

It was noon when the student dispersed after the entrance ceremony. 70–80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. The remaining students quickly formed into groups. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke. The hustle and bustle quickly died down.

???: "Hey Aomine-kun, would you like to come with us?"

???: "Yeah, we want to hear more about you. Going to nationals and winning it, you must be really good!"

???: "Can we exchange contact information?"

Girls started flocking towards him. Although not as much as Hirata, Daiki was popular with the girls too.

The boys like Ike and Yamauchi envied him, wanting to tear him apart in their imagination.

Daiki: "Ah sorry, I have plans today. I can exchange contact information though. Maybe I can join next time."

Daiki smiled bitterly. In the past he would've stuttered talking with girls like this. He wasn't really good on dealing with them.

Daiki exchanged contact information with them and the girls was happy, though it was unfortunate he couldn't go with them.

Karuizawa Kei, Shinohara Satsuki, Maya Satou, Chiaki Matsushita and others. This were the names.

Daiki was quite perplexed that a bunch of 3D girls started asking for his contact info. And all of them had quite the looks on them.

In middle school he remembered girls tend to avoid him because he looked scary, and never talked much.

Daiki left the classroom. He was already alone in the hallways when a girl suddenly called out on him.

???: "Aomine-kun! Please wait!"

Daiki: "Hm?"

It was the kind hearted girl he encountered in the bus earlier this morning.

Daiki: "What's wrong...? Um... Kushi-whatever is it? Do you want something?"

Kushida: "It's Kushida Aomine-kun. Calling me whatever is rude you know?"

She had a kind smile, while reprimanding him. Any adolescent straight young man would have their hearts go doki-doki talking with a girl like her.

Daiki: "Ah, sorry. I'm really not good dealing with girls you see. I get nervous with them."

Even though he said that, he sounds very calm.

Kushida: "Don't worry about it. Anyway could I ask for your contact info? I would like to befriend everyone, but I didn't get yours yet."

Daiki: "Is that so?"

Daichi picked up his school issued phone in his pocket and exchanged them.

Daiki: "...and there. Is it alright now?"

Kushida: "Yes, thank you so much Aomine-kun."

Daiki: "Yeah, see ya later."

After with that he left and no one stopped him.

He decided to go in the supermarket and bought some things he needed in the kitchen for the month. Afterwards he went to the convenience store to buy some necessities.

Although he didn't really need soap and stuff for his hygiene because he could use Internal Energy to cleanse himself, it was the culture of bathing that made him buy things.

Ice Queen: "My, what an unpleasant coincidence."

And then Daichi encountered the Ice Queen once again. Long black hair, cool beauty, slender build, femininely beautiful.

Daiki: "Yoh, came to buy something?"

Horikita: "Yes, just a few things. I came to get some necessities."

Despite what he said earlier about not good with dealing on girls, Daichi seems fine with Horikita.

Daiki: "Aomine Daiki. I guess we would be classmates for three whole years so I hope we get along."

Ice Queen: "You just went ahead and introduced yourself?"

Daiki: "Hey is that bad? This is the second time we talked with each other, isn't it fine?"

Ice Queen: "Do you mind if I refuse?"

Daiki: "Well your choice. I just got lectured earlier that it's rude to not call them in their names properly... Yuki-onna-san."

(Ice Queen=Yuki-onna... Literal translation=Snow woman)

Ice Queen: "..."

She was at loss for words and can't argue. Just now being called an Ice Queen is a little rude.

She sighed, apparently she changed her mind. She turned her gaze on Daichi and introduced herself.

Horikita: "I'm Horikita Suzune."

Daichi got a clear look into her, and found that she was cuter when looking at him. Although since he was so tall, it looked like he's looking down on her. She looked cut with her head raised.

The two proceeded to buy products they needed. The two of them bought the cheapest is there available.

Daiki: "I though girls would mull over the kind of shampoo they use. Surprisingly you choose the cheapest ones Horikita."

Horikita: "Well, that depends on the person, doesn't it? I'm the sort who doesn't know when you might need money."

Daiki: "Yeah, It depends to how the school evaluates us after all. Its better to prepare for the worst."

Horikita: "...I agree."

