
(Hiatus)Typical Isekai (Event. Multi-Cross)

This fanfic is temporarily in Hiatus. why? because I was too ambitious and That ended biting me in the ass. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You guys and gals already know the drill... 1° World; RWBY 2°World; (?) Ghost Rider and Scorpion Powers with eventual multi Cross

Smoking_Krab · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


"I *Huff*...Fucking *Huff*...hate my life!" And apparently, Life hates me too.

How would I know that? well, how about we ask the fucking pack of 9 Beowulfs chasing me!? seriously, how unlucky do you have to be to get hunted on the second day of Survival training!?

How did I get in this situation you might ask? well, for that we will have to do another flashback to 2 days ago...

"Ouch! you motherfucker! let me have my flashback in peace!" I shout to the Grimm who almost took a piece of my ass and was currently hunting the Huntsman.

ie; me.

Oh, the irony.

↪Flash Back↩

The professor came into the loud class filled with students and clapped loudly, attracting everyone's attention. "Okay class, Today we will do some Survival Training in case you are stranded from civilization due to one reason or another. And we will also learn how to do basic first aid in case of an emergency. So if everyone could pick up your respective weapons and follow me into the bullhead station."

A cacophony of chairs being dragged and excited chatter burst into life as people started getting up and following the teacher into the Weapons lockers.

"Oh man, I am so excited! we are finally going to out and shoot Grimm and stab Grimm and kick Grimm in their ugly faces and and... a lot of other things that we are totally going to do, right!?" Asks Shiroi, Jumping around like an excited bunny with a twinkle in her lavender eyes.

"Oh yeah, we are definitely going to, Shoot, stab, and a lot of other things." Says Mauve with a chuckle filled with mirth at his friend's quirkiness as they move along with the other students to pick their weapons.

Quickly putting the password into his own locker and getting his Sword, Rigor Mortis on his back and his gun, Prudentia, on his hip holster he turned to his partner and only friend to see her weapons, A double-edged sword named Eternal Glory and a Chainsword named Sanctus Gladius.

[Image Here and On comments]

The others also picked their own weapons, varying from Giant Axes That can become a Shotgun to a staff that through unknown means became a rocket launcher.

yeah, Remnant is batshit crazy.

Afterwards, we meet with the teacher chatting with others teachers from others classes.

"Alright everyone, get in the bullhead number 8 and I will explain the details once everyone is inside."

Once Everyone is inside and seated the professor starts speaking "Okay, So, You guys are going to be randomly dropped off into a special forest that the school owns for 4 weeks, and your main objective is to get to a 'rescue area' where our highly trained faculty will 'rescue' you and bring you to civilization. The longer you remain in the forest the higher the number of points you will gain in this test. The rescue area will be marked on your scroll and if you have an emergency and need help or just want to end the test but is incapable of reaching a rescue area you can either shoot a flare to the sky or activate the rescue button your scroll and a trained Huntsman should be on your away. do be aware that if you choose this option you will automatically be assigned zero points and you will fail the test. You can form groups with your friends and you are not allowed to hurt your classmates in any way or form, if you still do so despite the warning you will automatically fail the test. Any questions?"

The Professor is met with utter silence.

"Good, Then I wish everyone here Good Luck." and so then he sits and the rest of the trip is made in silence with the occasional talk between friends.

////////////10 minutes later/////////////

Half of the classroom has already jumped out of the bullhead, with their respective landing strategies, unfortunately, Shiroi was in this first half so he is alone for the time being until they found each other.

"Alright, Mauve it's your turn to jump, are you ready!?" The teacher shouts over the heavy wind inside the bullhead.

"Yeah, I am," I respond with a nod

"Good! Then, Go!" He signals to me and I jumped off the bullhead, the wind going against my face, giving me a euphoric feeling like the adrenaline rush through my veins and making me laugh out loud.

after a few seconds, I start to see the trees in which I pull out my sword and prepare to carve it in to halt my descent in the biggest, and thickest tree I could see with my eyes from the air.

*Woosh! Thud!*

Obviously, my arms hurt like a fucking bitch, and my sword is stuck quite deep inside the tree.

"God fucking dammit, I am never going to do this again, I seriously need a better landing strategy. Ow... but there is no time to be bitchin' about this now, I got to get my sword back." I say to myself before I enhance my upper body and try to get my sword back, after the 3 of 4 tries I finally managed to get it unstuck and ready to kick some Grimm ass.

I began wandering through the forest and slaying the occasional Grimm that comes in my way using my gun with gunpowder bullets instead of dust, and yeah, they do have gunpowder it's just that compared to dust it does less damage, so it's a matter of money really.

So after wandering for a few hours I decided to just make a small camp for the night seeing as it's starting to get dark and all students have already been dropped into the forest.

after collecting some sticks, rocks, and dry grass I lit the fire with some fire dust and prepare to sleep under the starry night after obviously searching for any Grimm around my campsite.


The next day I quickly checked my equipment and supplies and saw how I had enough food to last just one more day, maybe two if I rationalize. Afterwards, I start once again in my search for my faithful friend.

After 3 or 5 hours of walking, I decided to take a small break and rest under the shade of a tree and the sun was at its peak right now so it was really hot adding even more reason to rest.

Big mistake.

Why? well, because while I was just peacefully resting I heard the sound coming from a bush. Picking up my swords to investigate said sound I start walking to it, carefully and quietly so as to not alert whatever it is in the bushes of my presence, once I get close enough to see what it is I see two glowing red spots, staring right at me.

