
Chapter 7: The Truth(Edited)

Auther's note- As i said earlier, this chapter is an exposition dump. I had to think about world-building and finally was able to make one that not only covers all known media but also most of the fanfics of present and future.


In the dimly lit room, Morpheus extended his open palm towards Rohan, offering two pills. Without hesitation, Rohan quickly took one and swallowed it. He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and eagerly awaited the promised effect. However, to his disappointment, nothing happened. Confused, Rohan looked at Morpheus, who appeared just as bewildered.

"What? Haha!" Morpheus burst into laughter. "Did you actually expect something to happen after swallowing the pill? Are you an idiot? We're not in the construct, my friend. The pill was purely symbolic."

Embarrassed, Rohan confessed, "Yeah... I was just..." He trailed off, feeling a bit foolish. "Just get to the point already," he urged Morpheus, his patience wearing thin.

Responding to Rohan's impatience, Morpheus snapped his fingers, summoning a television beside him. Sitting cross-legged, he began his explanation while a presentation played on the TV.

"To begin with, let me give you an overview of what's going on. Everything that exists is part of the Omniverse, which encompasses countless multiverses and branch realities. To simplify it, imagine a plant with a single stem. Each stem represents a universe. Over time, the plant grows and branches out, with each branch representing an alternative timeline of the same universe. This branching structure is what we call a multiverse.

Now, imagine that each grown tree scatters its seeds, and new trees sprout, each with its own little multiverse. This collection of trees is referred to as a metaverse.

Finally, envision an infinite forest, with different regions composed of various types of trees. That's what the Omniverse is like."

Rohan was taken aback by the vastness of Morpheus's explanation, but he remained silent, allowing him to continue.

Long ago, there were many worlds, but most were destroyed. Even the original creator perished. I don't know all the details, but only one multiverse survived. However, not all hope was lost. Before God's demise, powerful beings were created with the purpose of building and managing new universes. Initially, they fulfilled their duty admirably.

However, after a while, these beings grew bored and trapped by their monotonous tasks. As a result, they created a machine that could continuously generate and manage new universes. They chose Earth, the prime universe and the originator of the last multiverse, as their testing ground, and it worked!

Whenever a story gained popularity among people, a new universe based on that story would be created, and events would unfold accordingly. These new worlds would generate their own stories, perpetuating an endless cycle and expanding the Omniverse indefinitely. It seemed like a perfect plan.

"But why stories?" Rohan questioned, bewildered by the peculiar approach.

Morpheus smiled and explained, "At that time, stories were simple and resembled fairy tales. They often revolved around the classic conflict of good versus evil and featured happy endings. Additionally, the worlds within these stories bore similarities to the original universe, and protectors existed within them, reducing the beings' workload. So, the 'beings' were confident that the new universes would thrive. In truth, they were just being lazy.

In reality, those 'beings' loved reading stories created by mortals because they were bored. It's important to note that, back then, stories were limited to tales of gods and kings, with only slight deviations from historical events. Let me give you an example."

"The first experiment they conducted involved spreading religious texts. As people began to believe in these texts, a new universe was created based on their contents, giving rise to real

gods who followed the script outlined in those texts. This resulted in a new world, similar to the original universe but not identical, with self-appointed protectors. The experiment was considered a success, and the 'beings' were content."

"But you see, they made a mistake," Morpheus continued. "They granted humans too much power. Initially, humans created simple stories without significant implications. However, they soon started crafting immensely powerful characters and universes, such as those found in DC and Marvel. The 'beings' were careless, and now there are entities in the omniverse equal to, if not stronger than them. All I know is that a massive war broke out on Earth, resulting in the destruction of the original universe. The machine was lost forever, and with no control over creation, most perished while the remaining few scattered and hid throughout the Omniverse."

After the great war, the prime universe was destroyed, but the last remaining multiverse remained intact, likely because it was created by the original God. And you, Rohan, are from that multiverse, or more precisely, from a universe within it.

"So you're saying I'm from a copy of the original universe? And what exactly is a prime universe? This still doesn't explain why I was sent here or why you're here," Rohan interjected, his arms crossed and his gaze narrowed.

Morpheus, once again brushing off Rohan's questions, pressed on. "We'll get to that in due time. For now, understand that the stability of the prime universe is crucial for the survival of the entire multiverse."

Regarding the impact of stories, Morpheus explained, "When a story gains popularity, a new universe is born based on that story, establishing a connection between the two worlds and strengthening them both. This process repeats for all stories, creating a vast interconnected web of worlds. If a new universe deviates significantly from its source, it forms a distinct universe. This cycle continues indefinitely."