Daiki picked up things like lotion and facial wash. Though the product was unisex for to use, only girls use them, as an athlete being mindful of his hygiene is priority. Especially that he's in the middle of puberty.

He is like a housewife trying to budget the money to buy his necessities.

Daiki: "Noodle cups. They have so many kinds."

Daiki looked on the cup noodles displayed.

Horikita: "So, do boys really like this kind of stuff? I can't imagine that it's healthy."

Daiki: "I like them just fine, it's convenient way to fill up the stomach when you feel lazy cooking your own food."

Horikita: "Oh. Well, I suppose that's fine. Anyway, do you really think you should buy that? This school offers far healthier food options. Don't you think it's better to avoid eating junk?"

Daiki then returned the cup noodles to its shelf, thinking it is a waste of points. And eliminating the toxins and impurities from the junk food completely will be hard.

This body already had enough junk from the things this body ate since his childhood.

Daiki: "Hey isn't that your seatmate on your left Horikita. The one in the protagonist seat. If I recall, his name would be Ayanokouji right?"

Horikita and Daichi were also seatmates. Horikita seated between Ayanokouji and Aomine so you could say it was fate.

Horikita: "I don't want to talk about him."

Daiki: "So cold! You never know they might become your friends."

Horikita: "I disagree. Besides, I never intended to make friends in the first place."

Daiki: "Hey now. You're really acting like a Yuki-onna."

Horikita gave him an icy glare. Daichi's mean looking eyes made eye contact with hers.

Daiki might not have many friends back in middle school, but at least he would know their names.

Daiki noticed Ayanokouji making eye contact with him. Daichi nodded at him with greetings, in which Ayanokouji nodded back. Ayanokouji seems to look at Horikita, seeming he knows her too.

Afterwards that Daiki and Ayanokouji separated in a different section of the store to buy. Daichi still together with Horikita.

Daiki: "Hey. What's up with this?"

While looking around the store, desperate for a new topic, he found something strange. Some toiletries and food had been tucked away in the corner of the convenience store. At first glance, they appeared to be the same as the other items, but there was one big difference.

Horikita: "Free?"

Daiki: "I remember buying groceries in the supermarket earlier I noticed the same thing... It should be for students who used up all the points."

The bin of the cart marked with [3 items per month!], which are obviously inferior products in the store.

Daiki decided to take three items that he could use. As long as it is free, he would gladly take it.

After mulling interestingly in the free products, they lined up on the machine by the register. They presented their ID cards on it. Since they didn't have to deal with small changes, the transaction is efficient.

Daiki: "Woah, it really works like money."

Daiki while waiting for Horikita to finish, read on the receipt he got listing the items purchased and the remaining points were listed.

On the way Horikita and Daiki made conversation about certain stuff about the things they found in the school.

Daiki: "Horikita, what do you think about the school? Don't you think it's strange? If it was an anime or manga, it's like a foreshadowing."

Horikita: "You always had that analogy, it seems you really liked those stuff. But remember reality is different from fiction, you will sound stupid."

Daiki: "Jeez, I know that."

Daiki grumbled by her words. 3D and 2D girls were completely different, and he knew it well. Even the idols he's fan of are different than their real selves.

Horikita: "I won't tell you what to do, but I think it would be best to avoid wasting your money. It's difficult to fix frivolous spending habits. Once a person gets used to an easy life, they find they need more and more. When you lose it, the shock can be great."

Daiki: "I thought so. I'll keep that in mind."

Males and Females are segregated by floors. Both of them parted ways with a small goodbye.

Daiki entered in his dormitories while reading the rules and regulations.

Daiki: "So electricity and gas usage are all free? School is really too lenient."

He then started to cook himself his dinner. While inserting some internal energy in the ingredients as he cooked, it enhances the delicious taste and maximized the nutrients by many fold. It will supplement the internal energy inside a person's body.

Daiki's cooking skills are top notched in this world because of it. Even a simple dish would make Gordon Ramsay speechless.

Daiki: "So delish!"

After eating his dinner he played with his school issued phone with some mobile games and watched the currently airing seasonal animes.

When he decided to rest, he only do cross legged as if cultivating in a Chinese novel and started circulating his internal energy. This way of resting is much more efficient than sleeping.

Whatdyou thunk

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