Without thinking too much I quickly recognize said red spots as a Grimm and swing my sword towards it, hoping to one-shot it. The Sword strikes true, and a howl of pain bursts from said Bush, along with an enormous Grimm that shouldn't by any means be able to hide inside of such tiny space.

Injured and annoyed by the attack of such an insignificant bug, it let an even louder howl towards the sky, to which my dismay is responded by several other howls.

I immediately start running in the opposite direction of the roars while cursing my bad luck.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...fuck!" I say while taking a peek at my back, which proves to be a mistake on my part because said enormous Grimm that I could recognize as an alpha bewolf followed by at least a few dozens of normal bewolfs are chasing me like mad dogs.

I start weaving in and out of the thicker parts of the forest in hopes of losing them in the trees, which works for the most part as a good chunk of the group gets lost, but not completely as there still is a lot of them still chasing me.

↪End of FlashBack ↩

By now *huff* it's been a while since I've been running *huff* but these motherfuckers just don't give up! what the hell?!

"Alright *huff* that's it *huff* I am tired of running *huff* time to show who's the hunter and who's the prey. *huff* fuck I definitely need to *huff* do some more cardio when I get back, *huff* fuck." I immediately turn around and wait for them to get close while I start to reload my gun. What? I've been sneaking shots whenever I could to help thin the herd, otherwise, there would be MUCH more Grimm.

After making sure my modified gun was loaded with all 8 shots, I get my sword on my other hand while waiting for them to arrive, and not even 2 minutes passed before they came, 4 Grimm counting with the alpha.

I start sneaking shots hoping to at least take one and surprisingly I do manage to take one, at the cost of 3 shots but still, that is one less Grimm to take care of, after that They start circling me with the alpha watching from the sidelines while the small ones starts preparing to attack me.

Once one of the perceive a moment of weakness he pounces on me, snarling and with his claws pointed at me, to which I respond by pointing my sword at it and making use of its own weight against itself seeing as it basically impales itself for a few seconds before turning to smoke.

unfortunately, that few seconds which that Grimm took by impaling itself was a bait in which I gladly fell for, the other two Grimm seeing me occupied also pounces on me. barely having time for a counter-attack I jump forward, making the Grimms miss me by a few inches before I spun and send a horizontal slash with my sword, injuring one of the closest bewolfs and sending them back towards circling me.

taking this momentarily moment of peace I aim at one of the bewolfs with my pistol and discharge all five remaining bullets in its ugly face, killing it and leaving just me, the alpha, and the other one.

I reload one more time before I jump towards the last bewolf attacking me with an overhead swing from my sword to which it gladly corresponds by pouncing on me, sword meets bone and claw meets aura.

*Crack!* *Zzzz!*

A loud crack and a low buzzing sound are made in the otherwise silent forest, followed by a thumping sound of a body falling to the ground and then the sizzling of smoke.

I hadn't noticed before but this Grimm was slightly different than the others, it was bigger than a normal bewolf yet it was still smaller than the alpha.

I and the alpha stare at it each other, its eyes clouded by infinite fury and mines clear and shining in the light of the day like an Amethyst. It finally gets up from its seated position and sends a low snarling sound at me, that I respond by putting my gun in my holster gripping my sword tighter both hands, and staring at it, unblinkingly.

This continues before a sound of a stick snapping marks the beginning of the battle, with a battlecry I start dashing at it, with my sword held firm within my hand as I prepare to slash its head off, but the Grimm had other plans because instead of pouncing directly at me like it's other brethren did he actually dodged my swing and instead clawed at my sides, making my aura flare and me lose my breath away for a moment, before I brought my sword to block it's following attack and jumping back to reassure the situation.

It takes advantage of me jumping back to retreat into the bushes, preparing an ambush, I curse at myself before cautiously looking around me, searching for it, even though it's enormous size it's quite remarkably well in stealth.

but even then skill can only get you so far before I finally got manage to spot it, I prepare to rush towards it before dismissing the thought and preparing an ambush of my own, by presenting it on my back at all times.

it doesn't time too much time before it pounces on me, its jaw wide open preparing to take my neck and snap it like a pair of twigs. unfortunately, it wasn't prepared for a counter-ambush, and for that it received a nasty scar on the form of its cracked skull/mask, taking advantage of its dozed stake I prepare for the kill before it near-instantly recovers and bites at my arm with bone-crushing strength, I screamed in pain even if my aura took the brunt of it.

I dropped my sword and just started punching its already cracked skull, widening its cracks, and making pitch-black blood come out of it before it finally released my bleeding arm, my aura working on hyperdrive to stop the bleeding before I slump on the ground as I watch it stumbling around like a drunken fool while it releases what seems to be pained whimpers before it suddenly goes still, it turns it's head at me, looking yet again into my eyes, and that boundless rage disappears to take home to a spark of intelligence, of wisdom.

We just stare at each other, clearly injured and tired from the fight. it looks at me for a few more seconds before it limps towards the forest, its black ink-like blood leaving a trail as he limps towards somewhere else.

after there are no more signals of it returning to finish the job the fatigue of running for what seems like hours and fighting finally takes its toll on my body, my eyes start to feel like the heaviest thing in the world, the edge of my vision starts fading to black as consciousness takes me away


Whew! Hope y'all liked the chap and the fight, there won't be an update for a long time...or is it? Nah I'm just joking, this chap just came so quickly because I was rather inspired by reading A RWBY fanfic called A Man of Honor, in which Jaune becomes a criminal and it's pretty good, go check it out!

Bit cringe innit?

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Smoking_Krabcreators' thoughts