Morpheus then delved into the side effects of this process. "The first side effect is that in worlds like yours, where there are numerous connections, the barriers separating the universes weaken. This explains why you fell through a dimensional hole that should not have been accessible under normal circumstances."

"And now, let me explain why you are in a story," Morpheus declared, catching Rohan's attention. Finally, the truth would be revealed.


To solve this problem, They sent some people from one world to another world. Then manipulated people of other realities to write stories about them by giving them visions. Then observed who was interested. Those who were interested were directly summoned or taken once they died. In some rare cases, there were people like you, who just accidentally crossed the barrier and so were transmigrated.



The 'beings' are different from one another, some are good-natured and kind while some have a twisted personalities. They search for people that they like. Most common are those who are loners, horny, and lazy. These people are easy to manipulate as they are massive egoists. Think how most isekai stories you have seen have the same kind of protagonist, especially the Waxia ones. To find someone who does not like their own world and wants something more. Those are the people they are looking for. a shitty stained canvas that they can change as they want. It makes them feel benevolent.

Humans are very unique creatures, they breed and thrive in chaos. Too much peace is very harmful to them. Ever wonder why most isekai stories come Japan? i will tell you. The Country is prosperous, with barely any conflicts. No tribal or racial conflicts, most people have a good job, home and can afford three meals a day, yet they feel that their lives are bland and become lonely and depressed. This created the 'isekai' genre, the wish to be more. This makes that county a gold mine for 'them'. Mind you this is not only seen in japan. It happens in all modern countries that have abundant food and resources.

Ever seen a tribal person committing suicide? or being reincarnated? NO! NEVER! Humans always lean towards chaos and will want just that.

This has created an unintentional bias in the universe. Popular media is mostly dominated from a few countries and so the omniverse is also more abundant in those countries. That is why most transmigrated are from Japan and no alien would ever invade Romania or Denmark  but will go for New York hehe.

The people that they choose are the easiest to control and influence. The beings disguise themselves as gods and put up a show telling them whatever they are needed in another world to become a hero or whatever but, in fact, doing good or bad means nothing, as long as the reality is safe. Some beings just observe the transmigration for their enjoyment while some sent them to save the world. Oh right! almost forgot about the powers!



You see a soul is the most vulnerable when it is fusing with a new body. So those beings use this moment to do whatever they want to the soul like changing their personalities, morality, etc. They achieve this by using a pseudo-soul, (you can think of it as a virus that can change the original soul) and fusing it with the original. You must have noticed while reading those stories that a normal guy will easily accept that they are in a new world, can become a fighting genius even if he spent all his life sitting behind a desk, can easily kill thousands, or even live for thousands of years without any difficulty. That is the reason. They are modified and enhanced without them knowing it.



The beings also give them powers which you might know as those OP systems. Some give a lot of powers while some give little, it is based on who they like more. when a soul joins a new body and is alive again, the power will manifest based on the will and personalities of the newly born transmigrator. A person who was, let's say a horny virgin in the past life will get good looks and good personality, and powers to impress the girls and can make his haram fantasy come true with girls that would never agree to be in one. He will not ask any questions and do whatever the system asks him as long as he can have his own haram, The system is directly controlled by one of those beings thus influencing the person and the reality itself easily.



While a suspicious person will be more cautious of his actions and not trust the system. The beings thus prefer to choose the easy-to-control ones over others just to have fun playing their very own SIMs game"



"Then what about me? what happened to my system? why is it gray?" Rohan asked shocked at the revelations looking with narrowed eyes at Morpheus.



Morpheus took a breath and continued "You fall under the second category unfortunately, people like you who transmigrate by accident and whose personality is not so desirable, The beings just give them a basic starter pack and do not look back. The pack contains a little bit of power, a pseudo-soul with the required personality, and a basic system hoping that by chance you may succeed in Protecting the universe you are sent in.



" Then where is my power? " Rohan asked. Morpheus came near him and said in a calm tone " you my friend, are a unique existence, your body that was supposed to get destroyed but it didn't. When you got the starter pack, as you had a body, the system activated and thought that you were in a new body and in danger. At that time the pseudo-soul was also trying to fuse with your soul forcefully which was already in your body so you were feeling the gruesome pain right in your soul. And so you got the skill 'Protected Soul' meaning, your soul cannot be tainted by others. Even gods.



when you were falling, You entered a time storm and so you started to age more and less. This should have killed you but your skill saved you. So your body regressed because of the time storm, And by the time you entered this world, you had already turned into a baby. But fate brought you together with the Williams."



"What do you mean?"



"What I mean is....., you were never supposed to just drop into this world. You were supposed to die and reincarnate into Cristopher Williams."






"Fate tried to fix this error by placing you with the Williams so that you can die and get reincarnated properly but the system sensed danger and used what little power it had remaining to repair your body enough to keep you alive. That is also why you became conscious after the accident as the system fully activated your consciousness ."






