
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs


" before I was rudely interrupted " said Lydia while looking at me where she met my unamused face she continued " I was inviting my new best friend to my party that's being held this weekend " I zoned her out as she and her boyfriend started bragging about something

Wanting nothing more but to leave this place, I looked at Malia and Allison who for some reason never left embrace

" do you 2 wanna go? " I asked interrupting the duo. Malia said yes while Allison looked at me for a bit before she accepted Lydia's invitation. Looking back towards the duo

" there you have it " before they could reply I turned around and started walking away with Malia, Allison went to follow us when she pulled away by Lydia, glancing in the direction we left she let herself be pulled


Finding myself on a bench, I started forcing myself to calm down which was met with resistance and I felt my claws started to grow out making me frown when I felt Malia grab my hand

" what is up with you " asked Malia staring into my eyes, staring at her I found my erratic emotions calming easier, making me smile at her before I started chuckling

" hahaha nothing much, I'm sicker than I thought and it caused my powers to do something I'd rather it not do" she grabbed my arm and waited for me to continue when we were interrupted once more, I'm starting to think that's the theme for today

" you have powers? like magic and such? " asked the newly arrived Allison, I looked around and noticed Lydia on another bench close to here then I felt hostility towards me and turned around to notice that Scott and Stiles just showed up in their gear

Finding myself calming down much faster with them both around, clicking my tongue in annoyance I decided to change my plans, tapping the spot next to me for her to sit I pulled Malia closer making Allison freeze for a moment before she sat somewhat close to me

" you know you're poorly informed for someone who comes from a family of supernatural hunters " I said looking teasingly at Allison, she looked at me confused by my statement, shaking my head at my confirmation at her really not knowing anything

" so you really don't know huh " pulling her closer to my side, I looked across the field towards Scott who was trying to listen in on our conversation and released a high pitched growl causing him to stumble making Stiles look at him worriedly. Turning my attention back to Allison

" haven't you wondered why they sometimes act to strange? or why you move around so frequently? " what I said made her look at me intently as she nodded her head

" well for one I can say they moved here so they could kill my father in law" I replied while glancing at Malia who was watching the match going on

" you...your father in law? " asked Allison glancing between Malia and I, making Malia stare at her for a moment before she flashed a slight smile

" yes your parents most likely moved her to hunt Malia's father " I replied nonchalantly, Allison gasped in surprise before she started frowning

" why would they hunt him? " she asked making me smile

" because he's not currently sane.....something we share in common at the moment " I murmured under my breath but with their close proximity I'm sure they both heard

" any how so Malia's father is an insane alpha werewolf while your family hunts such beings, following along ? " I asked looking at her, her brows were furrowed as she processed what she heard, not surprising, I'm sure the only reason she didn't straight out call me crazy is because of our connection and her own doubt

" do you have proof that anything you said could be real, I mean it could all be a coincidence " she said looking between us, when suddenly Malia sat up and grabbed her face and her look at her before he eyes started to change, the only reason Allison didn't sit back in surprise is because of Malia's grip on her face

" well there you go, if you want more proof, when you go home today , tell your father that there's a pack in town and watch his reaction " I replied while stifling my laugh at what just happened. Allison nodded her head while looking weirdly at us

" but !!" I said suddenly in a serious tone making them both look at me " if you do tell them we may become enemies in the future " I said while looking at her as my eyes started to change as I stared into her. I was expecting to see fear or disgust but she just looked at me confusedly

" I don't understand why we would become enemies? " before I could reply Malia burst out laughing, she looked mockingly at Allison before she started speaking

" that's because some of your family members, burned down a house full of my family members, killing those who were wolves or humans alike, the only ones who survived your families massacre would be my father, and my 2 cousins, one of which is his next pack member " I raised my eyebrows when I saw Malia looking coldly at Allison who was pale at what she just heard

" like you just heard, we are what your family usually hunts but my pack is to strong for your family to ever cause problems to but I won't stop them from tearing your family apart " I replied while looking at Allison who grew paler

" relax, that's what would have happened until you became one of us " she looked at me confused after she relaxed somewhat

" I know you can feel it " I said while tracing my finger along her face before I raised her chin so she looked into my eyes " that unnatural attraction towards me, that pull that makes you just want to be at my side " I replied bringing my face closer towards hers

" you share the same connection I have with Malia and for that I'll give your family one chance " said while looking at her before my head snapped in a certain direction before I looked back towards Allison

" leave my pack alone and they get to live, cross that line and their blood will stain the forest, your father is the only one I'll spare if it comes down to that "

I got up surprising both of them, before I bent over and kissed Malia before I looked at Allison before I turned and left

" enjoy your first day ladies, I have something to do "


Derek Hale *

I returned to my home town chasing after my older sister since I haven't heard back from her since she came here to investigate something. Walking through this town brought back painful memories for me but I ignored them as I made my way to our old home

I was surprised when I got there before that turned to rage since someone was fixing up and living in our home

I rushed inside coming across several scents before I found one that I was familiar with and followed it upstairs where I came across my older sister shirtless while looking at what looks like a partial tattoo of a red moon on her shoulder which drew my attention and I step heavily on the floor boards which drew her attention and she looked towards me

" Derek why are you here? " when I was about to reply we heard some heavy footsteps and I smelt that scent that was all over this house

Turning around I came face to face with a tall silver haired man but what drew my attention was his red eyes

" move " I heard him speak and I unconsciously stepped aside, I only woke up when he stepped towards my sister and pulled her into his embrace, I was confused until I saw him open his mouth and bit down on her shoulder

" dammit let her go " I growled as my features morphed and I jumped towards him only for him to back slap me sending me across the room leaving me stunned

I was awakened by a pained roar which caused my pupils to widen in fear, I looked up and saw the man kneeling on the floor while grabbing his head with my sister looking worriedly at him before he suddenly raised his head and released a roar which shattered the windows and shook the entire house before he collapsed

I didn't know how long it lasted but when I recovered I noticed I was bleeding from my eyes, nose and ears, not paying much attention to that looked for my sister, who was sitting on the ground holding that man in her embrace while looking like she wasn't even affected

stumbling towards her I spoke in a hoarse voice

" who-who the hell is that? " she just raised her head and looked towards me but what she said left me speechless

" my alpha "

this morning before I went to bed I thought up and explanation for all your complaints

But when I woke up I stopped giving a fuck

Enjoy the chapter

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts