in the morning. He could just memorize all the answers and, Bam! Perfect Scores...

Kushida: "Aomine-kun, do your best on studying today!"

Aomine: "Yeah, I guess I'll do my best in the exam."

Aomine accepted the test papers from her.

Ike: "Let's keep this a secret from the other classes! Don't be scared, everyone! Do your best and aim for a high score!"

Ike shouted with joy and determination. I was inclined to agree with him. We didn't need to send supplies to the enemy. Everyone returned to the dorms with high spirits.

Horikita: "Kushida-san. Excellent work."

Horikita gave Kushida genuine praise, which was unusual.

Kushida: "Eh, really?"

Horikita: "I'd never even considered trying to use the old tests. I'm also grateful that you verified that the questions were still useful."

True. The always-solitary Horikita hadn't come up with that idea.

Kushida: "I just did it for my friends. It was nothing special."

Horikita: "Also, I think that you were correct to announce that you had it today after class. If you'd carelessly let word get out about this test, it's possible that everyone would have lost their motivation to study."

Kushida: "That was only because I received the test papers so late. If many of the same problems are featured on the test tomorrow, then everyone will probably manage to get pretty high test scores."

Horikita: "Yes. It also means that the last two weeks we spent studying weren't for nothing."

The past two weeks had probably been tremendously long for Ike and the other failing students.

Horikita: "Kushida-san."

Horikita said closing her book put it into her bag and stood up to leave.

Kushida: "Hmm?"

Horikita: "Really, thank you for everything you've done. If you weren't here, the study group would not have succeeded."

Kushida: "Don't worry about it. I just want to get into the higher-ranked classes together with everyone else. That's why I did it, and why I agreed to help with the study group. I'll help you again any time."

Smiling, Kushida grabbed her bag and stood.

Horikita: "Wait. There's just one thing I want to confirm."

Kushida: "Confirm?"

Horikita: "If you say that you'll continue working with me for the sake of our class, then I need to be sure of something."

Horikita looked straight at Kushida, who was still wearing that dazzling smile.

Horikita: "You hate me, don't you?"

Aomine/Ayanokouji: ""Hey, hey...""

Both of them were surprised by the turn of events. They perked their ears listening.

It was a drama between girl classmates, Aomine couldn't possibly miss out such turn of events. He's similar to a housewife who loves gossiping with neighbors.

Kushida: "Why do you think that?"

Horikita: "You're not answering my question because it's true. Right?"

Kushida: "Ha ha, you got me."

She shouldered her bag and lowered her hands. Kushida faced Horikita without losing her smile.

Kushida: "That's right. I really hate you."

She answered clearly, making no attempt to hide it. She was direct.

In Aomine's perspective, there is a background music that was thrilling the atmosphere. It's like watching a wife and a mistress battling it out.

Kushida: "Do you want me to tell you the reason?"

Horikita: "No. That's unnecessary. Knowing that is good enough. I can continue working with you without hesitation."

Despite what she'd just been told, Horikita spoke calmly and left. Kushida followed behind.

Aomine: "..."

Aomine was in daze.

Miyake: "Hey, what's the problem?"

Aomine: "Ah, nothing..."

Aomine snapped out of it and they both went to the dormitories with the test papers with answers.




Chiyabashira: "There are no absences today. It appears everyone is present."

The teacher strode through the classroom with a bold smile on her face.

Chiyabashira: "That's the first hurdle for you leftovers. Are there any questions?"

Hirata: "We've studied diligently these past few weeks. I don't think that anyone will fail."

Chiyabashira: "Oh my. You sound quite confident, Hirata."

Everyone wore a confident look. The teacher promptly took up the test papers and passed them out. Our first period test was for social studies. Out of everything we'd studied, it was probably the easiest subject.

Chiyabashira: "If anyone stumbles here, the other tests will be an uphill battle, quite frankly. You'll take this midterm and the final exam in July. If no one fails either test, you'll be rewarded with a vacation during your summer break."

Ike: "A vacation?"

Chiyabashira: "That's right. A dream vacation on an island surrounded by the brilliant blue sea."

Of course, the beach in summer meant the boys would be able to see the girls in their swimsuits.

???: "Wh-what is this strange pressure..."

The boys are making a serious aura within them. Especially with those perverted ones.

???: "Everyone. Let's do our best!"

Boys: """""YEAH!!!"""""

Ike howled along with the other boys. Aomine and Ayanokouji also joined.

Horikita: "Pervert."

Soon the test had started.

Period 1: Social Studies

Period 2: Japanese

Period 3: Chemistry

Period 4: English

Period 5: Mathematics

During the Period 5 in Mathematics not even several minutes had passed, Aomine raised his hand.

Aomine: "Sae-chan-sensei, I already finished answering all the exams. I don't really feel good right now, I pulled an all-nighter. Can I go home now?"

Other classmates look into him bewildered. Horikita and Ayanokouji especially made their attention focus on his test papers.

Chiyabashira: "Are you sure about that? You still had an hour left to review your answers. I don't think I need to tell you, but make sure to write your name properly."

She smirked.

The other classmates giggled at that.

Aomine: "Jeez, I wrote them like I did in the earlier subjects. Don't make fun of me Sae-chan-sensei."

Though he still had the energy to answer her

Chiyabashira: "You don't look good. You can visit the infirmary first."

She could see that Aomine's face is quite pale, and some black bags under his eyes.

Aomine: "Nah... No need... I just need a little rest, that's all."

He got his bag and put it over his shoulder lazily. As he left the classroom, everyone still couldn't get over that he already finished.

He left and went straight to the dorms. His legs and knees wobbling on the way, walking like a drunken person.

He entered his room and locked it.

He collapsed on the floor face first like a puppet who's strings had been cut.

Aomine: "Shit..."

A drop of blood falls down from his nose.

Aomine: "I went too far."





Chiyabashira picked up the test paper on his desk and observed the test papers.

Chiyabashira: 'This is...'

She skimmed through the paper, and she could tell that he perfectly used the formula and answered them correctly.

The super difficult university level problems were also answered. And from what she could tell, it was perfectly done.

Chiyabashira: 'I see... So they've bought old test questions from a senior student. I'm amazed that someone in this class could think of it, but it's even more amazing that this idiot could memorize them all. Did Horikita do something?'

Chiyabashira had checked his entrance exams and the pop quiz. His scores are barely in the passing scores. She knows about him being in a study group with Horikita, but for a huge growth like this is too shocking.

Hirata: "Umm sensei, is it really alright to leave him like that?"

Hirata worriedly asked.

Ike: "Don't worry Hirata. Like they say, idiots don't catch catch colds."

Yamauchi: "Hahaha! Yeah right!"

Chiyabashira: "I would advise you keep quiet and focus answering your exam."

With her stern warning, the class went back to focus on their exams.