
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs

Explanations and Training

Thinking that something was better than nothing, he took off what's left of his shirt and threw it to her reluctantly since he was enjoying the view. Looking at him cautiously, she slowly caught the shirt and tried putting it on

Casually sitting down in front of her, he decided on his actions as he looked at her before shrugging and going with the flow

" can you speak? " I asked when I saw she was partially covered, much to my annoyance, but she didn't answer but kept looking at her hands and body in confusion before she looked towards me before I heard her speak in a hoarse voice

" who are you....? "

" I'm Christian, no last name for the moment, do you remember who you are ? " I asked trying to see how much she remembers

" my name.....my name is Malia " she replied to me while she looked unsure

While she was going through her inner turmoil I was deciding if I'm going to fuck up the story or not...fuck it who likes the original anyway

" would you like me to tell you who you are? " I asked as I crouched before her looking into her eyes after she snapped her head towards me. She gripped my arm with enough strength to probably crush cement but I hardly felt it

" your name is Malia Hale, your mothers name is Corinne and your father's name is Peter Hale " I stopped so she could process what she heard and when I saw the confusion on her face I continued

" when you were born, you stole some of your mothers strength which caused her to resent you. So she took your father's memories of your birth from him so he doesn't even know you exist. She put you up for adoption, where you were adopted by the Tate Family "

When she heard what I saw the glow in her eyes returned as she grabbed her head as she stared at the car behind me, memories of that night were probably flashing in her head, deciding to finish my story I continued

" one night your birth mother decided to try to regain her powers by killing you, so she shot at you and your adoptive mother and sister which caused you to crash. In your fear and confusion you changed- " before I finished she continued on her own in a sobs

" a-and I-I- I killed them " she broke down in tears as it all returned to her devastating her

Sighing inwardly I pulled her into my embrace and let her grieve, as she clutched onto me tightly, I ignored her claws that dug into my skin.....maybe it was my repayment for what I just did

When I felt her stop crying , I pushed her away softly before I made her look at me

" so what do you intend to do? stay here and just wallow away or do you want to rip off her head for what she did? " I asked causing her to look at me strangely as she thought over my offer

I just remembered that I was never good at comforting people, oh well, purpose achieved i guess

" I-I want to make her pay " I heard her softly mutter breaking me out of my thoughts

" how are you going to do that when you're so weak? " I asked trying to see how determined she was. She grabbed my arms tightly in frustration before she looked at me

" I'll find a way even if I die " he response surprised me since I thought she would just ask me to help before I remembered how stubborn she was which made me grin as I felt that urge bubbling up in me once more trying to rush out causing my features to change and my hold on her becoming tighter

" how about this you join my pack and I'll give you the strength and support you need ? " I whispered into her ear, I felt her tense before she nodded. I opened my mouth before I bit down on her shoulder pushing my blood into her purifying the shitty bloodline of hers.

Unknown to either of them at the moment, a tattoo of a blood moon appeared in the center of her back


Malia jumped up before she started observing her surroundings, wondering where she was and where Christian went before she felt warm breath on her neck and she froze since she didn't even notice whatever it was presence before it breathed

Turning around slowly, she came face to face with a 7 foot wolf with blood red eyes staring at her calmly before she looked at it's fur, mostly sliver with black streaks, it reminded her of Christian's hair.....

When she was about to speak, she watched a blur appear next to wolf before kicking it away before plopping down beside her and throwing clothes on her lap

" how are you feeling " asked Christian when he saw her dazed look before he chuckled softly when she looked at him inquisitively. Understanding what she meant I took time to explain the basics to her and how she was in my mindscape so she didn't have to worry about time before I was knocked over and someone took my place

" so...so I have a huge coyote in my head? " Malia asked after a few minutes. Spitting the grass out of my mouth I looked angrily towards myself which he ignored before he finished explaining

[ yes and no. For you were born a werewolf, you're practically already fused hence you're ability to transform completely but you still have to fight and win to be complete. Right now your fusion is incomplete]

" so.....how do I get stronger? " she asked looking between us

" the best way to master your abilities is through a fight, when you're not fighting this beast will answer any supernatural questions " I replied while pointing at my wolf self " while I will train you to not just swipe your claws like a fool and how to blend back in with humans "

I got up and and offered her my hand before I lead her a bit away from where we were before I reached out and turned her around before I put her hair in a pony tail. She looked at me confused which made me unconsciously cup her cheek and smile gently at her

" just fight, you have us here to help you, so don't worry about anything " I told her before I walked away and sat down next to myself, she was confused about what to do next before she heard growling coming from behind her....

you wondered if I'm going harem or n ot, idk whatever happens happens

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts