
From The Top

You were so busy working your way to the top but you forgot about how I want you to just stay here with me.

"Lyon, what do you aim for?" I asked, while looking at the stars.


That's what you answered, and I never really believed you'd do everything just to have it.

You really forgot about me. Now, as I look at the city below from the top of this building you just owned, I wonder if that saying rules you.

'The end justifies the means'

I never really understood that until now. Until everyone I love and cared for only looked forward and focused on the end.

Lyon, if power is the thing you sought off, how come you forgot why you wanted it in the first place. Do you remember? Or did the top feel so breath taking and awesome that you were so smitten by it? Don't you see it's trapping you in its beauty and the cage of comfort?


Why are you ignoring my silence? Or maybe, I was screaming for a long time that you filtered the words and just mute the sounds? My throat are hoarse and my neck ache, my chest feels heavy, I want to jump from this height and feel the sound of the wind.

You were a kind soul, you were a good person, you were caring, you were compassionate and loving... but you are gone. Replaced by a stranger by my side. You kept me to remind you of who you are but from this height, from your dream... you are stolen away from me.

What does end mean? Was it worth it? Was all of the blood shed for it mean nothing? Are the ones you've crushed and surpassed different from you? Does taking away the wealth some of those people you've stolen from makes you a better person just because you think they don't deserve it? Are you any different from them?


I turned to look at you calling my name. Your voice seems familiar but strange, at the same time. As you walk near me, I turned my gazed at the city lights.

"It's beautiful from here, right?" I asked.

"Not as beautiful as you" you said, surprising a bit but I did not want to let you see.

"Come" I turned to look into your eyes, stretching my hand for you to hold.

You held it and joined me from where I am sitting. It's kinda dangerous to be sitting here 'cause we might fall if we're not careful.

You are still holding my hand yet I feel only the coldness of the night. I had always enjoyed your company and the feel of your hand but it's different now. You are different or maybe, I am. Was all of these a dream?

The moon shines so bright in the sky, yet the sky still looks purple in my sight. The stars are wonderful and yet I feel you're there and not here beside me.

"I'm sorry" you uttered those words. Seems like a thousand year had passed when I heard you say it.

"Are you happy, Lyon?"

"I am."

"That's good, then, for you" I said and felt like floating. Who am I kidding here? Haven't I been enraged a while back? Why am I calm talking to you now?

I released my hand from yours.

"Do you still love me?"

I wanted to yell at you that I still do despite the strangeness and the rage I held within me, for you. As I look into your eyes, the tears fell and you were you again, the same person I fell into a long time ago.

"I'm sorry, Lyon."

"Why?" you asked "I'm the one who said it first" you paused and touch my face "I can never turn back time but I'm here now, I'm here now, Rana".

What are you trying to do? Would you fall back again for me? Would it change anything?