I apologize for the previous confusion. Here's the revised version with corrected grammar:

"The pseudo-soul that failed to fuse with your soul then moved to its designated place, inside Christopher, for a second try after you die again. But in your absence, it just grew up as Christopher. That's why he is a genius and very good-looking. The pseudo-soul still had a connection with your system. The system also believed you were in your new body, so it kept on giving you messages as such. You got the welcome message after the accident when Christopher's pseudo-soul, now a soul, protected him in the car crash. You got the message when he first activated his magic on his own when he was 6. And finally, you also got the message when his journey started. The system believed you were Christopher.

At that time, the system tried to update itself but faced an error and shut down. That is because a system, as you call it, is bound to the soul, and your skill does not allow it to forcefully modify your soul. But a system is directly connected to those beings, so it created a paradox, and your system just crashed."



Both Morpheus and Rohan were silent and waited for the other to speak.

Rohan was the first to break the silence. "No, no, no, no... so I was supposed to be inside Chris's body? What would happen to the real Chris? Am I the reason the Williams died?"

"Don't put this on yourself like that. As far as I know, it was supposed to happen, and you were supposed to gain awareness after the crash inside Chris's body, but that didn't happen. In this world, you were supposed to be born as Christopher in the first place. You were supposed to lose your parents in the car crash before starting his magical journey. Their deaths were an absolute point in time decided by the system," Morpheus answered.

Rohan's face contorted, and he said while breaking, "Wh-what do you mean the system decided?"

Morpheus thought for a second. "Your parents died in your last life, correct?" Rohan nodded. Morpheus continued, "The system decided that it would be good for character development, that you will be more inclined to be protective."

Rohan grabbed his forehead and started laughing. "Ha ha ha ha... Character development? Character development!" Rohan looked at Morpheus with red eyes and continued, "Are you fucking kidding me? FUCK FUCK! Their deaths were my fault?" Rohan was having a breakdown after listening.

Morpheus was quick to respond. He shouted, "NO, YOU WERE NOT!" This rang through the whole place and quieted Rohan as he had never seen Morpheus lose his composure. Morpheus composed himself quickly and continued, "Ahem! It was out of your control. It was not your fault."

"Okay, so how much of what I know is really Chris and not the pseudo-soul?" Rohan also composed himself. He was now really sad and worried about his little brother.

"You don't need to worry too much. It was a basic pseudo-soul. It only makes a person into a good-natured one just in case the soul it fuses is a bad apple. Your brother was a new soul, to begin with, with no personality. So, he is what the pseudo-soul was. A good person who really loves magic. He only has a slightly stronger soul. The only side-effect I can think of is he should be very basic."

Rohan was relieved by that answer.

Morpheus suddenly started to let out black smoke. He laughed and started

glowing yellow. Then the smoke stopped. "Ho ho, I don't have much time left," he said to himself.

Morpheus looked at Rohan and continued to speak. "Now for the main part, you see, powers come from the soul, and your skill will not allow any system to be bonded to it. So I have made some minor adjustments. I will use your deactivated system to make a new one that will work. Don't worry, you will love it.

You will face many dangers in the future. The being who sent you here will try to kill you if he knows about you, so I have found an OP power for you to protect yourself. But you will only get it when you become worthy. What? Don't look at me like that! It was the owner's request. I cannot do anything."

"Well, just how do I become worthy?" Rohan asked.

"You will know it when it's time. Just focus on the upcoming crisis."

"What crisis?"

"Well, this Harry Potter world you are currently in is a branch reality that will face a great calamity. If you had taken the other pill, then Christopher had to face the threat. Now, on the other hand, You have become a part of it, you like it or not.


"How do I become strong?" Rohan interrupted Morpheus and said, looking at him with fire in his eyes. He knew the most important thing now was for him to become strong.

Morpheus continued, "I will send you to another universe where you will have the opportunity to become strong. Don't worry, you can return back here."

"OK," Rohan said without hesitation.

"What if you fail?" Morpheus asked, intrigued seeing no hesitation in Rohan's eyes.

"It is not an option," Rohan said flat out.

"Hmm, good," Morpheus said to himself, but Rohan didn't hear.

"Well then, it is goodbye for now." Morpheus got up from the chair and walked to the door.

"Wait! Who are you, really? You are not one of 'them,' are you? I am sure of that. And I have a lot more questions for you."

"Well, I will tell you who I am when you become strong enough. You can ask your system anything when it activates. It has some files in it," Morpheus said as he disappeared behind the door, and the room became dark.

In the real world, Rohan woke up gasping for air on the couch, drenched in sweat. It was already morning.

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